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  1. bae1994

    Which Root Tabs?

    I used dennerle root tabs in mine theyre 1cm wide White spheres and my plants are doing great :good: Are the clay balls not just a medium to bsorb nutrients ( same as cat litter) Instead of a nutrient source
  2. bae1994

    Llj's 2.5G - I Swear, The Last One!

    Looks good with the extra rock that Cave in the 3rd picture would be perfect for a sun coral frag :drool:
  3. bae1994 Accepting Are Your Spouses/family About Your Hobby?

    Parents are great with it ( they have tanks too) And they took the window out for my big tank :crazy:
  4. bae1994

    Llj's 8G... Yuma/zoanthid Garden

    Looks great I think the scape suits it very well :hyper:
  5. bae1994

    Llj's 2.5G - I Swear, The Last One!

    Looks good will look better with corals :lol: :good:
  6. bae1994

    Id New Pleco

    Yep a baby gibbiceps so get bigger and more territorial than a common :crazy: ( better looking than commons too) :hyper:
  7. bae1994

    Llj's Hitch Hiker Thread... The "pet Rock" Phase...

    I'd agree on the pipe organ coral feather dusters at that size tend to have calcium tubes so to speak ( usually White) :good: Also have you got a red torch yet if not you should get one, it's amazing how much comes out :hyper:
  8. bae1994

    Bae's D&d 24G Nano Reef

    Yeah I had a pink cheeked watchman paired with a tiger pistol shrimp in my Osaka and it was to big as the burrowed at the back and I never saw the shrimp until I dismantled it :crazy: So don't really fancy a pair again but just a burrowing goby might work eg one of the above without the...
  9. bae1994

    Peter's Petite Pair Of Picos

    Looking good :good:
  10. bae1994

    Llj's 8G... Yuma/zoanthid Garden

    With regards to the Sand I find wetting it in the bag then scoop a jug full of sand slowly lower it into the water then pour it out onto the bottom ( it seems to work for me ) But the scape looks good :good:
  11. bae1994

    Bae's D&d 24G Nano Reef

    Well the saffron goby was my choice but he obviously died so I'm unsure now :blink: And yeah the coralines gone crazy I've gotta keep an eye on it as I may need a urchin If it gets too much:crazy:
  12. bae1994

    Juwel Rio A New Begining

    cheers They're doing great so far
  13. bae1994

    Bae's D&d 24G Nano Reef

    Just fed my scallop the photo freaking reaks (apparently if it's dead it's even worse :sick: But has any one got a fish idea for this tank It has 2 clowns one peppermint shrimp and one cleaner shrimp then cud
  14. bae1994

    Juwel Rio A New Begining

    Well the 3 amano shrimp that I thought had died have all just appeared :unsure: They must of been hiding somewhere lol
  15. bae1994

    Old Tank Pics For Minnt

    True parrot ?
  16. bae1994


    I don't know about them but just don't let them near your reptiles if you still have them lol :crazy:
  17. bae1994

    Juwel Rio A New Begining

    Well picture are here I'll apologise for the quality lol there pretty blurry Theres a fair bit of growth If you jump back a page when the plants first went in :hyper: full tank shot from the right from the left neons in the plants
  18. bae1994

    Bae's D&d 24G Nano Reef

    Well proof is in the pictures :lol: The glass does need cleaning but I'll do that later full tank shot duncan coral flame scallop original xenia colony the xenia thats grown the kenya tree the cleaner shrimp i added Atb Bae
  19. bae1994

    Bae's D&d 24G Nano Reef

    Live phyto 3 times a week with a turkey baister I've gotta feed it today And I'll get some pics later of this and my planted :good:
  20. bae1994

    Cuban Delight

    they both look great :hyper: :good:
  21. bae1994

    Bae's D&d 24G Nano Reef

    Well the flames still going I also added a 2 headed Duncan coral which has now sprouted a 3rd coral My Xenia has tripled And my zoas have died off a bit and lost some very cool colours for no reason that I can see but they shall be restocked at one point I'll get pics up soon Bae
  22. bae1994

    Juwel Rio A New Begining

    Well added two amazon swords plant to add more in the future spanning the length of the tank and added java fern spanning the length of the tank And all the original plants are going great And are duplicating I'll get picks soon bae
  23. bae1994

    My 2Ltr Planted Cylinder Shrimp Tank

    Thanks :good:
  24. bae1994

    Llj's 2.5G - I Swear, The Last One!

    Refugees from Endor will be marine before you know it (joke guess it probably won't lol) I think I'd go azoox flame scallop sun coral etc then you could feed then do a 90% water change twice a week half an hour or an hour after you feed Or if you fancy hatching brine shrimp every day dwarf...
  25. bae1994

    My 2Ltr Planted Cylinder Shrimp Tank

    Cool I might get one from the lfs as my 100gallon ones are breeding and I don't want to take the male out for example lol
  26. bae1994

    My 2Ltr Planted Cylinder Shrimp Tank

    Well the cherry shrimp are going strong still and I think ones pregnant but any one know about the assassin snail As the pest snails are annoying me ( theres only a couple) and I'm not feeding this tank currently as the shrimp are eating a dead plant leaf
  27. bae1994

    Would It Be Really Bad?

    Looks pretty cool I'd add another mts aswell :good:
  28. bae1994

    Llj's 8G... Yuma/zoanthid Garden

    I'd go for sps corals with a goby shrimp pair And the 2.5g I'd go for azoox tank with sexy shrimp and pom pom crabs or mantis instead That's what I'd do Bae
  29. bae1994

    Cuban Delight

    Sounds good Sounds good waiting for pics
  30. bae1994

    Cuban Delight

    Very nice hard scape I used the flora as a under substrate base and my plants are going strong so with it as your main substrate yours should love it lol
  31. bae1994

    Just Passed Oata

    Cheers @ mbou it took a couple of years but I wanted to get it right the first time which as in the first post they sent it back once which apparently is pretty good It involved water chemistry in detail so ammonia and its toxicity when ph changes by one and the temperature rises etc , fish...
  32. bae1994

    Llj's 8G... Yuma/zoanthid Garden

    I'd love one but I've ran out of room for tanks lol :crazy:
  33. bae1994

    Llj's 8G... Yuma/zoanthid Garden

    2.5g mantis tank :hyper: Will this be regionally correct or will this be purely for looks ? Bae
  34. bae1994

    Cuban Delight

    Sounds great Bae :hyper:
  35. bae1994

    Llj's 8G... Yuma/zoanthid Garden

    Very Good start after keeping my 3 gallon as marine for a short period I can say get some zoas lol they look great in small tanks they just seem proportionate But looks great you'll be sw mad before you know it lol
  36. bae1994


    Yeah You do Clear seal make it So do juwel Tab bae
  37. bae1994

    Juwel Rio 125 Tropical To Marine Conversion

    However there are some tropical diseases that uk snails won't be immune to as such so the aboves probably not a good idea :good: (not trying to annoy but it's not recommended)
  38. bae1994

    Id On Weird Fish?

    I'm not lol
  39. bae1994

    Id On Weird Fish?

    This is ridiculus
  40. bae1994

    Glass Filter Output And In Take Pieces

    Your welcome they do look great and are definatly worth the money