Search results

  1. Loops

    Bought A Betta ... Endlers Scared

    I couldn't stand to see my enders so scared so i popped and bought a little tank for my Betta :) 2.5 gallon. I have put cycled media in the filter. He looks really happy. I actually rescued him today as our LFS are selling all Betta's for 50p each, they keep them in bags just floating in...
  2. Loops

    Bought A Betta ... Endlers Scared

    Hi guys :) I bought a Betta today and added him to my 35l tank that houses Endlers and Habrosus Corydoras I was initially worried about the Endlers nipping at the Betta but it turns out the Endlers are all sticking together and look scared :unsure: Do I give it more time to see if they get...
  3. Loops

    Midland Charity Fish Auctions Redditich

    I was stood near the bar most the time :fun: with my dad. Fish were amazing! cannot believe how warm it was in there with all the bodies! Think they raised alot of money anyway :good: will prob be in the local paper. I left at 1.00pm, can't believe it didn't finish til 5.00pm you must be...
  4. Loops

    Midland Charity Fish Auctions Redditich

    Well Nelly I made a tit of myself, I said to this guy who looked like you, are you from fish forums? Nelly? Ummm nooo, must have thought i was strange! haha :lol: I didn't buy any fish because I am stocked, but it was tempting! I bought some frogbit (bargain at £1.50 for 10), food and won on...
  5. Loops

    Midland Charity Fish Auctions Redditich

    Aww thanks!
  6. Loops

    Midland Charity Fish Auctions Redditich

    you think they will let you take pics of the fish?
  7. Loops

    Help With Anubias

    This was when it started, the leaves look alot worse than this now, but you can see them started to curl...
  8. Loops

    Help With Anubias

    Well when i bought my tank it come with sort of pink lught was awful. I bought 11W colour 860. anbias does not go into the substrate so don't think it is that x :)
  9. Loops

    Help With Anubias

    Thanks for your responses aaron :) I dont know if i will be able to split it into 7 because my tank is only 35L so i think i only dose 1ml or something, cant remember though, normally the b/f doing it. :blush: I have some flourish excel, i will start that again straight away. You don't think...
  10. Loops

    Midland Charity Fish Auctions Redditich

    pmsl!!!!! I never thought of that!!!
  11. Loops

    Midland Charity Fish Auctions Redditich

    Well I will be with my dad, ermm he is bald n tall, bit of a belly haha and dunno how to explain me, young looking (i don't look 28 i mean) shoulder length light brown hair:)
  12. Loops

    Snail Infestation In 10 Gallon Tank

    I tried the cucumber and it never got any snails on until it started growing algae lol The best thing i have found is to squish them or pick them out. It will reduce them and yeah cut back on the food a little :)
  13. Loops

    Midland Charity Fish Auctions Redditich

    Haha yes please where the hat, i def won't miss you then :) have a safe journey!
  14. Loops

    Midland Charity Fish Auctions Redditich

    Haha, love the hat! What time is everyone getting there? I prob won't be there till 11.00am
  15. Loops

    Midland Charity Fish Auctions Redditich

    Oh ok haha, i will walk in and not have a clue what to do but oh well!! haha :lol:
  16. Loops

    Midland Charity Fish Auctions Redditich

    I won't be bidding on any fish as I have no room, can you still go in a browse (obviously give some money to charity) and does it matter what time you go in? I know its starts at 10.00am but i have to pop somewhere first.
  17. Loops

    Midland Charity Fish Auctions Redditich

    I think I may go to this, I will drag my dad along with me :)
  18. Loops

    A Good Horror Movie?

