Search results

  1. codeajohnson

    Wanted: Riccia

    Hello Everyone, Just looking to buy some riccia from someone since it's so hard to find online stores that carry it. Please PM me if you have any for sale! Thanks!
  2. codeajohnson

    Kribs And Bolivain Rams

    I tried to house kribs and rams in my 55 gallon tank earlier this year and the kribs took the whole bottom of the thank as their territory. In turn the rams were forced to stay on the top of the tank all day and were stressed out of their mind. So, I would definitely vote no.
  3. codeajohnson

    Stocking List

    Thanks for the replies! My tank is pretty heavily planted, with enough plants and driftwood to break up the line of site; so hopefully I will be all right with the 4 rams. As for the cardinals, I was actually leaning towards them since I have heard that they are hardier than neons. Thanks again...
  4. codeajohnson


    Hello Everyone, Title kind of says it all. Just wondering if anyone knows where I could find some Riccia? Thanks for any replies.
  5. codeajohnson

    Stocking List

    Thanks for the replies! All right, I think I will do the BN plec then! Being that common plecs are pretty common (hence the name), is it likely that my LFS will take one in or is that a fat chance? As for the Neon/Cardinal thing; I was just unsure of which one I wanted to get. But thanks for...
  6. codeajohnson

    Stocking List

    Thanks for the replies. So, the common plec would be the only problem?
  7. codeajohnson

    Stocking List

    Hello Everyone, I was wondering if this stocking list would be all right for my 55 gallon aquarium? -15 cardinal/neon tetras (not sure which yet) -15 galaxy rasboras -6 khuli loaches -6 bandit corydoras -4 german rams -1 common plec Would this be too much for a 55 gallon tank? It is heavily...
  8. codeajohnson

    Sexing My Rams Please

    Well thats good! Hopefully someday you will actually get to raise some fry!
  9. codeajohnson

    Sexing My Rams Please

    Hey Gilli, I was just wondering if you ever got fry out of your eggs. Because I have heard of instances where two females will lay eggs just out of instinct even though they wont hatch. Just wondering if this is the case for you or not.
  10. codeajohnson

    Drop Checker

    Hello Everyone, I just had a quick question about the placement of a drop checker. I ordered mine off of ebay and it came with minimal instructions so I wanted to make sure I do this right. It tells me to put tank water into the drop checker up to a certain line, add a two drops of indicator...
  11. codeajohnson

    Stocking Around Rams

    Hello everyone, When I moved back home from college I sold all of my fish to the LFS there and have now set a tank with heavy plant cover and I was wondering if anyone could help me stock the tank. It is a 55 gallon tank, and is currently home to 3 khuli loaches and 1 common plec. I was...
  12. codeajohnson

    Lists Of Compatible Fish

    Hello there, I would also be careful if you are using a HOB filter, because the sand grains can get sucked up into the filter and ruin it for you (causes horrible noises). Just a heads up!
  13. codeajohnson

    Please Help Me With My Pressurized Co2

    Sounds good. Thanks for the help
  14. codeajohnson

    Please Help Me With My Pressurized Co2

    Hello Everyone, All right, I finally have everything ordered for my pressurized CO2 system and I want to make sure I set it up correctly when it arrives. So, I ordered a CO2 tank (like the ones you use for a keg), as well as a regulator, check valve, bubble counter, diffuser, and tubing. I just...
  15. codeajohnson

    Sex My Ram Please ?

    I am going to vote male as well. Anal fin looks pretty pointed and is longer than a females would be. Also don't see a sign of a pink belly.
  16. codeajohnson

    Carbon In Filter

    Sounds good! Thanks for the replies!
  17. codeajohnson

    Transfering Filter Media

    Hey waterdrop, I agree with you completely that the actual media would be far more beneficial then squeezing some of the water out. I was suggesting that in addition to the media, that KaNGiX could maybe get the friend to sqeeze out some of what they are keeping, or swoosh the media in some...
  18. codeajohnson

    Carbon In Filter

    Hello everyone, So, after advice from other members I have decided to take the carbon out of my filter. I plan on using it for a 48 hour cycle at the end of every month just to remove anything that isn't needed in the tank. I was wondering if I had to throw this carbon away every time, or if I...
  19. codeajohnson

    Transfering Filter Media

    I would suggest the squeezing as well as the transport of the filter media. Also, if there are certain media that your friend still wants to hold onto, you could have him swish them around a bit in some of his aquarium water. This way he will still have plenty of bacteria left on his media that...
  20. codeajohnson

