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  1. H

    75 Gal Stocking

    Alright thanks for all the help guys
  2. H

    75 Gal Stocking

    how big would the blue acara get? i would be putting the tank in my main room and would want a fish that will impress my guests
  3. H

    75 Gal Stocking

    ok thats kinda a bummer but what fish would you recomend for stocking it?
  4. H

    75 Gal Stocking

    I have been thinking about purchasing a 75 gal tank and keeping some larger cichlids in it i have been looking on the internet and have decided on some fish that i would like to keep but am unsure how they would get along or if my tank would be over stocked when the fish reach full growth here...
  5. H

    Pleco Help

    I recently purchased a common Pleco to add to my large tank in hopes that it would control the alge in the tank (i have a pleco in one of my smaller tanks and he does a good job of this). I noticed after a week or so that the pleco started swimming around during the day like a normal fish even...
  6. H

    Green Terror Help

    thank you for the help ill just keep her by herself for the time being
  7. H

    Green Terror Help

    I have a 3" to 4" female Green Terror that has been laying and protecting in my tank even thought she is the only fish in the tank. I am new to keeping Green Terrors but was woundering if this is normal behavior for them or if i should possibaly look into finding a male to breed her with any...