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  1. T

    Should I Change The Filters...?

    I setup a 55 gallon tank well more then a month ago. We started the fishless cycling method, but that proved unsuccessful for us. It was taking a long time, family increasinly impatient for looking at this new empty tank for almost a month. So we decided to cycle tradionally with fish. I...
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    New To Forums! How To Feed Cory Cats...

    yea we have tried to distract the tigert barbs by feeding fkales on one side of the tank, and while they eat, drop shrimp pellets or hikari wafers. but the catfish do not respond and find the food, nothing like the tiger barbs. maybe they are getting their share at night and im just not seeing...
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    Feeding Cory Cats....

    Do you suppose a .50ppm ammonia reading is keeping them from eating?? Ive had this reading for awhile, even my tap water has ammonia readings, and Ive been told by many that although its higher then ideal, leave it alone. I havent seem a change in this reading for as long as Ive set up the tank...
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    New Setup Tank And Cycling...

    Thanks for all your replies. I'm using the API salicylate-based test kits as I feel the test strips are not nearly as accurate. Im pretty sure that I checked my water before dechlorinating the water, and I remember getting ammonia readings. I use Stress Coat to condition my water. I was...
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    Feeding Cory Cats....

    Thanks for all your replies. Well this morning I dropped a wafer right next to a cory. He did see it, seemd to eat it for a sec, and then drifted away. Im not sure they even like the wafer Im using, which is designed for catfishes; its the hikari brand. Soon the tiger barbs noticed and for fear...
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    New Setup Tank And Cycling...

    Ive read a lot about cycling and three books before I got back into the hobby so I am quite familiar with the nitrogen cycle, just lacking real life first hand experience. The thing is my water has always been around .50. Even when I tested my tap water before setting up the tank, it was .50. So...
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    New Setup Tank And Cycling...

    I have a 55 gallon tank, 12 tiger barbs, 3 cute cory cats. Ive had it running for at least two weeks now, performing daily water tests for ammonia, nitrites and pH. My ammonia has always been .50, unchanged. nitrites 0. Im not sure whre im at with the cycling process, but should I follow my...
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    Feeding Cory Cats....

    I have tried that but the problem is often times the damn tiger barbs seems to get to the food before the cats even notice. Just tonight for example I tried breaking p the wafer into several pieces, and while they do float to the bottom, I think most of it is still being consumed by the tiger...
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    Feeding Cory Cats....

    Can someone help me with my cory cats and feeding? I accidently posted in the Tropical Fish discussion board instead of here. Im new to the boards. The topic title is "New To Forums! How To Feed Cory Cats..." Thanks.
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    New To Forums! How To Feed Cory Cats...

    Hi there. I am new to this forum and this is my first posting. I've been doing a lot of reading before I got into freshwater aquariums but I lack some real life practical knowledge. I have a 55 gallon setup, I am still in the process of cycling I believe (but that deserves a separate post). I...