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  1. F

    Please Delete This Thread...

    Hey, I'm in before this gets locked! I haven't read the whole thing, but I caught this nice little part: First, I think people were trying to be helpful by telling you three puffers in that tank is too many. If you asked for advice and didn't take it, then you shouldn't expect people praise...
  2. F

    33g Cube Journal - New Pictures On 1-26-2007

    Just a quick update with possible pictures to follow... Found a starfish on the glass tonight. It's not big, a few centimeters, but definitely a starfish, and it's moving around on the glass now.
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    33g Cube Journal - New Pictures On 1-26-2007

    That's the only sand I have... And no, it's not quite THAT white in person, the pictures are a tad overexposed.
  4. F

    33g Cube Journal - New Pictures On 1-26-2007

    Thanks, I'll look into that.
  5. F

    33g Cube Journal - New Pictures On 1-26-2007

    Ok, so I finally got some new pictures, full tank, various pieces of rock, that stuff. Enjoy. In this one, is this just algae, sea grass, what?
  6. F

    33g Cube Journal - New Pictures On 1-26-2007

    Well, things are going very well. I'll have a big batch of pictures tomorrow or sometime this weekend. We have sand now. Because one of the fish we're planning to keep is a jawfish, we have a lot of sand in places. It'll be easier once I post a picture, but the way it is now, there's about...
  7. F

    33g Cube Journal - New Pictures On 1-26-2007

    Thanks for the comments everyone. To address a few comments... First, the "brightness" of those rocks won't fade, but they should get covered in coraline. The picture is overexposed unfortunately, so they're not really that bright. Also, I don't plan many corals, because this is mainly going...
  8. F

    33g Cube Journal - New Pictures On 1-26-2007

    Ok, here we go, some new pictures, not that everything has cleared up. First up, a new full tank shot. A couple things about this... There will be sand eventually, I just haven't added it yet. Secondly, there will be a background. Oh ya, and sorry about the quality, it's really awful. It...
  9. F

    33g Cube Journal - New Pictures On 1-26-2007

    The water has cleared up since the last picture, and I've got the filter and skimmer in. The filter has added the perfect amount of flow in addition to my powerhead, and the skimmer is working, I think, not really experienced with skimmers. It's producing foam, I'm just not sure how much it...
  10. F

    33g Cube Journal - New Pictures On 1-26-2007

    Ok, it's been longer than I thought it'd be , but here is a picture of the tank with the new rock! I might get more, not sure at this point. I think what I have now will support the relatively small bioload I'll be putting in the tank, but I think I might just add some mushroom/zoo rocks later on.
  11. F

    New Pictures From Dallas World Aquarium

    Thanks for the comments everyone. Next time I got back I'll get species names to go with my pictures (I have a membership, go at least once or twice a month). Of course :) They are very hard to get a good picture of because of the tank they're in. Here are some older pictures from that tank...
  12. F

    New Pictures From Dallas World Aquarium

    Here are some pictures I took today, some ok, some good... Enjoy! And some non-fish stuff...
  13. F

    The Great Brackish Experiment

    He's doing well... In fact we just attempted a hand feeding with a clam, and he almost got it. I think if we work with him some, he'll be able to grab the clam shells out of our hand, which is pretty cool. Also, the tank will be receiving a skimmer and UV filter very soon I think.
  14. F

    New Fish

    He's doing really well, and there haven't been any problems with the other fish since the first night and day. Lsat night at the New Years party he was quite the character, swimming around saying hhigh to everyone that passed by his tank.
  15. F

    33g Cube Journal - New Pictures On 1-26-2007

    My wife had a nano reef a while ago, and I remember the bristleworms, and other things I didn't really want to be touching (or have touch me), so the gloves are perfect.
  16. F

    33g Cube Journal - New Pictures On 1-26-2007

    Yes, it's got several timers, and it's actually kind of complicated :P I know for sure it has two day outlets and two night outlets, and you can do stuff on and off at the same time just on one day, the week days, the week end, or the whole week. It's really kinda cool.
  17. F

    33g Cube Journal - New Pictures On 1-26-2007

    Ok, here we go, some pictures of stuff... Powerhead out of water... My favorite new thing, my gloves! My wonderful new "Digital Power Center" The inside of the stand... Finally, water in the tank! And the equipment in the tank... More later!
  18. F

    33g Cube Journal - New Pictures On 1-26-2007

    Don't worry, fish won't be going in for a while. I just got water in the tank, and everything else setup. It's really nice, can't wait to get more in than just water, heater, and powerhead :) Having this time before I even get live rock will give me some time get get the temperature...
  19. F

    33g Cube Journal - New Pictures On 1-26-2007

    Well, I was counting on the Reefpack for some added flow, but, it will be here before I get the live rock anyway, so no big deal. I'm going to ge the water and get the tank wet today!
  20. F

