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    Anyway To Euthanize African Dwarf Frog?

    I know it's not nice but stamping on it will have the result of an instatanios pain free death. If you care about this frog then do something about it. EDIT ; spelling
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    Does Anyone Know About.......

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    Does Anyone Know About.......

    keep some cheese in your pocket. She'll never leave your side.
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    New Tank Cycling Help?

    You need to start doing big water changes to get the ammonia level down to 0. Any ammonia in the tank will be doing lasting damage to any of your fish it doesn't kill. Read the fish in cycling artical here
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    Kaynes Pets (Lfs In Nottingham)

    Interesting thing on telly this morning about the RSPCA wo went to visit a pub who had a thin fish tank in front of the toilet cistern that made it look like to water from the tank was being used to flush the toilet. If that makes sense. The RSPCA woman said before they went in that "fish are...
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    Kaynes Pets (Lfs In Nottingham)

    I'll e mail the RSPCA (mentioning no names, places or forums of course) and see if they can clarify their policy on fish shops. Surely as a charity that is for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals they can't pick and choose what animals they rescue. I think it would be interesting to see what...
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    Kaynes Pets (Lfs In Nottingham)

    To be honest I've never heard of anyone report cruelty of fish to the RSPCA, i just assumed that it would be taken as seriously as any other crime against an animal. May be we shold start a petition on the number10 website. I didn't mean to go off on one, and apologise. Guess it frustraits me...
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    Kaynes Pets (Lfs In Nottingham)

    If i had seen these fish in such a state, I would have called them. Don't get me wrong, I admire that you have done something by telling people about them. These shops are bound by law to care for these fish though, they do have a duty of care. If these dutys are not being met then they are...
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    Natural Pets I've Inherited

    Maybe you could feed some of your guppies to the spiders.
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    Kaynes Pets (Lfs In Nottingham)

    So insted of phoning the RSPCA and at least seeing what they have to say (bacause you doubt they'll do anything) you will do nothing and leave these fish that you obviously feel pasionately for to probably die in awful circumstances. I'm pretty sure in the time it took you to write the first...
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    Kaynes Pets (Lfs In Nottingham)

    Have you told the RSPCA? Surely everyone that works at the shop is responsable for the well being of these animals. Someone should be held accountable for their health.
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    Costs Of Running A Tank?

    By being tight and making sure everything in the house is off and unplugged when not in use my bill is less now than before i got my tank (and that includes the stupid price hikes that british gas introduce every 3 weeks). Wonder if i'll be allowed another as it's obviously saving us money...
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    Missing Zebra Danio

    Are they in your filter (alive or dead)? If they are dead somewhere then you need to find them because they'll start decaying pretty quick and a rotting fish will produce a large ammount of ammonia potentialy harming the healthy fish you have left. Hope you find them DD
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    Large Tank In Apartment

    At 14kg per sq foot load wouldn't you fall through the floor everytime you walked around??
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    Chilled Out Border Collie

    Here's mine. he's black and white with a tiny bit of tan on his back legs. I think he seems to be saying "haven't you got enough flipping pictures of me?" [/img]
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    Changing Filter

    I have this filter and find it to be no problem at all, although i'm sure there are others that don't like it. There is a gap at the back but i have had no problems with fish getting stuck either round the back or on the bottom where the water is sucked in. However, take a look on ebay and you...
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    Whats Happened To My Cycle

    can't hurt can it? I had an ammonia sticking problem towards the end of my cycle and did a %100 water change (was fishless cycling obviously) and it started shifting the ammonia almost as soon as i'd changed the water and dosed it back up to 4ppm.
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    Nitrite Spike In Fishless Cycling Tank

    All that makes perfect sense WD thankyou very much. I put some bicarb in just to give the water a bit of a PH boost and now everything seems fine. Ammonia and Nitrite are now being processed down to 0 in 12 hours :hyper: ,it's only taken 2 months to get to this stage. So a week of qualifying...
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    Nitrite Spike In Fishless Cycling Tank

    I thought i had finally come close to finishing my fisless cycle (using ammonia) that i started on november 23rd. Ammonia is being reduced to 0ppm in 12 hours (probably less and nitrite was also being reduced to about 0.25 in 12 hours and 0 in 24 hours. Now however (about 5 days ago) Nitrite...
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    Hungrydoug's Fishless Cycle

    My Nirtite test is doing the same, anyone know why this is? Had it turning brown (i assume nitrites were sky high) before i did a 90% WC two weeks ago, then went deep purple and stayed purple, now going deep purple and lightening to light blue after 5 mins. Is this how it should work?
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    My Fishless Cycle!