    Diy Co2 Fire Extinguisher

    Hello everyone, I have decided to go with a pressurized CO2 system instead of the nutrafin systems. I have been looking at the DIY Fire extinguisher set up and I was wondering if you can just use a CO2 tank instead, or if it does have to be a CO2 fire extinguisher. Thanks for any help!
  21. codeajohnson

    Aquarium Lighting

    Hello Everyone, I am looking to upgrade my lighting in hopes for better plant growth. I would like to have the lighting at around 2 wpg and I'm not really sure how to go about this. I have a 55 gallon tank with two 15 watt bulbs that are end to end. The problem I have run into is that I thought...
  22. codeajohnson

    Nutrafin Co2 System

    All right sounds good! Thanks again for the help, I appreciate it.
  23. codeajohnson

    Nutrafin Co2 System

    Hey Tsi_User, Thanks for the reply. I had read about this idea on the sticky thread, and it does seem like a better idea than using a t-connector, especially for the overflow reason. I have two questions about using this method. The first question I have is how do I make sure that the tubing is...
  24. codeajohnson

    Forest Wood

    All right sounds good. Thanks for all the help!
  25. codeajohnson

    Nutrafin Co2 System

    Bump. No one has any idea how to set these up?
  26. codeajohnson

    Aquarium Rocks

    Hey PrettyLittleLamb, Thanks for the reply. Sounds like a great idea!
  27. codeajohnson


    Thanks for the help everyone. Yes, I am using a 55 gallon tank. It came with two 15 watt tubes, that are about 2 feet long. They are end to end, making up close to the 48 inches in length. I am planning on trying to put riccia in my tank, as well as some swords. I was wondering if I should up...
  28. codeajohnson


    Hello Everyone, This is a pretty simple question, but I wanted to make sure I was doing this right. To figure watts per gallon, I just divide my total wattage by my total volume? So I have two 15 watt lights that came with my tank. So I would divide 30 by 55, which is about .54 wpg? Is that...
  29. codeajohnson

    Nutrafin Co2 System

    Hello everyone, I am working on setting up a planted 55 gallon tank and I just ordered two nutrafin CO2 systems to use with it. I just wanted to know if it was recommended to use the T connector as mentioned in the sticky thread. If i do this do I only attach one ladder to the third component...
  30. codeajohnson

    Spray Bar

    Hey kj23502, I think the for low aeration in planted aquariums is to make sure the CO2 isn't escaping. If there is very little disruption on the top of the water, then there will be less chance for the CO2 to escape, so the plants will be able to take it up. Hope this helps!
  31. codeajohnson

    Forest Wood

    So some sort of pine tree would be my best bet? And all bark should be removed, correct?
  32. codeajohnson

    Aquarium Fertilizer

    Thanks for the help. I appreciate it!
  33. codeajohnson

    Forest Wood

    Thanks Straydum! I knew of the test but I wasn't sure if it only tested for certain minerals or if it was an overall test. So as long as there is no fizz then the rocks are ok for my aquarium. Thanks again!
  34. codeajohnson

    Aquarium Fertilizer

    So then it would be best to use them both, a mixture of liquid and tabs?
  35. codeajohnson

    Two Blue Rams, Male & Female?

    Hey minxfishy, You have some beautiful fish! As for the sexing, I am a little confused. The anal fin on one fish definitely says male. As for the other fish I am confused because I see mixed signs. With the lack of a pink spot, and no blue specales in the black spot I would guess male. But then...
  36. codeajohnson


    Hey Chenny, I actually used to have a pair of kribs in my 55 gallon. The best way to go about it is either to get 1/2 a coconut shell; or you can use 1/2 a clay pot (either way it has to be a cave). Once the cave is set up the pair should build it up around the entrance to the point where you...
  37. codeajohnson

    Forest Wood

    Thanks for the help. I had assumed that nice dry wood would be all right since it wouldn't have started to rot. As for the rocks you put in your tank, do you use the acid test to make sure that they wont affect the chemistry of your water? Or how do you determine whether the rocks are ok for...
  38. codeajohnson

    Carbon In The Filter

    Awesome! Thanks for the help!
  39. codeajohnson

    Aquarium Fertilizer

    Hello Everyone, Just wondering if anyone had any good suggestions for an aquarium fertilizer? I didn't know if a liquid form is best or if tabs work better? Thanks for the help!
  40. codeajohnson

    Carbon In The Filter

    Hello Everyone, I was just wondering when I am actually supposed to have carbon in the filter. I have read a couple of posts that have said that the carbon isn't needed all the time; only in certain cases. Would anyone be able to tell me when I should have carbon in the filter? Thanks!