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    576l Estuary

    damn thats huge. im trying to imagine what i culd have done with that if I had the money lol. anyways nice job mate!
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    So I Thought My Little 10 Gal. Would Be $150-200

    I know this is quite old, but have you managed to set it up yet ? :P
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    Breeding Black Skirt Tetra

    just wanna know..the cycle of how it goes.. after they do their 'thing', how long until you can notice they are pregant, and wud the female's stomach be big ? like really big ? or ?_? then how long till the eggs hatch, and will the mother and father eat the fry ? thanks.
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    Yuk Creepy Crawly Thing

    lol thats freaky o_O
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    Bristle Nose Adnd Plants

    bleh..those plants dont look THAT it possible for me to grow some sort of moss
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    Bristle Nose Adnd Plants

    its just a 10g tank. i have no idea what plants are suitable for the tank size and are hardy and dont need much sunlight etc
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    Bristle Nose Adnd Plants

    thanks for ur reply. i dont think its anything but i want to be sured and for plants, is it better to have sand ? or gravel? maybe a layer of sand on the bottom and sand on top ? but i prefer sand on top argh..
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    Bristle Nose Adnd Plants

    quick questions if u dont mind.. can u grow plants in a tank without CO2 and all that stuff..without anything at all..likke it will just grow on its on if so which plants are the great plants to do it.. bristle nose.. u know how they have those dots all of over em, well sometimes a...
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    Reckless Fin Eater

    bet angel all.. but it might also becoz tank size (since u didnt mention it) andd its by itself and many fishes become agressive because they are alone. eg. tiger barbs are major fin nippers if alone
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    Sick Black Ghost Knife Fish And Kribensis

    should get some kits of ur own soon. lfs's arent accurate compared to ur home test kits. hope the bgk and krib is doin alrite..
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    Sick Black Ghost Knife Fish And Kribensis

    it almost sounds like he has multiple illnesses. fishes are very prone to illneses if they are already being attacked. the shredded fins could be fin rot (never seen it on a bgk though, so i would have no idea what it would look like* um and the quaratine tank; not sure about med or temp at...
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    Oscars, Firemouth And Convict!

    nice tank but arent the oscars gona uproot the plants lol
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    20 Second Question

    can you put harlequin rasboras with black skirt tetras? theres also a bristlenose too.. thanks for spending your time to answer my question! ty!
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    Pleco Slaming Other Fish!

    do a 15-25% water change with dechlorinate etc. check to see if hes still doing the same thing. also check if hes targetting one fish or all of them. is it big fish ? if it is, is it bigger then him? or is it smaller then him
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    6 Months In Update.

    wow, the new tank is amazing. great job buddy. i liked what u do with the middle filter and the sides of the tank. good thinking! ;D
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    My Bedside Hospital/quarantine Tank!

    hah didnt mean to tell you off, just hinting that IF you didnt have one, you should get one..but since you have an advanced filter (?) sall good. so how is his recovery going anyways
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    My Bedside Hospital/quarantine Tank!

    if you dont have a filter, which i believe you do not, you most definetly will need to add one asap. even if its just a cheap one from a department store. and the water quality will be better.. dont forget to test for chemicals as well.. the better the fish quality the faster your fish will...
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    Bristlenose Temperature?

    just a super duper quick question, what temperatures can Bristlenose Catfish tolerate? i have no idea and I've already checked the profile. :S
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    Square One!

    tahts a great piece of wood/rock u got there..whatever it is o.O
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    Australian Bushfires Of 2009

    the videos are shocking. also dont you mean february not january! RIP to those that lost their lives in Australia's Worst Natural Disaster. we feel for those who lost loved ones and their homes and everything they had..
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    Saintlys "the Miracle Mire"

    wow dont know what else to say but wow i am so enviousss. wow. LOL wow wow O_O wow. thats an awesome job u've done (Y) man we need fish handy men like u rofl
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    Nitrites To 0 In 24 Hrs For 4 Days

    agreed with above ^ but dont suddenly buy like 9045839048590484 fish at it over time ahahah
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    Neon Tetras Are Killing My Fish!

    uh i would suggest to stop buying from that fish store. and yes im quite sure that tiger barbs do attack guppies. hopefully there are different fish stores around your area. if not thats just badluck :\ theres some threads about checking the fish before you buy them so u know which one to...
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    Neon Tetras Are Killing My Fish!

    i have no idea how your barbs are dying. but something similiar to this happened to me as well. anyways just a thought, dont tiger barbs attack guppies ? they attack long finned fish dont they ?
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    My School Of Neons

    agreed. also i agree with the school of neons and i reckon you should get a shoal of black widows. it would be nice ahaha. love your fish tank!
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    Johns 450ltr (110 Gals) Journal

    yes. woot. i was just skimming through all the photos. incredible. I wonder what it looks like now. im jeluz.
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    My First Tank Please Give Comments Greatly Apprciated

    damn, those red flaring plants at the back suit your tank really good lol. i just noticed them. what are they?
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    Check Out My New Tank...just Took Pics ! 75 Gallon

    nice, putting it under the stairs, tahts really nice lol. really depends what sort of semi agressive fish, i reckon yellow labs would be really nice in your tank, labs and cobalts but..not sure about the cobalts..
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    My School Of Neons

    really nice school of neons. do you have any other fish in there? also maybve you could give us a whole tank shot next time ? your tank looks pretty nice aha
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    My Tanks

    you have a really nice selection of slates there. I also liked how you put them as well. Good job!
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    Apple Snail Floating

    its possible it could have gotten pregnant at the lfs just before you took it home ? unless they dont put snails together, beats me.. but its a possibility
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    My First Tank Please Give Comments Greatly Apprciated

    nice tank! i agree with the others about the arch.. also they're black skirt tetras arent they ? what else have you got :hyper:
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    Found A Shrimp In My Tank? Huh?

    oh lol, no wonder. also, my fish has white stringy poo ? what does that mean ? ;o he eats normally and seems fine.
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    Found A Shrimp In My Tank? Huh?

    I had a small 10 gallon with some small tetras. One day I was cleaning the gravel and I found a shrimp. It was TINY. The size of over half ur finger nail. Is that a parasite? or was it really a shrimp? If it was a shrimp, how did it get there, did it form from left over food or ? its dead...
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    Black/white Skirt Or Black Widow Tetra

    Just a note how stressed this fish can become. The fish's fins shown above, are its relaxed and comfortable state. The black on the fins and the body will get lighter and clearer if the fish gets stressed. Moving the fish to different tanks or even putting your hand in can startle the fish...
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    Check Out My New Tank...just Took Pics ! 75 Gallon

    hmm i really like the design. good architecture you got there! =O maybe you can add some more plants around it ? would make it look more nice :P and next time make the room dark and turn the tank light on, its more intriguing !
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    Sudden Guppy Death :(

    is it possible that the last batch was so much, like so many fry, that it cudnt handle it with the stoamch going back to normal and it just died ?
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    My Fish Have Ich/white Spot And I Have Live Plants

    wait so your fish have ich ? and theres live plants in them ? it should be fine. but if you're using meth blue or myth green or something with strong colour dye, i strongly recommend you to move any decorations as they will most probably go green. happeend to alot of my rocks. good luck
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    Chunk Missing From Guppy?

    im getting some test kits of my own soon because im going to be setting up another tank. in one of the threads it says min tank is 10 gallons ? and also there were already links before. also, the guppy died, i saw it in the morning floating at the bottom tank still moving around quite abit...