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  1. R

    Why Is My Fish Floating Belly Up?

    I will try to keep this short. I had two goldfish that I got two years ago. Recently, one of them began floating kind of upside down from time to time. About a week after this behavior began, he died. I promptly removed the remaining fish from the aquarium and placed him in a different aquarium...
  2. R

    Post Pics Of Your Bettas Want To See Whats Out There As I Want One

    Thank you all for the compliments and the suggestion for giving him a name... I have only had him for about four weeks.... if he makes it another four weeks I may consider giving him a name.
  3. R

    Post Pics Of Your Bettas Want To See Whats Out There As I Want One

    here is my betta... he doesn't have a name... I don't name my fish.
  4. R

    Help Me Before I Kill Another Betta!

    black fin tetras, rosey barbs, red eye tetras, and neon tetras I didn't think about that..... my tropical aquarium is a 30 gallon. Thanks for all the advice and opinions! Believe it or not I really don't have room for anything larger than what I have in the room I have it in. I guess if I...
  5. R

    Help Me Before I Kill Another Betta!

    Thank you for the help...... will try to do more frequent water changes and will change 50%.... I really don't have room for another large aquarium which is why I got the betta in the first place.... I thought I could manage to keep one fish happy in a smaller aquarium.... I wonder how he would...
  6. R

    Help Me Before I Kill Another Betta!

    fish has been in his tank three weeks now.... I try to do water changes every three or four days... change approximately 25%
  7. R

    Help Me Before I Kill Another Betta!

    tank size 1.5 gallon.... set up with water from my well established tropical aquarium.... I was assuming this would make my new tank "cycled" not heated not filtered but aerated water temp appx. 70 degrees will test water tomorow no tank mates thank you!
  8. R

    Help Me Before I Kill Another Betta!

    I will do the water tests tomorrow and will post.... last time I checked the PH was 7.2 and the temp is about 70 degrees.... i know the temp is probably a little lower than the fish likes but he is by himself in a small aquarium that does not have a heater.
  9. R

    Help Me Before I Kill Another Betta!

    Here's the story... I got my first betta a few weeks ago and he never would eat and about a week later he was dead.... decided I would try one more betta so I bought another one.... after giving him about an hour to acclimate to his new home I dropped in three Top Fin Betta Bits... he ate them...