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  1. bae1994

    What Is This On My Live Rock!?!?!

    Yeah I'd say zoas too the new ones sprouting at the base of the others is typical of zoas :good:
  2. bae1994

    I'm Back And I'm Serious

    Very nice and cheap :hyper: For the aqua scaping I wouldn't have live plants or anything you don't mind being moved lol as big cichlids seem to love decorating I'd go for some nice shape bogwood and a couple of larger stones but that's just my opinion :lol:
  3. bae1994

    Fimmiment Barbs

    Not sure about filament barbs but ive got arulius barbs and theyre very nice fish and would recommend them I'm not sure on the biotope but mine often shoal with my silver dollars ( also cyprinids :hey: ) and seem to get on very well :good: Bae
  4. bae1994

    First Sw Set Up.

    I don't think the freshwater test would be any good tbh If it might be temporary get a hydrometer there not as accurate but they work As long as the flow has good movement around with no deadspotsthats fine When you add rock you might aswell leave it for a week IMO and then start testing...
  5. bae1994

    First Sw Set Up.

    Yeah add salted ro from lfs it should only cost you £4 ish for 12l get it to temp and add your live rock ( as long as your salinity is correct) And wait (test it obv untill the cycles done) You'll need A fliquid test kit for sw for the basics A refractometer You want pretty good flow...
  6. bae1994

    All In One Media Centre 27"

    Just spotted your setting up a marine tank If you do still want this gone I've got a spare 25 litre saltwater/ro drum if you want it mate Bae :good:
  7. bae1994

    Destination Fish Shops

    Also probably abit far but wharf aquatics and Waterzoo are both very good
  8. bae1994

    The Official "that's What She Said" Thread

    He latter I'd expect Just kidding obv I'm British and find it hilaroiouse
  9. bae1994

    The Official "that's What She Said" Thread

    Are you Canadian or is that misspelling ?
  10. bae1994

    The Official "that's What She Said" Thread

    Have you ever watched us office tho it's brilliantly written ( Ricky gervais did a lot of the writing so it's not all US humour) If not give it a try it's pretty great :good: These are some good intros to it
  11. bae1994

    The Official "that's What She Said" Thread

    I Hate the uk one but the us one is a lot different IMO as its just a different kind of humour and is utterly hilarious :rofl:
  12. bae1994

    Tff App

    So instead of clicking on the browser and searching or having it as a favourite you click the app what's the point :blink:
  13. bae1994

    All In One Media Centre 27"

    I'll Take this if That's ok If you've still got it bae Pm'd
  14. bae1994

    Happy Birthday - Jojouk!

    Happy birthday :good:
  15. bae1994

    Water Test Results 3Rd Day...some Improvement

    It's definatly the case with ammonia (source OATA) But I can't recall 100% if it's the same with nitrite I think it probably is :good:
  16. bae1994

    The Official "that's What She Said" Thread

    Watch the us office then it will be forever more Funny :rofl:
  17. bae1994

    How To Feed A Catfish

    Depends what kind of catfish ? Bae
  18. bae1994

    My Baby Arrows

    I had to use 3 300w heaters and a 500w heater on my 766 gallon so 1400 watts so you'll need a lot More than 100w And the rtc could do no more than turn in a circle in that tank :crazy: Bae
  19. bae1994

    What's Your Four Favourite Films Of All Time ?

    Each to there own but I think I'd rather sit in a pitch black cinema than watch titanic again :crazy: :lol: Bae
  20. bae1994

    What Would You Do In My Shoes?

    Khuli loaches are pretty cool I think a 20 gal is fine for a group of them (just make sure tho) if there's a lot of hiding spot or planted Bae
  21. bae1994

    Motoro Stingray Journal

    Very cool :drool: Does the catfish bury itself ? Great looking fish Do you rays go for the angels at all ? Also looks like the tanks missing two santa Isabella angels to me :rofl:
  22. bae1994

    More Pygmy's Or Different Species?

    Have you had a look on aquarist classified ? Theres new adverts every day so you never know Bae
  23. bae1994

    What Would You Do In My Shoes?

    If I was you in the 30 I'd add two honey Gouramis ( tougher than dwarf and still look nice) The cory's as you said and a group of ember tetras ( I don't think they nip I've never seen mine nip at my killifish or cory's) but check because of your sailfin Molly In your sig your tank has...
  24. bae1994

    Ideas Please.........

    You can attach Anubias with cotton or fishing line I'd say crypts there my favourite plant as they seem to grow really well when settled (they can melt when first introduced tho mine never did)I've got crypts in my little tank now that have come from ones that a bought over a year ago and...
  25. bae1994

    Hades Gets Plants

    Can't help with I'd I don't normally like tanks with artificial things in them but yours looks really good and I'm not sure on the size or stocking but hatchet fish would look great in there :drool: Bae
  26. bae1994

    Any In The Peterborough Area?

    Yeah I think be been to the shut down one as there's still a sign for it at the asda bit so we went and it was all shut up lol But I'll have to have a look at the ones in Kettering as go there sometimes Bae
  27. bae1994

    Any In The Peterborough Area?

    Is there any fish shops on Corby other than p@h ? Ive seen the Corby group to just havnt been either I'll have to look into it Bae
  28. bae1994

    My Gar Fish

    Yeah makes more sense and I couldn't give a definate answer to Wich one it is Also I keep Marine reef, new world chiclids ( sev and true parrot ) predatory catfish barbs silver dollars ,mixed community of tetras killi fish shrimp and cories and koi carp Atb bae
  29. bae1994

    My Gar Fish

    Yeah I guess but if you look at that link they look nothing alike Bae
  30. bae1994

    My Gar Fish

    As in this If so it looks nothing alike
  31. bae1994

    My Gar Fish

    But it's not a needle nose for definite I'd say Florida gar too
  32. bae1994

    Banks Of The Rio De La Palma

    Chears mate Bae
  33. bae1994

    Banks Of The Rio De La Palma

    Looks great :good: Also do you remember how long your LEDs took to arrive From led world?
  34. bae1994

    An Open Challenge To Ianho -

    Yeah I wasn't saying it happens nor would it happen But I was saying it would be funny if it did :lol: Bae
  35. bae1994

    Marine Set Up

    No it's from people breaking down there tanks go on eBay and other for sale sites and have a look it's normally between 4-6 pounds a kilo :good:
  36. bae1994

    Marine Set Up

    Before you decide against if you give us a general idea of corals you like ( have a browse through the marine bit and pick some ) well tell you the lighting requirements, For live rock you can get it as cheap as £4 a kilo off the Internet And you can have no filter just power heads its called...
  37. bae1994

    Fish Id N Care

    I wouldn't use the coral sand as it will buffer even with water changes adit buffers your water to 8.5-9 ( fare ish assumption IMO) if yoad changed 50% water at 7.5 it would only take it down to 8-8.25 so it would still be high so I'd go with inert gravel or sand if I was you :good:
  38. bae1994

    Need To Find Our What Plant This Is

    Yeah I'd separate it do you mean pods on the root end or top ? And yeah it's fine to trim just don't cut it back to far Bae