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  1. C

    Life span of rams

    Well, I decided to go with four German Blues. The guy at the LFS tried to pick 3 females and one male, but they are still a little too juvenille to identify.
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    Life span of rams

    Okay, so I have my new 33 gallon tank setup and have it cycled now. I will be stocking it with corys and tetras and had planned on some rams as the centre piece. I have read that the lifespan of a German Blue Ram is about 3 years, is that correct? I have never seen anything on the lifespan of...
  3. C

    how many tanks do you have?

    I had two, but just bought a used one the other day. So three for me! :thumbs:
  4. C

    Changing water

    The other thing to remember (at least in my experience) is that most big chain store employees give the worst advice going.
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    I have a large stock pot that I use for making beer and boiling bogwood. Usually I just let it simmer for several hours, changing out the water whenever it looks like dark tea. Then I let it soak for a week before adding it to the tank. If the bogwood still leaches tanins into your tank...
  6. C


    That second pleco has no shame! It's got a BIG streamer of poo in the picture! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :kewlpics: Somehow mine always seem to be able to wrap it around the plants.:cool:
  7. C


    Most people here feel that dyeing fish is wrong. :angry: :grr: Here a link to a website that gives information about dyeing fish: Death by Dyeing Hopefully it will give you more information about painted glassfish and help you in your decision about them. :thumbs:
  8. C

    Betta chasing tail

    Have you considered something like this for your betta? :rofl: :rofl: Seriously, I have seen my betta chase its tail when he had no tank mates, but I don't think he ever caught it. Maybe he needs some friends to play with? :/ Corydoras seem to work well.
  9. C

    Bolivian ram down

    :rip: Poor little ram. :(
  10. C

    Setting up a tank for rams

    Thanks Dwarfs, Does it matter then about a male:female ratio for them?
  11. C

    Setting up a tank for rams

    Thanks, but would I still be able to stock my tetras and cories with that many rams? I thought rams needed a fair bit of room, if they don't then that is all the better for me. :D
  12. C

    Setting up a tank for rams

    Anyone? I would really like an answer as I have a chance to buy a used 33 gallon, complete with stand, gravel, and everthing else for a REALLY good price, but it has to be done this weekend.
  13. C

    Setting up a tank for rams

    I want to set up a South American tank in my office and wanted the centre piece to be some type of Ram ( :fish: it will depend what my LFS has in stock). I am planning on a planted, 33 gallon tank with a sand substrate. Here are my questions: 1. How many pairs of rams could be housed in the...
  14. C

    Cories...10 gallon tank

    With 8 of them, you would be overstocked based on their full grown size, unless of course you did pretty frequent water changes. The only bad thing is that most of the activity in the tank would be at the bottom, what about adding 5 glowlight tetras to what you already have? :fish: :fish:
  15. C

    Does anyone feed their catfish this?

    For whatever reason my cories won't eat them and neither will my loaches, unfortunately I think I bought the biggest container of those possible. -_- :lol:
  16. C

    water changes...

    It isn't everyone on this side of the pond that uses that silly old measurment system. Canada uses metric too, but most our stuff comes with both forms of measure so that it isn't too hard on the people who hold on to the imperial measurments (like my parents generation).
  17. C

    Banning of glowfish in Canada?

    As well stores that have Glofish cannot currently sell them, and further shipments into Canada are being stopped. Here is a link to a good article about the current investigation.
  18. C

    cat & pleco in a bucket....

    Once things are set back up, I would suggest daily water testing and water changes.
  19. C

    WTF is wrong with PetSmart???

    Several years ago I experienced what Nightlife20 described. Except I was the kid and the adult, I wanted a fish tank and knew nothing about fish at the time. The local PetSmart told me that if I bought the tank that day, I would need to come back in a week to get a water test and then buy my...
  20. C


    Wash the sand that you buy really well and you don't have to worry about it settling. When I converted my tank to sand, it took under half an hour for the water to look 100% clear. During that time I had my fish bagged in old tank water and waiting nearby for their tank renovations to be...
  21. C

    Loaches and more Loaches.............

    Great loaches Ryan, they are my favorite fish. I like the picture of the tiny Queen/dario. :kewlpics: Polkadot loaches eventually get to be 5 - 6".
  22. C

    The Spawning of Giants.

    Oooh, I feel so naughty looking at those pictures. :hey: It is like fish porn. :rofl: :rofl:
  23. C

    My other fish who is sick :(

    Cheese Specialist is right, you do have a gourami there. I would treat him with Maracyn and Maracyn II as recommended earlier. Also, if it is possible you might buy a tank larger than that 2.5 gallon one for him. Does the water temp stay fairly constant, or does it get heated by the light...
  24. C

    Clown Loaches

    My advice would be, buy the largest ones that you can find. This way they are older hopefully healthier than a young one.
  25. C

    ever seen a fish snorkeling?

    Glad to hear it isn't poo. :thumbs: Ah yes, the famous snorkelplant. Haven't I seen that in numerous cartoons growing by the riverbank, always ready to serve as a snorkel whenever someone has to jump in the river to escape bees/villains/whatever? :lol:
  26. C

    ever seen a fish snorkeling?

    Ewwwww! :sick: :sick: But still funny. :cool:
  27. C

    glass top

    When you get it completed post some pictures back here, and document your construction process. If it is successful, I would like to try it myself. Thanks.
  28. C

    Hi everyone

    Welcome my Canadian friend. :beer:
  29. C

    The Tenner

    :hyper: Utter simplicity. I love it.
  30. C

    Betta tankmates

    I didn't have a good experience with danios and my betta. They were fin nipping punks while they were with my betta. :angry: I don't know about the yoyos either, they can be agressive/pushy sometimes.
  31. C

    Periodic Passing Away

    I think this is his tank (picture is from, so he can increase the surface area by lowering the water level. Of course increasing the surface area reduces your water volume though. :unsure:
  32. C

    The better fishroom....

    Stan, let's team up. You take the water, and I'll get the fish. :ninja: :devil: Deal?
  33. C

    What's going on with my Yo Yo loach

    It sounds like it was a horribly painful period of constipation for that poor little loach. :hyper: Glad to hear about the recovery. :thumbs:
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    If it is as bad as you say, I'd drain it and then wait for some better advice to appear.
  35. C

    Help my Clown Loach!

    After what looked like a near recovery, my clown died this morning. :rip: :byebye: I went out of town for Monday and Tuesday, but on my return Tuesdaynight the clown that had been sick was out playing eating and seemed to be leading the pack of clowns. I was very happy, and most of the lines...
  36. C

    Is gravel ok for corys ?

    I switched from gravel to sand in my cory tank, and they really seemed to appreciate it. They become more active and seemed to enjoy sort through the sand. If you use something like playsand or pool filter sand, it will not affect your pH. :thumbs:
  37. C

    clown loach disapearance

    Yup, they will do the hiding thing from time to time. Mine will be visible all the time, and then go on vacation for a week. If you are worried about the one you haven't seen, trying watching the tank in near darkness. I find my clowns are quite active about an hour after the lights go out, or...
  38. C

    Help my Clown Loach!

    The treatment has gone well and the little clown appears to be recovering. :D :thumbs: :clap: The lines have all nearly disappeared and he is back out swimming around from time to time now. I'll continue to treat with melafix and pimafix until all signs have cleared up for a week. Thanks to...
  39. C

    To exchange or not?

    Keep the betta, exchange the danios for corys. Just my $0.02
  40. C

    sand or gravel

    This link should provide answers to most sand questions.