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  1. emerica789

    Glass Cats

    It is white instead of clear, I have a feeling we did not quarantine our new fish long enough and they caught something from our LFS. *kicks herself in the butt*
  2. emerica789

    Glass Cats

    I have read that glass cats are extremely sensitive, I have also looked back at previous topics to see if they answered my questions, but they did not. We have 2 glass cats, we bought them like 3 months ago and gave them vertical plants to hide in, they were happy and bobbed with the water and...
  3. emerica789

    20 High Tank/stand/light Plus Extras

    What part of PA are you from?
  4. emerica789

    Yellow Panchax Killi

    Thanks guys, I am still pretty new at this and am quickly learning to research species a little more before putting them into my tank!!
  5. emerica789

    Lets Hear Your Betta's Names

    Izzard, after Eddie Izzard, the executive transvestite, cause he's so pretty.
  6. emerica789

    Yellow Panchax Killi

    Benjamin Linus, our killi has outlived a lot of tragedy in our tank, he just hangs out around the surface and eats a lot, but today we bought 3 harlequin rasboras and he snagged the smallest one and was trying to eat it tail first. My boyfriend was nervous he would choke so he took out the...