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  1. K

    Tank of doom, SOS

    The tank has been set up for about six months I believe he cleans them( filters) in the water he’s changing out of that makes sense but I can’t be positive, and he’s asleep right now and I don’t know much about the filters He does clean the gravel when he does water changes I did suggest...
  2. K

    Tank of doom, SOS

    My boyfriend has a 75 gallon tank that is literally a doom tank. Everything dies eventually sooner than it should. To count this tank has claimed 2 plecos, 9 tiger barbs, 2 Cory cats all one by one. Now bare with me. I asked him to test his water today 0 ammonia 40 nitrate 2.0 nitrite 8.0 ph...
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  4. K

    Work Tank advice

    Good news! I got the all go to do a tank makeover! Finding homes for some of the big guys (pleco is going to a 70 at my home, bala is most likely joining the catfish at the local store in a freshwater display, and the Goldie’s are also coming home for my 5 y/o step son) then slowly switching...
  5. K

    Help odentifying

    Yes I made it very clear that nothing was to be used that wasn’t under the tank. Nobody ever really does anything with it anyways but I left the note too just Incase
  6. K

    Help odentifying

    Also I did end up moving him today only because I guess they were going to windex clean the work tank. Safe to say I taped a note that I’m the only one to maintain the tank
  7. K

    Help odentifying

    Found a new home at our local pet shop that I get all my snakes from. He’s going to be kept by the owner and is currently feeding away in a 70 gal feeder tank. He plans to put him in a 125 freshwater display tank and upgrade from there. I’ll be going back periodically so I’m excited to see how...
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  9. K

    Help odentifying

    Will do. Thank you guys!
  10. K

    Help odentifying

    I thought he looked off from the pictures I was seeing :( I’m working on rehoming him and a few other fish that are too big for the tank just waiting for management approval. I have sent out to the local pet shops though asking if any of them can take him. Thanks for your help guys!
  11. K

    Help odentifying

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  13. K

    Help odentifying

    just under a year I believe
  14. K

    Help odentifying

    I was afraid of that. Another one in the 55 work tank
  15. K

    Help odentifying

    terrible photos but he’s in hiding mode.
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  18. K

    Work Tank advice

    That was going to be my next question. I HATE neon gravel. I too love natural tanks. I have a poad of driftwood we’ve scavenged and treated for our home tanks that I do want to bring in as someone mentioned above. I don’t know where to begin though with a gravel change. I’m sure they’d let me...
  19. K

    Work Tank advice

    Okay so the pleco is okay in the 55 gal? I was worried about that. The guys range in age from 30-85 :P but the younger ones pay more attention. I do want the goldfish out to a different tank so we can add more tropical fish in.
  20. K

    Work Tank advice

    Also looking for good stocking options. I’d love to keep the parrot as it’s personality is amazing and it’s a huge hit here with the guys
  21. K

    Work Tank advice

    I work in a group home that has a 55 gal tank. I was out for a year and came back to an awful dirty mess so I’ve been keeping up, water changes, cleaning, treatments. I’m testing the water Sunday since we got our new api kit at home. I know some of these fish are too big for this tank and I’m...
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  28. K

    Poor Mollie being eaten

    I’m confused as how so many educated resources could be incorrect but like I said they’re fine now so that’s that
  29. K

    Poor Mollie being eaten

    Also I check my fish daily so like I said if the time comes I’ll take care of it like I did with removing the mollies today
  30. K

    Poor Mollie being eaten

    No problem. Also I’ve heard/read many sources that neon tetras are a fine tank mate due to They’re quick enough to keep safe and stay lower than the betta. If anything I’ve been cautioned the contrary that tetras can actually nip the betta. Also like I said they’ve been fine thus far they keep...
  31. K

    Poor Mollie being eaten

    If the time comes I’ll remove the Betta but they’ve been living fine for about 5 months now.
  32. K

    Poor Mollie being eaten

    I moved the other molly to a 10 gal tank with neon tetras and 1 Betta. The parrot, tigers, and tetras were all nipping at the dead mollie. So far the parrot seems to be holding its own but I’m going to keep an eye out. He’s planned to move to my bfs bigger tank anyways once he outgrows mine but...
  33. K

    Poor Mollie being eaten

    Thank you. I feel so guilty :( He’s definitely found his new home in the other tank. I’m going to do a water change today on both since they’re do and I’ll make sure To increase their feeding!!
  34. K

    Poor Mollie being eaten

    i have a Dalmatian mollie who this morning I doscovered is being eaten by the other fish :( I’ve had this tank 4.5 months and never had any issues. Tank mates 6 tiger barbs 1 baby parrot 4 black fin tetra 1 normal pleco 1 other Dalmatian Mollie Ammonia 0 P.H 7.4 Trites 0 Trates 160 (I will...
  35. K

    Hi from NY! (Beginner)

    I have a ball of seaweed (left side in pic) is that enough or should I get more plants? I’m really kicking myself rn, I did have a plant that sure as hell did get eaten up so I never replaced it! I guess I didn’t realize that it’s okay to be eaten! Oops :( And I had no idea they could benefit...
  36. K

    Missing dwarf Gourami!?

    I started with 2 full grown dwarf gouramis. A month ago I noticed one was gone. Wasn’t anywhere outside tank and none of the tank mates are large enough to eat one. I chalked it up to it jumped out the gap in the back and I just realized. Okay today, my other is gone! And I know it was just in...
  37. K

    Hi from NY! (Beginner)

    Thank you I will definitely look into that!
  38. K

    Hi from NY! (Beginner)

    The tanks been running for 4 months. The dimensions are as follows; L30” W12” H18.5” Currently Ammonia is at 0, P.H 7.4 Nitrites 0 and Nitrates 15ppm The parrot is still a baby (Just about 1.5”) and we already planned to move it once it gets too large for the tank. I was assuming the silver...
  39. K

    Hi from NY! (Beginner)

    Hi everyone! I’m a beginner at all of this. Looking to further educate myself in the world of fish for my fish sake and my own understanding. I currently have a 29 gal with a silver dollar, yo-yo loach, baby parrot, 6 tiger barbs, 4 black tetras, 2 Dalmatian mollies, small pleco and a gourami...