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  1. T

    other reptiles

    ok, a few of u saw my topic asking about anoles, and now im asking wats the easyest lizard thats cheap and small, all i have is a 10 gal, i think, or a 5, so, can any1 help me?
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    My dog

    i love that dog, its awesome, cant see the cat tho, but im sure it must be cool
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    ok, ty for helpin me, i cant decide between anoles or bearded dragons
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    hey anyone know alot about anoles? i might et 1 and im now starting to do some reaserch online, and was wondering if anyone had some good links or could tell me anythng. thanks in advance
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    i know my lps is great, they even told me [/U] to buy tanks from them, beacause they get their tanks in retail cost, and thats the same as where big chains sell them, and they actually keep their bettas in lage bowls, and they have a few females.
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    Virtual fishing and aquariums

    lol, n1, thats the same page i was goin to put up :D
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    how to tell female betta speciecs

    actually, im just asking so i know. :/
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    My virtual tank. lol.

    lol, me too, i tried it anyway, u have to register, i got through the tems of agreement, but then.... EDIT: myfrint, find anything thats in english, or any games like it?
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    Princes tank has sea monkeys?

    i might be wrong but, could it be very small brine shrimp, if u feed ur fish that a few could hae gotton away and spawned?
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    how to tell female betta speciecs

    hey my topic title said most of it, how can u tell the different types of female betta, like how can u tell the difference from a female crowntail from everything else?
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    have to show you my dog

    sry, i havent checked here for a few days. his nam is rudy, and i dont know how old he is, he was a pound dog, already housebroken.
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    My virtual tank. lol.

    is it? if it is then there is no english version, but il keep lookin
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    My virtual tank. lol.

    grrrrrr, i could prbably find it if i new wat hanqua is in english
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    My virtual tank. lol.

    yeah, if the name translates we can do it, wats the link to the korean site cutecotton EDIT:nevermind, i found it, and there has to be an enlish version, or some way to change it
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    My virtual tank. lol.

    wat does the name translate into english, i will look it up on google
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    female betta tank

    ok, thanks cutecotton, unfortunatly cant do that now, glad i asked first
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    female betta tank

    hey i was wondering how small a female betta tank can be at its smallest, with 3 or 4 females?
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    any way to cross breed

    i agree i want to see the garage sized room
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    What is your favorite breed of dog??

    i personaly like big dogs, i used to have a german shepard that was great with kids, i know cus i was that kid lol, i would ride on that dogs back, and grab stuff from his mouth, but those kinds of dogs it really depends on the personality. another good breed might be a lab.
  20. T

    cleaning tanks

    ok i have a question that i bet no one will know the anwer to. can you wash out with rain water, instead of using tapwater. i know that sounds funny, but i just got an old really dirty tank, and it was outside and it filled up with rainwater.
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    have to show you my dog

    heres my dog, you may have read my post about my dog the would attack other dogs, this is not that dog. i hope i do this right, i have never posted pics. that was this morning :wub: that was from last night :wub: ok, if they didnt work il try it again. hope you like him
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    betta pic around the web.

    i like the 2nd and 3rd betta pics, not sure about the tank
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    chicago meeting

    did you eat in the food court or the resteraunt that overlooks the city?
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    bettas males together

    yeah and your right sharks1fan, i was kinda impationt(sp), sorry EDIT:oops, posted twice, sry
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    bettas males together

  26. T

    bettas males together

    i think its a 5 gal(US), but im not sure, i got it at one of those bargain basements for $13, il get a pic
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    bettas males together

    ok, ty, i was beggining to wonder if anyone was goin to reply.
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    bettas males together

    im kinda new to bettas, although ive had the all my life, and i was wondering if you can put 2 males in a tank, with a divider?
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    chicago meeting

    nice pics, did u go thruogh the sea horse part, they r the best!!
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    Circus Pics

    nice pics, thats the most ive ever seen of a circus.
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    Hi All

    welcome n.y.parsons, :hi:
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    seattle zoooooo

    cool pics, il have to go to that zoo, il have pics of the san deigo zoo as soon as i figure out how to upload them
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    Could not resist the Cuteness of Parrots

    wat kind of parrots are they, did you do any reaserch before you got them. wat kind of cage did you get?wat kind of food did you get?are you tired of me asking questions?
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    killies with guppys

    i just saw on monday that my lfs had golden killies in with guppys and some other fish! is it ok for them to do that or will it kill the guppys and other fish in the tank with them?
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    depend on where you live, in the US, for fish id go to hope the link works.
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    wat fish can you crossbreed?

    hey i hear alot about fish bein crossbred and i was wondering wat livebearers you can crossbreed.
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    il get a pic as soon as i can figure out how to attach it lol
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    Another type of parrot that you should think about are african brown headed parrots, they are good with kids and do not skwawk much (in comparison to other birds) and may learn to speak. I've allready taught mine to whistle. and I think they look cool.
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    Meet the three divas!

    cool anoles :D
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    yeah i agree with every1 else, take him to the vet as soo as you can, hope he gets better.