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  1. WLuke93

    Glass Cat Pregnant?

    I think it was as yesterday it turned a white colour and I can no longer find it in my tank :(
  2. WLuke93

    Glass Cat Pregnant?

    when i bought my 3 large glass cats i noticed one of them had small pinkish dots inside it and i wondered what they were, its been about 2 weeks since i got them and they're still there and today i noticed its belly ( I think anyway) has gotten very large and round? can anyone explain this?
  3. WLuke93

    My 46L Fluval Edge

    Woops meant 10cm :L, its been in there since i got it and it was like 4cm long :L its about 8 years old and seems like its sticking at this size, I hope to get a nice 350L tank and hopefully move my fish into that, but for the meantime, until they outgrow, which will take a long time yet, they...
  4. WLuke93

    Mono Kills Shrimp?

    I not long ago set up a new aquarium and the first things that went into where some glass shrimps (4 of them) that had survived being transfered betwen 3 other tanks so were pretty hardy, I then added a young mono to my tank and for some reason the shrimps were swimming about in open water when...
  5. WLuke93

    Air Stone In Fluval?

    Yes the fluval edge :) I was wondering if an air stone would help with filtration, as the filter part the edge comes with is only small and its only a trickle of water at the top there isnt much flow about and any waste kinda stays at the bottom if too far away from the filter, would an air...
  6. WLuke93

    Air Stone In Fluval?

    I was wondering if its possible to have an air stone in a fluval tank? would the bubbles just get trapped at the top?
  7. WLuke93

    Panchax Aggressive?

    this isnt my fish but mine both looked similar to this one :)
  8. goldenWonder1.jpg


  9. WLuke93

    Panchax Aggressive?

    I'm not sure, how do you tell sex with this species? they dont seem like they fight each other
  10. WLuke93

    Panchax Aggressive?

    I recently bought 2 golden panchax and the shop owner pointed out 2 celebes halfbeaks which looked unusual and he said they would get on really well together, so i bought them. As the week progressed the halfbeaks got pushed away from where they usual accumilate at the top of the tank, then they...
  11. WLuke93

    My 46L Fluval Edge

    Yah i know the cory needs to be in a group, the shop only had one in at the time :L and i think i'll give the tube a try, if the fish start to outgrow the tank or show signs of distress i can always move some to my other tank which has alot more space
  12. WLuke93

    My 46L Fluval Edge

    Its not over stocked... for the size the fish are now its not, and it will take ages for them to grow fully, in wich a may be able to purchase a far bigger one, the owner of a large aquarium shop near me knows of what i have and he says its fine, i regulary maintanence it, it just seems like...
  13. WLuke93

    My 46L Fluval Edge

    I'm only 18 so a huge 200L tank is out of the question, but i have had quite a few tanks before through hobby and the tanks have either gotten outdated and i have re-homed fish, but i had had many of the fish in my 60L for a long time and they live perfectly well up to their full sizes, i'm not...
  14. WLuke93

    My 46L Fluval Edge

    everyone says all you can keep in these are like a few shrimp and neon, but thats rubbish...ive had a 60L for years thats had 50 fish at a time in it and they thrived without a problem, people underestimate how many fish you can keep in a tank tbh, dont forget the fish will only grown as big as...
  15. WLuke93

    My 46L Fluval Edge

    no you dont get one with the tank, you'll have to purchase another one, i reccomend not a fluval heater but any other heater, its fits in nicely and is unoticable. I have had a pleco in my 60L since i first purchased it like 7-8 years ago and its not grown any bigger than about 30cm and is...
  16. WLuke93

    My 46L Fluval Edge

    Not long ago i decided to purchase the 46L Fluval edge aquarium, its gone off to a great start, i have white sand, varied large rocks & bogwood & live plants, the fish were doing great, but the muck seems to be piling at the bottom, dead leaves, fish waste, the filter it comes with is pretty...
  17. WLuke93

    New Halfbeaks!

    I bought 2 golden panchax's and the guy in the shop pointed out these halfbeaks, he said they would get on really well together, and i had never seen these before and they rather amused me, so i bought them, 3-4 days into into it, it seemed the panchax's just bullied and picked the halfbeaks off...