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  1. C

    Who Do The Fry Belong To ?

    Thanks ! They are doing well, unlucky number of 13 but going good. They are eating well and have got alot bigger. Just wish i knew what they were :shout:
  2. C

    Where Has My Snail Appeared From ?

    lol thanks for all of that but can anyone now let me know about the apple snails ? :shout:
  3. C


    Take a trip to Wales, they are 5 for £3.50 :good:
  4. C

    Who Do The Fry Belong To ?

    Thank you ! They seem to very active, eating well and have grown since they were born. Fingers crossed. I now have them in their own tank which is 20L, cycled, with plants and sponge filter. Will it be ok to put the new fry in here as well? (when they decide to arrive)
  5. C

    Where Has My Snail Appeared From ?

    Oh, i dont feel so cruel now then lol. Is that the same for apple snails too ? Do they pollute and carry disease?
  6. C

    Where Has My Snail Appeared From ?

    I have 2 apple snails in my main tank but i thought these ones were the little sods that people moan about! Oh well i'll just have to keep my eyes open for more now and this time i'll keep them. Thanks for the advice
  7. C

    Who Do The Fry Belong To ?

    Looks like i better find a tank from somewhere then! My breeder net is quite large though (roughly 6" square) but i want to give them the best start. I do ahve a 20L tank but i have my pregnant guppies in there at the moment and will be overstocking main tank if i move them. Be needing a fish...
  8. C

    Where Has My Snail Appeared From ?

    Thanks for that. I have decided to dispose of it as I got unexpected fry and looks like more on the way so I decided to do without the snails especially as I found 2! :unsure:
  9. C

    Where Has My Snail Appeared From ?

    Hi, Im just wondering if anyone can help to solve where a mysterious snail has come from. I have a 30 litre tank that I am using at the moment for my pregnant guppies. I put a few handfuls of new gravel in today and some natural fern that was bought from the pet shop and in a sealed packet...
  10. C

    Who Do The Fry Belong To ?

    Well my fry are still alive :good: They are still white with slight marble effect markings so i am guessing that they do belong to the molly after all. The survivors of the 1st ones found are darker and must be guppy fry as the molly was not in the tank then. They are all in a breeding net...
  11. C

    Who Do The Fry Belong To ?

    Thanks ! Im really confused now though because this morning i have found 7 more fry ! (but lost 2 of the first lot) .The tank went through a gravel clean yesterday too so I dont know where these have been hiding :unsure:
  12. C

    Who Do The Fry Belong To ?

    Thanks for that Laurafrog. I have been looking at mollie fry and can see that they are much bigger than ours. It was sad to lose the mam but she left us with a pleasant surprise. Is it common for a guppy to die during/after birth ?
  13. C

    Who Do The Fry Belong To ?

    Hi, Im just looking for some help off somebody to identify my fry?. On Thurs evening I noticed my female guppy had her tail bitten. She had a dark gravid spot but wasnt particularly large. On fri morn she was found dead in th tank. Very late last night 1 fry was spotted in the corner of the...
  14. C

    Is She Pregnant?

    Thank you so much. As you can see at the start of my thread we had a disaster in the tank and we have lost almost all of our fish (she was our only female guppy left). Our main tank is going through the cycle process now. We have 4 pearl danios left, 2 neons (which im not expecting to live) 2...
  15. C

    Is She Pregnant?

    I'm sad to say that my guppy died throughout the night. Thanks to everyone who replied to my thread and gave me advice throughout the last few days
  16. C


    Yeah, thanks for that, I just got one on eBay for £15 delivered, so will put to good use ASAP. Short update: Babies are doing fine in main aquarium, with water tests for them at low ammonia, low nitrite/nitrate. Hospital tank is getting thinner and thinner, neons dropping at about 2 a day, prob...
  17. C

    Is She Pregnant?

    I only have the one female at the moment with 2 male guppies. I know you are meant to have more females but I got them all in a hospital tank now as we lost alot due to a water problem/illness and cant add anymore until they are back in the main tank. When i bought the last females the lady in...
  18. C

    Is She Pregnant?

    Ok, thank you. I did put her in there for a few hours last night as she was being chased by the male in the tanks but I removed her as she didnt seem happy. Refused all food and hardly moved except for darting to otherside once or twice. Back in main tank now and doing fine. Just hope I catch it...
  19. C

    Is She Pregnant?

    Thanks for that. I don't have mollies at the moment, we are thinking of getting them next (once the tanks has cycled and we have more luck)! I havent got a spare tank at the moment as its being used as a hospital tank - main tank is being cycled so she cant go in there. Will she be ok in the...
  20. C

    Is She Pregnant?

    Hi, that pic was taken today but she does look a little smaller in that to what she really is ! From front view she looks rather square. She is hovering quite alot and like i said in an earlier post she is in a hospital tank at the mo and is being hassled quite a bit by the 2 males in there. Do...
  21. C

    Is She Pregnant?

    Thats good news...thanks
  22. C

    Is She Pregnant?

    Thanks again for the advice. She has been with males. I have only had her 10 days. I am am a little worried as we had a disaster in our main tank resulting in quite a few deaths (my very pregnant guppy being 1). We moved surviving fish to a hospital tank and had to treat them. Do you think...
  23. C


    Well people, it's a good old fashioned case of Sod's Law, I'm afraid. Not long after I had posted the morning's note about everything is seemingly okay, I lost the last Dwarf Frog, 1 Guppy that we had seen okay only an hour previously, 2 neons and discovered that the BGK had taken in another...
  24. C

    Is She Pregnant?

    Hi, I have noticed that this female guppy has gotten bigger since I had her. She is bigger than other females, so is she pregnant? From front on she is very square to look at, which these pics don't do her justice. If anyone can tell if she is and how far she has to go, I'd like to know. Thanks.
  25. C

    Is She Pregnant?

    Thanks to both of you for your information. I thought she was pregnant but I just seem to be waiting ages for it to happen ! I will take a look at the other section. Thanks
  26. C

    Is She Pregnant?

    Hi, I have noticed that this female guppy has gotten bigger since I had her. She is bigger than other females, so is she pregnant? From front on she is very square to look at, which these pics don't do her justice. If anyone can tell if she is and how far she has to go, I'd like to know. Thanks.