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    Dwarf Gourami With What Looks Like A Chunk Missing!

    could anyone actually explain to me what wilder was trying to say ? im kinda new to this and what sort of antibiotic is there ? also, what is the actually disease/sickness, my female guppy has it at the moment
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    Guppy And A Blackskirt Tetra Distressed ?

    I realise about that about the nitrogen cycle but I never did it basically because my cousins set it up for me when I was young so I wasnt really sure. I've all about doing a fishless cycle and everything and I know what I gotta do for a new tank. I've had this for 4 or 5 years now so Im...
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    Chunk Missing From Guppy?

    Tank size: 37 litres (10 gallon) pH: alkaline ammonia: n/m nitrite: n/m nitrate: n/m kH: n/m gH: n/m tank temp: 28C - 26C, flactuates alot because we're almost out of a heatwave here in adelaide. Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): my poor...
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    if you're going for a natural look (which half the time looks best), try sand as a substrate or try smaller sized gravel, you have lovely looking plants though.
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    Cooling Down The Fish Tank?

    oh really ? I added 2 whole trays, but i put them in a frozen sandwich bag thing.. learnt my lesson later that you shudnt decrease temp so suddenly, 1 degree per hour am i correct ? and thanks you guys for the suggestion on the oxygen.
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    Guppy And A Blackskirt Tetra Distressed ?

    It's always happened for the whole time hes been in there each time I put the net in he does that. I've put in a new rock a few days ago, washed it very well, boiled it. So i'm really assuming its not the rock.
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    Guppy And A Blackskirt Tetra Distressed ?

    I'm kinda new here so I hope you dont mind answering some of my questions. I've had my tank for a while now but I've just got into the raising fish craze, my dad use to manage my fish and now he said I should do it and its really starting to become so interesting. But I'm here to ask about my...
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    New Tank

    you have a lovely tank there. I really love the position you put it in that room as well. Good job! also, you have a beautiful black ghost it hand fed ?
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    Various Stages Of My Rio 125 Over The Last Two Years

    Your tank and progress throughout the time is incredible. Im new to this fish stuff and I love your tank. Incredibleeeee. :o :o :o
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    Cooling Down The Fish Tank?

    I haven't done it yet but is it possible to cool down the tank with ice? Like frozen ice and you just put it in. Because lately the weather is a heat wave and its about 38C+ for the next week and it has been like that for the past week and my fish tank seams to go up to 30C very easily. But im...
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    Possible Sick Rummy Nose? Please Help!

    could it be one of his stomaches have ruptured ? but if it was that wudnt he be dead. :\
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    Goldfish About To Die From Whitespot Soon ?

    They're lasted years until i recently put in the new fish. and omg @ the goldfish requirements. Gonna go bed now but will be doing some maintenance tommorow.
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    My Cycled, Fish Added & Adorned 86g Community Tank

    makes your place look really cozy and attractive. god damn and u got some nice fish and a tank from heaven.
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    Fishy And Terrapin Picutres

    man thats a great setup there. I like it how they can move accross the wood there. very nice!
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    Dwarf Loach And A Killie Pair

    thats amazing. Those fish are incredible. And I have no idea how you managed to make the shots look so good lol. Hired pro photographer ? ahaha.
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    Goldfish About To Die From Whitespot Soon ?

    I have a average sized goldfish in my aquarium atm. Actually I have 2 goldfish, 1 black tetra, 3 pakistani loaches, 2 guppies in a about 30 litre tank. I dunno if its overstocked or not but you can scream at me later, just keep reading. . I have yet to test my pH or anything, temp is about...