Search results

  1. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    Crypts and Hornwort.... and a little riccia
  2. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    More available NOW !!!
  3. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    Thanks meehan09 - these will go out on Monday - best not risk the post office monkeys over the weekend !
  4. Rooster

    Fluval 304

    Wont another 2213 fit the bill ? What tank/inhabitants are you using it with ?
  5. Rooster

    Fluval 304

    Eheim classic starts for less than £50... Although this figure was "arbitrary" as you need to spend money to get the Fluval running :blush: Theres a LOT of bunkum spouted about "filters" when all said and done, its ONLY a watertight box + a pump ! Its seems the "water tight" bit is where...
  6. Rooster

    Fluval 304

    Swallow hard, and buy another filter.... you could pursue this under the "not fit for purpose" laws, but in the end is £50 worth the hassle ?
  7. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    Id guess half a dozen of each... (maybe a couple of HW)
  8. Rooster

    Corydora Just Died

    "A pint ? Thats very nearly an arm full !" (Tony Hancock) What they doing with it ? selling the stuff ! LOL
  9. Rooster

    Red Cherry Shrimp

    Could you please use SEARCH !!!! :blush: Adults will be ok,if you only have small fish - anything over, say a medium angel fish will eat the adults... but babies/young shrimp will just be "snacks" to bettas, and other fish !
  10. Rooster

    Making Diy Slate Caves

    Slate is slate ! But are your roof tiles ? they are made of all sorts these days...
  11. Rooster

    External Heaters

    Heating is a hot topic.... HOT ? geddit ? :lol: How much Wattage you need depends on YOUR conditions... Is the room heated 24/7 ? Is the tank, and or room insulated ? Do you live in a warm climate ? Does the sun play on the tank ? The list is endless, but the "you need this wattage for...
  12. Rooster

    Corydora Just Died

    Dont expect the water in the fish bag to suffice ! Take a SEPARATE sample...
  13. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    Price is in original post ! And will be generous bunches - none of the "single" plant guff you get from the LFS !!!! Riccia will be an approximate golf ball size WHEN IN WATER... I squeeze as much as possible to reduce weight and volume when packing.
  14. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    Still have some crypts and riccia... hortwort was binned !
  15. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    Only what's offered or pictured, sorry - no idea on species ! Quite a few had these last time, perhaps some out there can help ?
  16. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    In the bin then...
  17. Rooster

    Diy Lights

    YES it will work... similar to what I use, but I did use aquarium end caps (moisture-proof) as I don't like cover glasses. The ballast, and probably the end caps will use a push lock system for the wires - the caps I bought are sealed onto suitable SOLID cored wire... the ones you selected...
  18. Rooster

    Cat Litter Substrate?

    No... and YES :blush:
  19. Rooster

    Plants (nottingham)

    Plants: Hornwort, crypts and some riccia Quantity for sale: Some ! Delivery or Collection: Either Sales price: £3 a bunch, delivered... £1 collected Postage & Packaging: As above Location: Nottingham UK Payment as GIFT to paypal, or however you like ! :rolleyes:
  20. Rooster

    Cloudy Fish Tank Water

    READ !!!!! There are tons of threads re "cycling" - and start those water changes !!! (dont forget the dechlorinater !)
  21. Rooster

    Cloudy Fish Tank Water

    Sounds like you are overfeeding... and probably too much too ! Cut down to ONE feed a day, at least a hour before "lights out" and then only enough food that has totally gone within a minute or so... Your tank needs to cycle, and you are stuck with "fish in" unless you can move the fish to...
  22. Rooster

    Cloudy Fish Tank Water

    What filter are you using ?
  23. Rooster


    I'm guessing he means heater SIZE ??? If so, it depends on the ambient temp (room its in) a colder room will need a larger heater... but generally a larger heater than you need is no bad thing (unless you read the scaremongering ! LOL) Hows those endlers ?
  24. Rooster