    The Great Brackish Experiment

    Just wanted to post a quick update for any that actually visit the brackish forum on occasion :) I turned on the light this morning and TJ was swimming around like a normal puffer, not curled up on the bottom! Apparently he was still like this when my wife got up and fed them (he loves his...
  21. F

    33g Cube Journal - New Pictures On 1-26-2007

    I got my order today, but the skimmer is broken unfortunately. Marine Depot shipped out another one as soon as I called, and it isn't really their fault, so I suppose I can't be too upset with them. Anyway, everything else looks great. The gloves are especially nice, and I really like the...
  22. F

    A Couple Big'uns

    Here's a picture I took of one at the public aquarium here in Dallas:
  23. F

    The Great Brackish Experiment

    Ya, check out a couple pictures here. I haven't noticed any aggression this morning, and I just fed. When I turned on the light, the new puffer started swimming around, and the monos ignored him. Everyone ate peacefully too. So far so good :)
  24. F

    The Great Brackish Experiment

    Well, I got the Stars and Stripes puffer yesterday, and the first few hours were quite entertaining (and a little disturbing) to say the least. We slowly acclimated him to our salinity, and he did fine the whole time. After he was settled in at our salinity we put him in the tank, and he...
  25. F

    33g Cube Journal - New Pictures On 1-26-2007

    Thanks, that's actually what I've told people when they mentioned the difference in color :) There's a nice shelf inside the stand, I'll get more pictures of everything on Thursday when I'm getting all the equipment setup and going. Right now the plan is to run it with just water for the...
  26. F

    New Fish

    With this fish I feel a little like the people that wait a while to tell people they're pregnant, in case something happens... I've just acclimated and added a Stars and Stripes puffer to my high end brackish tank. The SG is around 1.011, with 1.010 being the minimum for these fish. I plan on...
  27. F

    33g Cube Journal - New Pictures On 1-26-2007

    Ok, you're getting a picture on Tuesday, but only because the stand is done. My equipment won't be delivered until Thursday, but here is the tank and stand... Please no comments about the stand color :) I know they don't match, but I don't want to wait for the wife to restain, so it's staying...
  28. F

    What Did You Get?

    I got a gift certificate to Marine Depot, and have already ordered a bunch of stuff for a new tank (have the tank and stand, got a skimmer, powerhead, gloves, powerstrip/timer, and a digital thermometer), then another gift certificate to Live Aquaria to get live rock for that same tank :)
  29. F

    Rip James Brown

    I just got up, saw the news, and came here to post the same thing. It's very sad, and doesn't make for a Funky Christmas at all :(
  30. F

    33g Cube Journal - New Pictures On 1-26-2007

    Yep, I think I'll do that. Stay tuned for pictures next Tuesday :) Maybe some this weekend when the stand is finished and the tank is all setup but nothing in it yet.
  31. F

    Blue Rams - Trying To Eat Snails?

    Ok, so I just saw the weirdest thing... one of my blue rams got a snail in it's mouth, shell and all, and was frantically trying to smash it. They're well fed, just ate in fact, so I don't know what's going on. Anyone ever seen this?
  32. F

    33g Cube Journal - New Pictures On 1-26-2007

    Well, this is exciting. I placed an order at Marine Depot today for a Tunze Nano Reefpack, a powerhead, some gloves, a powerstrip/timer, and a digital thermometer. Scheduled delivery is Tuesday, and the stand will be done this weekend. I plan to order the live rock next week, maybe Wednesday...
  33. F

    1st Fish Tank Changed...

    I'd just like to point out that rams aren't necessarily "super sensitive". Some people do have problems with German blue rams, so I might classify them as sensitive, but if you want Bolivians, feel free to add them when you're cycled. Mine have been in my tank since the cycle was done with no...
  34. F

    Can We All Stop Jumping On Everyone?

    You win the thread.
  35. F

    Ammonia For Fishless Cycle

  36. F

    Taking A Disaster And Learning

    My gravel tank is easier to clean than the ones with sand in my opinion. It's nice to be able to just jam that gravel vac down in there and see all the gunk come up and out and into your bucket.
  37. F

    Figure 8 Puffer & Aquascape

    You may be able to keep one in a 15g, but certainly nothing smaller. While the fish itself won't get that big, they love to swim around and explore. I've got mine in a 29g, and I personally wouldn't keep one in less, because I see how much he swims now. You definitely can keep one in less...
  38. F

    Monos And Gsp Have Grown

    I'd say go for it. I was just watching mine eat some squid, they're so much fun to watch. So fast and agile, despite their awkward shape.
  39. F

    Bad Advice

    Oh my gosh, some places give bad advice?! That's SHOCKING! You realize not all puffers are brackish, right?
  40. F

    Want Your Photos Published?

    If they're not yours, you can't give permission for someone to use them.