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  1. S

    More Fish To Identify

    Thanks, I am sorry its blurry, it was really hard to picture it. It's a bit longer and slender than a platty. Similiar looking face but body looks different.
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    More Fish To Identify

    few more fish to identify please from my original rspca post thanks all!
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    Help Identifying Please

    Hi I work with my local RSPCA and we had a call from someone who needed rid of their tank asap. We have assisted and taken the fish in. They had loads!! Some massive clown fish, red tailed sharks, tetras, cat fish and so so many more. We must have taken in well over 50 fish. We have already...
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    Ph Too High, Fish Dying! Help!

    Hi I have just tested the tap water and its come out about 7.4 - 7.6 so kinda high? We do also live in area with hard water. Shall I stop adding the PH down and add some tap safe? Also we have just lost another guppy :-( Just read anothert website that says to do a water change do help...
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    Ph Too High, Fish Dying! Help!

    It always use to be about 7 - 7.2 Thinking about it, the PH might actually be more that 7.8 as 7.8 is the highest the chart goes to!!! I use to take a sample of water to lfs monthly and always got pefect readings. I dont understand whats happened :huh: Thanks for your reply
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    Ph Too High, Fish Dying! Help!

    Hi I did a water change last week and since then I have had a real problem! I had a 35 litre tank with 6 male guppies in, and 2 apple snails. 2 of the guppies died the following day, I put it down to stress and went to lfs and they checked the water. They found my PH had spiked. I bought a...
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    Help Me In Stocking?

    maybe a dwarf gourami?
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    Opinions On Fighting Fish

    I've never had them, but just wondered peoples opinions on them as I dont see them mentioned on here much within people stocking levels etc. My mum has had 2 in the past (not at the same time obviously) and I thought they were beautiful but they seemed to be so shy that we rarely saw them. She...
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    Parrot Fish.

    Wow, I had never seen one of these before and just googled it and they are so beautiful!! Amazing colours, hence the name I guess, but wow, gorgeous fish! Good luck sourcing one! :good:
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    Apple Snail Shell Changed Colour!

    Ammonia and nitrites 0 (always clear on water test) PH is ok, in the high 7's Nitrates are about 35 ppm Ooh should I be adding a calcium supplement for him? By the way, I posted this on saturday evening and its still the same, but he seems fine, very active and seems happy Just wondered if...
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    How Many Fish Can I Have?

    In a 35 litre tank?? (what is this in gallons by the way, if anyone knows? :unsure: ) I know it depends on what fish but what would a general idea be? Thanks!!
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    Apple Snail Shell Changed Colour!

    anyone? :unsure:
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    Recommendations For Test Kits Please

    I am getting the feeling that api are the way to go then!! (guess what i'm buying tomorrow!!! :good: ) Thanks everyone!
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    Live Blood Worms

    my lfs (pets at home) dont sell live blood worss and I wondered if getting them off the internet/ebay would be safe? I've heard you can obtain not very nice organisms living in live blood worm water, so wondered if I should avoid internet ones, or get them and just net them first so their water...
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    Pain In The Butt Shark!

    lol zuulan! Yep know what you mean!! I have a 35 litre tank with 2 plants, a castle ornament (with a few access holes which actually the black widows couldnt fit in as they got too big anyways) and a small piece of log. We have 2 male guppies (we got these after we gave mum the black widows...
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    Apple Snails - Can They Eat Too Much?

    If its there will they eat it? Or will they leave it once they are 'satisfied.' I put a few peas in today (only about 10 but they have all sunk and floated into one corner) and he has done nothing but sit they and consume all evening!! Our plec and gibbi and loach hasnt had a look in!!!
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    Gravel Filters

    battery powered. The ammonia and nitrite are fine at the minute as well. Its just quite unsightly having black poo in bright red gravel lol!!
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    Pain In The Butt Shark!

    I have had to remove my black widow tetras and give them to my mums tanks as our red tailed shark was really bullying them. I know sharks can be territorial but have only just learned from the forum that red tailed are worse than red finned. My mum has a red finned which is lovely, really...
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    Gravel Filters

    We have an issue with debris (majority fish poo) in our gravel. We have a gravel vac but the poo sinks right down the the bottom (maybe our gravel is too fine?) and its difficult to get out even with the vac. We have a 35litre tank and would like to get a gravel filter or some sort of airating...
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    Recommendations For Test Kits Please

    I bought a kit from a local garden centre last year (and the kit and chemicals are all in date still) and have been worried recently as I had a few deaths (plec and a gibbi) and so I did a test and the nitrates showed to be sky high (like the 70-100ppm!!!) and I was really panicking and the lfs...
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    What Do You Think Is The Hardiest Fish

    I voted zeb danio. I use to think neons were the hardiest fish as all my friends and family bought them as the first fish in newly set up tanks, but then realised that was omly because they are 99p each and therefore doesnt matter if they dont make it as its not hard on the pocket :angry: My...
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    Apple Snail Shell Changed Colour!

    We have had him for about a week now and he's been great. Very active, eating some peas that I put in today and generally being normal, but tonight his 'curly cone' bit of his shell has gone white?! :blink: He is a golden apple snail and was all golden when we got him (with a bit of green...