Search results

  1. Rooster

    Waterproofing Wood

    Same as mine... I just painted the inside with a good brand gloss paint, the outside was also painted, but theres a MkII on the way which will be varnished on the inside, and bare wood on the outer. (This hood was painted black - as I planned to paint the whole stand black... but we prefer the...
  2. Rooster

    Diy Easy To Make Aquarium Filter

    Big pat on the back for "doing it yourself" ! :good: The only thing I would add is that "bulkhead" connectors would make a neater job of the pipework ! I had toyed with the idea of a "tupperware" filter myself, and struggled with the water-tightness aspect... didnt occur that you could...
  3. Rooster

    Question About Lighting Setup

    The diameter of the tubes sounds ENORMOUS !!!! maybe the actual lamps are inside protective tubes ? Whatever the case, I would guess they could do with being replaced, as as a general rule flourescent lamps tend to change in colour over time, and so become less useful to fishkeepers after...
  4. Rooster

    Different Theory From A Old Fish Keeper....

    Just where DO you start ? This is such old ground now.... "The Earth is flat" springs to mind !
  5. Rooster

    How Much Longer

    Experience has shown that if you DO choose to do a "fish in" then you have to look upon the current occupants as "disposable" The fish ARE damaged already... just let the cycle complete. Why do we all use "fishless" these days ? its not self torture ! ;-)
  6. Rooster

    Does Any One Know What This Is

    Wouldnt mind as an experiment ! What you thinking of ?
  7. Rooster

    Bio Balls

    Bio balls WILL work, but they have nowhere near the surface area of the Eheim media... you only buy this every few YEARS, it really costs next to nothing in the long run :good: It really depends on your "load" but I would stretch a little further and get the substrat :blush:
  8. Rooster

    Does Any One Know What This Is

    Its a tap water filter :
  9. Rooster

    Head Height

    If the pump is under water, the head height doesnt "start" until the surface of that water.... as the water would stand in the pipe if the pump were off, at the surface of the water ! Therefore any lifting to be done would only occur above the surface. The "end" of the lift is where the...
  10. Rooster

    Cherry Shrimp.... Water Movement Or Not ?

    ..any other ideas then ? What temp do you guys run at ? water additives ? food ? etc... TIA
  11. Rooster

    Cherry Shrimp.... Water Movement Or Not ?

    Not ONE reply ????? come on guys ;-)
  12. Rooster

    Metal Halide And Fluorescents

    Sorry - not laughed out loud for a while.... theres NOTHING wrong with "non certified" folk, dont get me wrong... Ive encounted a LOT of "educated" people would would struggle with Lego, and a hell of a lot more without paperwork who could give NASA a run for their money. That said, I wouldnt...
  13. Rooster

    Metal Halide And Fluorescents

    Watts IS a measure of power consumed.... nothing to do with output of light - or my kettle would need a welding mask to operate ! :blush: MH does output "more" light in the "right" spectrum - but as for comparison on a light for light basis, its a tough one... as a lot of the power used is...
  14. Rooster

    Drilling Hole - Anyone Can Do This?

    I doubt any flat pane will be toughened glass, but a pair of polarized sunglasses should soon reveal the truth ! As for drilling, it IS a nerve racking process - but its quite an easy process as long as you are patient and take things SLOOOOOW.. :crazy: Try and find a marine diyer near to...
  15. Rooster

    Snail Problems

    A trio of small botia keep my 4 footer clear of the ****ers !!!! Beats me why anyone WANTS snails !!!
  16. Rooster

    Substrate Depth

    "Everyone" ????? I for one can tell you it does not ! :crazy: Its a simple conclusion - the bacteria we want need oxygen, they are Aerobic... hence need a constant flow of oxygen rich water flowing past them, so unless you are using under-gravel filtration there simply isnt enough oxygen...
  17. Rooster

    Electricity Costs

    MMMMmmmm, you are still paying to heat the water in the hot tap !!!!!!!!!!! But I agree on adding some hot water to the bucket, but I would suggest a kettle rather than hot tap (water may have stood in the hot water system and collected some unwanted minerals etc)
  18. Rooster

    Substrate Depth

    I have found that some fish "like" a substrate, so although you CAN run without one at all (no plants) it is beneficial to have at least a dusting... something for them to root around in.
  19. Rooster

    Chlorine In Tap Water.