    Which Lcd Temperature Gauge/display

    I'm a confirmed gadget nut - and I've tried all sorts over the years.... I now use 99p LCD stick ons !!! Just as accurate as the "bells and whistles" ones, and seem more consistent :good: The WHOLE point to this is CONSISTENCY... if your fish are "happy" then the temp is ok, the game is...
  25. Rooster

    When The Lights Go Out

    Lets not start a panic.... Ive done this for decades and NEVER used a backup power supply, I would loose a wink of sleep until 12 hours have passed - and I doubt we will see that :crazy:
  26. Rooster

    Fish Meds

    Agree 100% :good: All I have is dechlor, ferts and a test kit ! NEVER needed anything else - apart from the odd (twice in 40 years) Ich outbreak.
  27. Rooster

    Back-up Power Supplies?

    Nope - never needed to... UK supplies are usually ok, even in the 70's the fish were ok !
  28. Rooster

    Gravel Cleaners

    ORDER ???? is a bit of hose pipe !!! :rolleyes: :lol:
  29. Rooster

    Experienced Aquarists Advice Needed...

    A filter contains nearly ALL the useful bacteria we cycle to attain.... so the rest of the tanks equipment can be cleaned (if necessary) and moved over to the new tank. The filter you have in the smaller tank will probably be nowhere near "man enough" for the larger tank, so you might look to...
  30. Rooster

    Cheap Light Ballast And T8 Bulb

    Get yourself down to an electrical wholesaler... every town has at least one, and ask for a "florry fitting" size depends on your tank, but common sizes are 2,3,4,6,8 feet... although others are available. These "fluorescent fittings" are what you have in the kitchen etc... and are a fraction...
  31. Rooster

    Wanted Show Boxes

    To post a heater, get a length of plastic plumbing pipe from a DIY store... or scrounge an off cut from a plumber... you often see this lying around building sites... comes in all sorts of sizes, get a bit the same length as the heater (or cut it !) then wrap the heater with newspaper until its...
  32. Rooster

    Gravel Cleaners

    I Use a simple tube - bit of hosepipe with a 15 inch rigid clear tube wedged in the end.... Ive tried all the gadget "cleaners" and always come back to this. To use, I fill the pipe at the tap !
  33. Rooster

    Holiday Question

    As long as the tank is established, fish will be fine for a couple of weeks... assuming there's a substrate and plants etc (your lights on a timer ?) Whenever Ive asked folk to feed for me, I got some small "ziplock" bags, and placed a feed in each one - with strict instructions to feed ONCE...
  34. Rooster

    Argos Play Sand

    Fair comment ! Thats what you get from skip reading ! :rolleyes: Im sure the US has health and safety laws too... with that in mind ANY playsand should fit the bill, as its assumed children will eat it - it HAS to be safe and free from chemicals... just steer clear of the artificially...
  35. Rooster

    Wanted, Powerhead And / Or Bns

    Have you a pic of the jebo please ? I plan on putting this very low in the tank, so the interpet would struggle.... needs to be something like the picture I posted.. :good:
  36. Rooster

    Argos Play Sand

    Always amuses me how folk will spend 5 minutes asking a question on here rather than 20 seconds on THE ACTUAL WEBSITE !!!! Children's Play Sand 15kg Bag. * £2.89
  37. Rooster

    What Air Pump

    Am sat 2 feet from my shrimp tank... all air powered (2 filters _ air wall) and the bubbles are WAY louder than the cheapo air pump ! :good:
  38. Rooster

    Wanted, Powerhead And / Or Bns

    Wanted: Small power head... something simple to move a little water ! Also... anyone got a couple of young BNs near Nottingham please ? I have Cherry shrimp, endlers or plants for swap maybe ?
  39. Rooster

    Kiddies Play Sand

    Argos PS in ALL my tanks.... no problems whatsoever :thumbs: Recommend it to anyone.... only reason folk get "muddy water" is laziness... All I do is put half a bucket of sand under the kitchen window (errr, outside !) and put the hosepipe out the window - into the bucket, so the hose...