    I have now seen The messengers and room 1408, both really good. Although my b/f said all horrors are all the same lately. I do love thrillers too, i like all the Saws, sick films but clever, always a twist.
  19. Loops

    Help With Anubias

    Hi , this is the one i was using, I have not dosed to for a while to see it it helps because i noticed hair algae starting on my wood. WATERLIFE TROPIFLORA-plant food
  20. Loops

    Help With Anubias

    I think my anubias is poorly :( I first noticed little holes in the leaves, and then the leaves started curling. I have reduced the light time, I haven't dosed flourish excel for a couple of weeks my b/f borrowed it. Also I dose ferts, (don't have the name of it here) Any advice? x
  21. Loops

    Tiny Holes In Plant Leaves

    What plants you having trouble with? I am having trouble with my anubias, holes and the leaves are curling. I have heard it iron or calcium I need, god know, someone will help you soon x
  22. Loops

    Big Brother Tv Show

    Yay i love it :yahoo: , although everyone moans at me at work for liking it, says i am sad! But i don't care!
  23. Loops

    Yay! Cherry Shrimp!

    I love cherry shrimp, enjoy! I just love watching them I bought some last week and they still are like a grey colour? are they male? one is slighty red but thats it :(
  24. Loops

    A Good Horror Movie?

    Right I am off to watch messengers, i will let you know, trailer looks good though, thanks :)
  25. Loops

    Shop Just Been Reported 2 The Sspca

    I must admit I did struggle to read that too, When i first joined this forum someone got moaned at for text speak :/ Anyway I get the jist of what your saying, and well done to you x :good:
  26. Loops

    A Good Horror Movie?

    WOW! Thanks guys and girls for all the suggestions :) Looks like I'll be busy for quite some time :D
  27. Loops

    Has Anyone Else Got This?

    Not here :/
  28. Loops

    1 Fish Out Of 8 Gasping For Air After Water Change

    Don't worry, years ago when I kept fish I did the same thing :( until I found this place sounds like you're basically doing a fish in cycle if you've been washing all that friendly bacteria away :( ... means lots of water changes unfortunately ... time will tell when you get the test kit ...
  29. Loops

    1 Fish Out Of 8 Gasping For Air After Water Change

    If it were me I'd be doing a hefty water change ... maybe 50% ... condition before adding, and temperature match :) then get a test kit as soon as you can and get it tested :good: Also have you still got the air stone/wall going? sounds like lack of oxygen :/ Also ... the filter media ... you...
  30. Loops

    Fish W/ Cherry Shrimp?

    Personally I'd keep it as a Shrimp tank only B-) But my boyfriend has Ember Tetras (very nice shoaling fish), Cories and Ottos in with his Cherry Shrimp, they all get on great and even eat the same wafers together :wub:
  31. Loops

    1 Fish Out Of 8 Gasping For Air After Water Change

    Sorry to hear you're having problems :( Have you tested the water? with a liquid test kit too? strips are useless Also the container for changing the water ... is it only used for that, no chemicals from say ... washing the car or something? :rolleyes: Also do you condition the water before...
  32. Loops

    A Good Horror Movie?

    Yeah seen them both, both very good :) thank you anyway
  33. Loops

    A Good Horror Movie?

    I watched mirrors the other night, was ok. Can anyone think of another one for me to watch please Cheers x
  34. Loops

    Tank Heating Up With This Weather

    Yep put the bubbles on the max, oh i have not had the light on either :)
  35. Loops

    Tank Heating Up With This Weather

    Hi all Cory's seem ok but the temp on the 29g has gone up to 26.5c. How do you keep your tank cool?. I have the window open, blinds closed and am about to get the big fan out lol
  36. Loops


    I think if you send the money through paypal as a gift you will not receive any fees :good:
  37. Loops

    Are Cheaper Dechlorinators Just As Effective As More Expensive Ones?

    Pond declor here too, I think this one i have bought will last forever! :lol:
  38. Loops

    My Tanks: Past, Present, And Projects

    Tanks look great! I love the dark subsrate :good:
  39. Loops


    Sand first then add water! If you try to put sand through water it is very messy and cloudy. Also make sure you give your sand a real good clean even if the pack says prewashed :)
  40. Loops

    Male Or Female

    Girly here :)