    I was stuck on about 2ppm of ammonia for about 4 weeks with nitrite levels off the chart, got so fed up of it I did about a 90% water change cos I convinced myself something was wrong, even bought a new ammonia test kit. Dosed it back up to 4ppm of ammonia and the next day it was 0, now a...
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    Nitrite Test Results

    Cheers rebrn, yes i'm using API master, the test was definately coming back as light brown as you say, i have just done a 30% waterchange, left it 10 mins and re-tested, result, nitrite off the scale (purple showing it to be 5.0ppm). You think it goes brown if you have massive ammounts of...
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    Nitrite Test Results

    Think i'll do a water change, i just tested the tap water as i know this is 0ppm and the test has come back as light blue which is correct for 0ppm. The tank water test is almost the exact same colour as the ph 8 colour (I know what your thinking and i haven't got the tests mixed up). Will do...
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    Nitrite Test Results

    I'm currently fishless cycling my 64L tropical tank. I have passed the Nitrite spike point (was up at over 5ppm) and the tank is now reducing ammonia down to 0ppm from 4ppm in 12 hours, the problem i have is the Nitrite test has started turning a very light brown (after it had previously been...
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    Cycle Moving Fast.

    The main body of this post is a copy of my last topic but with new info and questions After a lot of pacience and a 95% water change i have finally got my fishless cycle started again. I think it stalled after 2 weeks due to low ph (started it on November 23rd)the readings were then the same...
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    Ammonia Dosing During Nitrite Spike

    Thankyou WD, your a star. DD
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    Ammonia Dosing During Nitrite Spike

    After a lot of pacience and a 95% water change i have finally got my fishless cycle started again. I think it stalled after 2 weeks due to low ph (started it on November 23rd)the readings were then the same for the next 3 (so i had almost 5 weeks of the exact same readings) weeks Ammonia 4ppm...
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    New 20 Gal Set Up Cnvict Cichlids

    Sorry OM47, i just saw it in your link and assumed it was yours, we all know what assumption is the mother of though don't we. Good luck convict, your in good hands now.
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    New 20 Gal Set Up Cnvict Cichlids

    I think first that you need to read OM47's guide to fish in cycling wgich can be found HERE. As for the rest i'm a bit new to help, sorry.
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    Male Guppies

    it says a bit higher up that you need to be doing 50% water cahanges. This will instantly half the ammount of ammonia in the tank.
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    Ammonia Levels

    good idea about the signature thing WD, i'll do that now. Many thanks.
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    Ammonia Levels

    Thanks WD, i'll get some bakingsoda tomorrow from the shops, assuming i'm not snowed in. Got gravel and some silk plants in the tank, everything was got from P@H and washed in a bucket of dechlorinated water before being added to the tank. No change in the levels of ammonia and nitrite again...
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    Ammonia Levels

    The PH was low and i have raised it 4 days ago and it's now at around 7.6. Do you think it needs to be higher still. Have got some PH up and as i'm doing a fishless cycle can adjust to whatever without risk of upsetting anything. I have obviously processed some ammonia as i have nitrite and...
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    Ammonia Levels

    What should the ammonia level be doing during the nitrite spike stage of cycling? My ammonia is dosed up to 4ppm and nitrite is off the scale, i have seen absolutly NO ammonia drop at all over the last 2 weeks. Cycle is now on day 27. Everything just seems to have stopped. :grr: DD
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    Low Ph Stalling Cycle?

    Thankyou WD :good: I don't mind the thread being hijacked a bit, it's all very interesting. I have now decided (when comparing the coulour of the liquids in the test tubes to the ones on the comparison cards) to hold the tube about a centimeter away from the card and allow the light to shine...
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    Just Started My First Fishless Cycle

    Boots in Barnsley sell it, 49pence. Mind you, we don't get many terrorists up here.
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    Low Ph Stalling Cycle?

    I'm no expert emma. click here for one that is on this forum, i think if you follow these instructions then you're not going to go far wrong. Should i be doing water changes during the cycle or not?
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    Low Ph Stalling Cycle?

    Yes make sure you get pure ammonia, some places sell perfumed stuff but this is BAD. Ask someone helpfull in boots and they'll direct you to the good stuff, it's in a white and blue bottle with a red child proof cap. I used the filter start, it obviously hasn't decreased my cycle time as i...