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  1. cwa

    Water Changes And Algae

    Just goes to show how there is bad information out there. I read on a couple of fish websites that said algae grows in low light conditions. I will keep the lights off more now that I know differently. My living room doesn't have a main light and is pretty dark even in the middle of the day. I...
  2. cwa

    Water Changes And Algae

    ok, thanks. I will keep the lights off more often. Does temperature effect it? And would live plants help keep algae down and can the be put in gravel?
  3. cwa

    Water Changes And Algae

    Let's see if I can get a picture to load so you can see all the algae. It is ugly and I don't want to see it. I also like the light on so I can see my fish and tank all day.
  4. cwa

    Water Changes And Algae

    My tank has been running for 2 months now. My plants are all plastic and I turn on the lights when I wake up and feed and turn them off when I go to bed. I read that algae grows in low light conditions so I thought the more light, the better. But the algae doubles every day it seems. I have to...
  5. cwa

    Water Changes And Algae

    When you do water changes, do you remove the fish or leave them be? I'm about to do a 25% water change and I have to remove plants and decorations to scrub algae. This leaves my few fish vulnerable. Wondering if it would be too stressful if I take them out while I do this? Also, still having a...
  6. cwa

    Should I Switch My Water Source?

    I have yet to test my water, but have also been thinking of using a bottled water system. But my thought would be to buy just a few large jugs and reuse them. After using the water, I would immediately refill with tap and treat it and let it sit until the next water change. Letting the treated...
  7. cwa

    Need Help Deciding On Scavengers Please

    May I ask my own similar question here? When is the best time to add an algae eater to the tank, and what about ghost shrimp or plecos?
  8. cwa

    Help, My Tank Is A Mess!

    Thanks! I did read through that and do understand how the process is supposed to work, I just thought that things got messed up along the way and wasn't going the way it should. I was under the impression that the ammonia spike should only last a few days and mine lasted over a week. And still...
  9. cwa

    Help, My Tank Is A Mess!

    Isn't that what Prime is? It says it provides slime coat and removes cholring, chloramine and ammonia. I will add Stability to my list of items to get.
  10. cwa

    Help, My Tank Is A Mess!

    I was using a cheap (Wardley) water conditioner but will use Prime instead unless I should be using both. I have been doing weekly water changes with the vacuum, and I now have a scrubber. My filter is an Aqua-Tech 10-20g with charcoal and foam filter. I know not to mess with the foam and I have...
  11. cwa

    Help, My Tank Is A Mess!

    I haven't had a fishtank in many years and never knew how hard it could be to get one started. I went very wrong and need help to fix it. I'm getting different information from all local sources (a petstore chain, a local pet co-op and a fish specialty store) and I need to know who to trust...