    Ive just swapped over to "Prime" for this very same reason... its a quite a shock to see how much Prime you need after using "aquasafe" ! :blush: I use a 2 gallon bucket for all my tanks, and with the Tetra it was a GOOD squirt... now with Prime its TWO DROPS !!!! :crazy: This £9.99 bottle...
  20. Rooster


    "pets at home" open until 8pm, local fish shops often open late... even supermarkets are open 24/7 .......................... are we missing something here ?
  21. Rooster


    Mmmmmmm, "fish in" need MORE water changes.... get to the shops ! lol
  22. Rooster

    External Filter Question

    Its not the length of pipe that of concern.. its lift (or height) as long as the pipes are staight and the lift is within the filters specs, you should be fine... although you may have to clean the pipes more often. (I would avoid corrugated pipes...)
  23. Rooster


    It will NOT remove chloramine :no: Go without commercial delchlor at your peril, its not expensive ####...
  24. Rooster


    Nothing wrong with "second hand" they are only a sealed container when all said and done, as long as its STILL sealed when you get it.. theres little to go wrong other than the impellor - which can be replaced.
  25. Rooster

    Incandescent Canopy, Fluorescent Bulbs?

    Wouldnt use ceramic holders anyway... they are difficult to seal, and seal you MUST unless you enjoy dicing with death :crazy: One of our local electrical shops does lamp holders designed for outside use (decorative lighting ?) and they are waterproof... but having said that, i would imagine...
  26. Rooster

    Incandescent Canopy, Fluorescent Bulbs?

    Sorry, but this is "tosh" ! :crazy: the electronics in a CFL are sealed - or they should be, the lamp in the bathroom is sealed - or it should be. and how long DO you run your lamps for ? 10,000 hours ? thats a 1000 days, or 3 years ?????? everyone else changes their lamps - duff or...
  27. Rooster

    Incandescent Canopy, Fluorescent Bulbs?

    If they are designed for incandescent lamps, then you can FILL it with energy savers..... As for air flow, bulkhead lights are SEALED and they are in widespread use - in fact we have a "drum" light in our bathroom (sealed again) which I converted to energy savers, and thats had 3 lamps in 10...
  28. Rooster

    Incandescent Canopy, Fluorescent Bulbs?

    I think you are talking about "energy saving" lamps ???? If so, then yes you can use them as a direct replacement... the maximum rating on your hood relates to the amount of heat the original lamp(s) it would be "safe" to run.... you can ignore that with energy saving lamps, as they emit far...
  29. Rooster

    Dry Ice For Co2

    CO2 isnt cold AT ALL.... all that happens is an endothermic reaction due to the rapid expansion of the gas.... regulate (ie slow the flow of) the gas and this happens to such a small extent as to be nominal. Still seems daft to go beyond cylinders IMHO......
  30. Rooster

    Dry Ice For Co2

    where in the UK would you buy "dry ice" ?
  31. Rooster

    Dry Ice For Co2

    Has anyone though of decomposing bio matter.... or running a car exhaust ? This is getting daft, you can get it in nice, safe, convenient cylinders you can turn off at night..... why look for harder alternatives ? Sorry - but I felt it needed saying ! :blush:
  32. Rooster

    Is This Stand Strong Enough?

    Looks strong enough to me.... although I would add a brace in the form of a rectangle or square of ply (or whatever you have knocking about) screwed into the back... so as to close off the two shelves - this would stop any possible twisting.
  33. Rooster

    Any Possible Home Made Tests For Water?

    API kits are around £15-20 locally... I'd be happy to post one if needs be...
  34. Rooster

    Co2 Carbon Dioxide Diffuser Dispenser

    Thats NOT a good idea... :crazy:
  35. Rooster

    Cherry Shrimp.... Water Movement Or Not ?

    Had my 2nd batch off Shaz for a while now, and am using air/foam filters.... well my little air pump died, so out came a spare - which was a little overkill, so I added an "air wall" to the tank.... They seem happy enough, but theres no breeding taking place, would the bubbles be putting them...
  36. Rooster

    Co2 Carbon Dioxide Diffuser Dispenser

    Looks good... ebay ? I think the idea of feeding gas into the filter inlet is the best way to get it into solution... but it can cause an awful noise as each bubble is drawn into the water flow. I started like this, but all I did was drill a small hole in the intake pipe, and fed the gas in...
  37. Rooster

    Heater Cover In Black?

    "pants off" and "marriage" are conflicting terms in a blokes vocabulary !!! lol :lol:
  38. Rooster

    Using A Timer On The Aquarium Lighting

    My advice is to buy a GOOD ONE, branded.... cheapo ones are cheap for a reason, and the contacts will soon burn out, or fuse together - I have binned a few of the "segment" types because of this, and now only use digital timers.
  39. Rooster

    How Bout A Motion Sensor?

    Fish are animals, animals NEED a daily "cycle" or they dont know when its night or day :blink: Feeding would be effected, as would sleep patterns... resulting in ill health and reduced immune systems, eventually death :no: Give them a regime, or get out of keeping "pets"