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  1. Loops

    My 90l Aquarium

    Looks a lovely tank :good:
  2. Loops

    We Would Love To Get Some Rams...

    Oh i see, yes please if you don't mind can you pm me the info :)
  3. Loops

    We Would Love To Get Some Rams...

    OMG quite complicated then :lol: Ok so if i ended up with 2 females or 2 males would they be ok together like no agression?
  4. Loops

    We Would Love To Get Some Rams...

    Oh he is gorgeous,thanks for sharing the pic :) How do you tell male and females apart?
  5. Loops

    We Would Love To Get Some Rams...

    Oh ok, i wouldn't go for GBR then because the corys prefer cooler water. What are gold like? Also our lfs had some rams named "euro ram"???? looks very much like bolivian to me though? Think they were?
  6. Loops

    We Would Love To Get Some Rams...

    Aww thanks for the reply. They are all so lovely, seen your pics! :good: I am mainly after the most peaceful :)
  7. Loops

    We Would Love To Get Some Rams...

    We really love rams, we have a 29g tank which we would like to add 2 rams to our community tank. Tank includes all peaceful fish such as cory's, oto's, embers and shrimp. Which do you suggest we get? Thanks guys x
  8. Loops

    Some Pics Of My New Additions

    Lovely pics, looks really good thanks for sharing :)
  9. Loops

    Florish Excel Safe With Cory Fry?

    Hi We have moved the fry to our little tank, but the plants are suffering badly from hair algae. Is florish excel safe with the fry? Thanks all x :)
  10. Loops

    My Small Planted Tank.

    Lovely tank, looks really nice, watch your shrimp don't walk out of the tank, you will have them running around on the floor :lol:
  11. Loops

    Happy Birthday Lucy

    Happy Birthday :bday:
  12. Loops

    Re Decorated...

    Looks much better! :good:
  13. Loops

    My Tank And Fish Pics

    Any idea on what could be eating my Anubias? I seem to have some holes appearing :(
  14. Loops

    Updated Pictures

    Tank looks great!!
  15. Loops

    My Tank And Fish Pics

    Thanks guys :) The cories are Habrosus :good: The markings on them make them look like they're smiling :D
  16. Loops

    My Tank And Fish Pics

    Here is my tank, I am almost happy with it, I will be removing the pebbles and adding another rock the same as the left... I love my fish, great fun to watch :hyper: Hope you like them :)
  17. Loops

    My New Tank 3pictures

    Awww thats lovely, I think a nice big Java Fern narrow attached to the middle of the wood would look great!
  18. Loops

    New Pics

    Wow very nice!
  19. Loops

    My Tank!

    I added my Corydora Habrous which i love, they are great little corys! The Amano shrimp have to go, they are so greedy, stealing the food off the others, and poo so much! :lol: Think I will get some cherry shrimp which are more the size, Amano's seem just too big in my tank.
  20. Loops

    My Tank!

    Well i changed the sand today back to natural colour, looks soooooo much better, the plants look so much brighter, Toys R Us sand does actually need washing first as my tank was really cloudy so will take some pics tomorrow. I have removed all the slate, and have added another piece of wood...
  21. Loops

    180 Bowfront Rescape

    Looking great!! well done :)
  22. Loops

    Do Amano Shrimp Poo Alot?

    :hyper: someone answered me yay! I am wondering whether to out the Amano shrimp in my b/f bigger tank and have some smaller shrimp like cherry? I know you say all shrimp poo alot but would smaller be a little better for my small tank? its 35L :) Thanks
  23. Loops

    New Puppy

    OMG i love the last pic!! so cute! :wub:
  24. Loops

    Do Amano Shrimp Poo Alot?

    Hi all :) I bought 2 Amano shrimp for my tank, I have noticed that they poo sooo much! Does anyone else's? Lucie x
  25. Loops

    My Tank!

    Thanks everyone, I appreciate your comments :) I am off to buy some Toys R us sand tomorrow, not sure how i will change it now i have fish in there, should have made sure i was happy before adding fish really :rolleyes:
  26. Loops

    Cant Decide!

    I just love all the different types of Anubias... very tidy looking and simple It depends on what type of look you are after, if you like jungle type the prob not for you
  27. Loops

    10 Gallon Before And After

    :hyper: Much better!! :good:
  28. Loops

    My Tank!

    Ignore the aquascape here but i prefer the sand...what do you think
  29. Loops

    My Tank!

    Thanks :hyper: I am changing the substrate back to the argos plain playsand though, really not keen on the black sand mixed in :( I think it makes it look dirty. One day i might be happy with my tank! :rolleyes:
  30. Loops

    Happy Birthday Adandrews

    Happy Birthday!! :-
  31. Loops

    Update With Re-scape

    That looks much better! more interesting :good:
  32. Loops

    Maingano Tank

    That tank looks lovely! :drool:
  33. Loops

    My Tank!

    Thanks again guys :) They're not in the substrate don't worry, they're all attached to the wood or rocks ;)
  34. Loops

    My Tank!

    Thanks very much :) I tried to take some pics today of the endlers but they are blurred :(
  35. Loops

    My Tank!

    Hi All Here is my tank, cycled after 2 months! I added 6 Endlers and 2 shrimp today, will also be adding some Cory Habrosus, probably 3, then 3 Oto's. I will add some pics of the fish tomorrow :) What do you think?
  36. Loops

    Surface Agitation/water Movement

    I'd say that was plenty ... just needs to break the surface doesn't it :)
  37. Loops

    Revamped Tank

    A nice improvement!! Looks really good :good:
  38. Loops

    What Is A Small Shoaling Fish?

    Aplocheilichthys normani - Saw these yesterday labelled as Lampeyes, Maidenhead Aquatics. They are lovely, above the eye is so blue! Only grow to 3cm too! Anyone seen or got these? x
  39. Loops

    Got It Home At Last

    Looks lovely :good: nice looking cabinet too Very deep, perfect for Angels? :fish:
  40. Loops

    Some Pics Of My Fish

    Great pics :good: Although "Buddy" looks like he's in a very small "tank" :blink: