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  1. codeajohnson

    Soft Water

    Hey everyone, Looking at softening my water and I was thinking about using peat. I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with this? My main concern is that if I put the peat in the filter, the water will become too soft too quick. I also worry that it will eventually stop working and...
  2. codeajohnson

    Missing Limb?

    Hey Everyone, Just wanted to grab some thoughts on this. I bought the two newts about a month ago....and over time I realized that one of them had a disfunctional rear limb. I didn't remember seeing this before hand but that didn't mean it wasn't there. As time went by the limb seemed to kind...
  3. codeajohnson

    Top 10 Least Aggresive Chiclids

    I dont have experience with I'll list the ones that I have had that didn't show too much aggression... 1. Curviceps (by far the least aggressive) 2. Bolivian Rams 3. Keyhole Cichlids 4. German Rams (little bit more difficult to keep)
  4. codeajohnson


    umm...just throwing this out there....more cichlids?! :P
  5. codeajohnson

    Sexing Kribenses!

    I'll throw my opinion out there :)...I see one male for sure, maybe two depending on if it's the same fish in a different picture...The second picture from the top is a male (look at the tail, there is coloring on the edge of it, females tend not to have this)...Also, the second picutre from...
  6. codeajohnson

    Red Bellied Newts

    Really?! Wow...that's kind of cool :) you have yours set up similar to mine, where you have them in a tank with fish and just have some floating objects for them to get out of the water? Or did you set up a tank specifically for them?
  7. codeajohnson

    Red Bellied Newts

    Yup...that's correct. I have two floating docks set up for them. I asked at my LFS whether or not they were Chinese or Japanese, and of course, she had no idea. But by the looks of it, they are Chinese being that they rarely ever come out of the water.
  8. codeajohnson

    Red Bellied Newts

    Hey guys, Just wanted to give a heads up that I introduced 2 red-bellied newts into my tank on Thursday. So far everything seems to be going great, as no fish have tried to go after them :). Wanted to make a post because it doesn't seem like too many people have tried introducing them to the...
  9. codeajohnson

    Breeding Kribensis

    Haha...didn't plan on it. Just was saying thanks for the reply :). I'm the "better safe than sorry type"
  10. codeajohnson

    Breeding Kribensis

    Thanks for the reply Black Molly!
  11. codeajohnson

    Bought 3 New Discus Today

    Nice fish!!! Best of luck :)
  12. codeajohnson

    Krib Male Or Female?

    Yeah pictures would definitely be helpful. If not...check out some pictures online. On the male, the dorsal fin should have real nice color to it and should come to a pretty long point. Also, on the very outer edge of the tail fin, there will be a pretty good amount of color on a male. I...
  13. codeajohnson

    Breeding Kribensis

    I'm most worried about the aggression of breeding Kribs. I thought I might be able to get away with it though, being that the tank has a pretty good amount of plants which disrupt the visability. Anyone else have an opinion?
  14. codeajohnson


    I agree with Stang...I liked the layout of the first set-up but I think the sand would look best with it.
  15. codeajohnson

    Breeding Kribensis

    Hi everyone, I was just wondering if this would be an all right idea or not. Right now I have a 55 gallon tank with 15 neons, 2 curviceps, 2 bolivian rams, 2 kribensis, and 6 khulis. The kribensis are definitely 2 females and I was wondering how horrible of an idea it would be to return one...
  16. codeajohnson

    Please Help Me Sex My Bolivian Rams

    Hey everyone...I bought 2 Bolivian Rams last week and I was wondering if you could help me sex them based on this video. It starts out of footage of one Ram, then I switch to the second half way through. Thanks in advance for any help!!! :) My Bolivians
  17. codeajohnson

    Sexing Blue Rams

  18. codeajohnson

    New Blue Rams (now With Pics)

    Yeah I'm going to have to agree as well. I know you are looking at the front of the dorsal fin, but not every fish is going to fit the profile. If you look at the anal fin it is more pointed than rounded (like the female), and if you were to push it flat to the fish it would extend longer than...
  19. codeajohnson

    My Challenge

    I'm sure you'll be able to handle it. From what I've read of your posts, you are far more knowledgable than most. If it doesn't work, I'd be willing to vote that it has to do more so with nature than with your lack of knowledge or skill. But best of luck and keep us posted!
  20. codeajohnson

    Conditioning Kribs!

