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  1. M

    Clown Loaches

    Morning All The loaches appear to be improving... :nod: Yep, Not great, but better. They are more active this morning and some....some color is starting to return. Not much, but you can see improvement. I normally do not feed twice a day, but did give them some food this morning, and they...
  2. M

    Clown Loaches

    reg2k2...I just clicked on the link and read about it doesn't sound like it. This is more uneven and now has turn the loaches white all over. It started behind the dorsel fin and spread. Thank you granny
  3. M

    Clown Loaches

    Hi all, and Thank you, Yes, my Nitrate always has been around .5, but according to my strips, that is in the safe zone. Today I replace all my filters, and did another change. The fish are more active today, gut still the Nitrate are high...I am thinking about taking the tank down, and...
  4. M

    Clown Loaches

    :/ Here is what I did this afternoon. I did a water change with 1/2 distilled and 1/2 filtered well water. I live on a coral rock ridge, so the water has to be filtered to take out all the lime. Awful water....but nice place to live. Anyway, I have removed the loaches from the big tank and...
  5. M

    Clown Loaches

    The filter system includes a media cartridges. The water goes though the standard filter with activated carbon, then though the chip, over the bio-wheel and out into the tank. It seems to be a nice system. Until this tank I had always had underground systems. I will go today and get the...
  6. M

    Clown Loaches

    Sorry, it is a 75 gal tank and there is a total of 32 fish including the cats. Largest it the parrots and there are two of them. All fit easily in a 4 inch net. Water changes at 50% are done every 3 week. I do change filters every mo and clean or change the amo chip once a mo as well. I...
  7. M

    Clown Loaches

    Morning, and Thank you for such a warn welcome. I edited my orginal post to enclud the information you asked for. Yes, I am sure it is not ick... I have ran into that lovely "thing" many times...this is larger, and uneven...... Thank you granny.
  8. M

    Clown Loaches

    Help Please, One of my large clown loaches is turning white. Last night it only had one white spot, but this morning there are several more. Now, not white spots like ick, but these are much larger, and uneven. Both loaches live in a 75 gal community tank. It almost looks like a fungus some...