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  1. F

    29 Gallon Stocking Question

    Thanks neont3tra its so hard to chose what i want in my tank especially when the tank is only 29 gallons i wonder how people with 20 gallons or less feel :S. [/font] Ive heard that sharks are not aggressive if there are plenty on hiding places for them to refuge in. i've had experience...
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    Help Urgent Plz

    well off the descrption you gave it sounds like swim bladder disease, whats your water quality like? i'd fast them and not feed them for a few days sometimes this alone will break up the impaction and return things to normal, or you could feed them peas, never tryed it but i heard it works.
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    it looks like you have a school of zebra danios and neon tetras and 2 rainbow fish. 75 litres is about 20 gallons if im correct? unless you plan to get a larger tank a cat fish or a shark will out grow 20 gallons, depending on which shark, bala shark or rainbow shark are both equaly aggressive...
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    29 Gallon Stocking Question

    thanks caboose_122, the reason why i chose an albino rainbow shark is cause i heard its less agressive and more passive then just an ordinary rainbow shark (any one wanna comment on that?). And i read about tiger barbs being fin nippers also so i'll take your advice on that. Im thinking about...
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    29 Gallon Stocking Question

    any one? i feel at home here almost a half an hour and no response. :P
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    29 Gallon Stocking Question

    im not a newbie to fish keeping at the moment i have a 20 gallon long goldfish tank thats been set up for about 2 years now, before that i've kept tropical fish and failed miserably but im decideing to go back and this time i've done my homework :good:. Currently i have a 29 gallon tank and im...