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  1. T

    Tiger barbs

    I have 10 Tiger Barbs 10 Albino Tiger Barbs 10 Mossgreen Tiger Barbs 1 Albino Siamese Algae Eater 1 Siamese Algae Eater The barbs look amazing when they school except the albino algae eater seems to think he is a barb and schools with them sometimes :lol:
  2. T

    how many tiger barbs?

    I have a 68 Gallon tank and i keep 30 tiger barbs in it. They are very happy in there. I used to have 17 in a 12 gallon tank but it was far to over crowded, one of the barbs was so badly fin nipped he could barely swim, which caused me to purchase the far larger tank. Never over crowd a tank it...