    I'm going to have to side with Kribensis12 on this one. Even if your second female hasn't been killed, is it really worth leaving her in there to be stressed out when the pair breeds?! Kind of a rough situation to put her in.
  21. codeajohnson

    Possible For 2 Types Of Cichlids In A Community?

    Thanks for the advice Stang!! the follow up comment doresy
  22. codeajohnson

    Possible For 2 Types Of Cichlids In A Community?

    Thanks for the other suggestions. I think I am going to stay away from Rams right now, being that I don't think I am experienced enough to have them yet. I did have some in my tank prior to this, but I returned them as I worried that I wouldn't be experienced enough. So, right now I'm looking at...
  23. codeajohnson

    Possible For 2 Types Of Cichlids In A Community?

    Wow! Thanks Colin!!! I appreciate all the options :)
  24. codeajohnson

    Possible For 2 Types Of Cichlids In A Community?

    Hi Everyone, I have a 55 gallon tank set up, heavily planted with swords. Inhabitants are in my signature. I was looking at getting a pair of Kribs to put in the tank, being that they are a hardier fish and aren't real high up-keep. I was wondering if there is any possibility that I could add a...
  25. codeajohnson

    Galaxy Rasbora Or Danio?

    Hey Pippoodle, I guess the fish is actually known under both names. When I first started looking for the fish I always referred to it as the Galaxy Rasbora...but I've seen it listed as Celestial Pearl Danio as well. Hope this helps.
  26. codeajohnson

    Santa Has Been

    Lucky lucky!!! I'm very jealous of you...especially since they are so beautiful!!!
  27. codeajohnson

    Rams Laid Eggs

    Congrads Spectrum! Here's a website on Rams and their eggs...hope this helps!
  28. codeajohnson

    Would I Be Able To Keep A Jack Dempsy...

    Agreed. Granted the tank size is definitely an issue...but the immediate issue is that the JD will destroy anything in a community tank. Never hurts to ask though right?
  29. codeajohnson

    My Tank So Far

    I am going to have to agree with doresy on this one on both points. The decorations always seem like a good idea when you first get a tank, but most people decide that a natural look would better suite the tank. I also agree with the sand comment as well, as if you have too much sand up in the...
  30. codeajohnson

    Shy Rams

    Sounds good! Just give it time...I'm sure they'll adjust just fine.
  31. codeajohnson

    What Would You Add?

    Yeah I'm going to have to agree with the idea of moving the clown loaches. Even if they are small enough to keep in the tank some point they will grow larger, in which case it will be even harder to part with them. As far as adding fish, I would suggest a schoaling fish as well. I don't...
  32. codeajohnson

    Shy Rams

    Yeah I agree...just give them some time. Also, you may just want to check your water stats to make sure that everything is looking all right. Granted, there probably isn't any correlation between them not eating and poor water stats...but it might increase the time it takes for them to relax and...
  33. codeajohnson

    Angel Rams Aka Balloon Rams

    Even though Rams pair off when they breed, it doesn't mean that they stick with the same partner always. I actually have 3 females and 1 male in my tank and in the past three days he has spawned with 2 of the 3 females. I always thought the paired off for life, until I recently found this out...
  34. codeajohnson

    Ram Sexing

    Definitely going male on this one...couple reasons. 1. Lack of a for sure pink belly 2. The anal fin has a point to it 3. The anal fin goes past where the tail meets the body 4. The first three black dorsal fins (even though are curved in the picture) are excessively large
  35. codeajohnson

    How Many German Blue Rams In A 55 Gallon?

    Well that's good to know! I thought that they would always just stick with the same mate. Thanks for the info!
  36. codeajohnson

    How Many German Blue Rams In A 55 Gallon?

    Really? Wow...I always thought you wanted to just go with pairs all the time and keep the number of sexes equal. Thanks for the advice!
  37. codeajohnson

    Sev With Ich

    I have been going through the ich phase as well. Bump up the temp in the tank to get the ich into their swimming stage (stage at which they are vulnerable)...then go at it with an ich treatment. If you have any fish that don't do well with ich medicines, I would suggest using ich attack. I...
  38. codeajohnson

    How Many German Blue Rams In A 55 Gallon?

    Hello Everyone, I have a 55 gallon tank, which is heavily planted. I was wondering if it would be possible to go with 6 German Blue Rams in the tank, as I have 4 right now but the ratio is 1M to 3F and I don't want to get rid of a female for another male. So, I was thinking about just adding 2...