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  1. T

    puppy (with pics now)

    she's allready grown alot from wen we got her and we think she wil get VERY big
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    puppy (with pics now)

    ok, i hope these work, still not sure about posting them on :wub: that was her attacking herself in the mirror, lol look at wat she did, lol sleeping :wub: looks like it worked :D i would have taken more but she never
  3. T

    puppy (with pics now)

    lol, screwed up :*)
  4. kasa_attacking_mirror.JPG


  5. T

    Some pictures

    great pics, i like the last guy, avery i think (bad memory)
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    puppy (with pics now)

    ok, we got him, so far its been ok, better than we thought, btu my big guy growls and stuff, but thats kinda natural for that situation, unfortunalty, we got home late so we had to introduce them fast, but they did work out well edit 1-forgot to say that il have picks of her at the end of week...
  7. T

    puppy (with pics now)

    ok, ty, she is female, and we were goin to do most of that, exept we cant do it at the shelter because its in boise and we drive back today
  8. T

    puppy (with pics now)

    its at the animal shleter in boise, me and my dad might be bringin home 1, any ideas on how to introduce him to my other dog, hes very territorial
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    A few new fish pictures....

    i like that copper in the second pic, but hey are all great fish
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    Newest IBC Chapter

    i know this sounds sooo stupid, but what exactly is the IBC?
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    Google image your user name

    i saw that guy on ripleys belive it or not, hes weird, lol
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    Halloween in Drogheda (Fireworks, astronomy)

    wow, that is cool, you are a great photographer
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    A perfect community?

    yeah, the betta will get ts fins niped (most likely) and never put a betta in with bright colord fish, maybe you can get a few galln bowl or something for him
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    Pics of my new guys

    wow, i like alfie, hes a beutiful shade of red :kewlpics:
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    is it ok to put a mirror up to your bettas tank every once in awihle, ive heard mixed comments on that so i wasnt sure
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    i want to go to scotland....
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    gotta geta betta

    try looking on aquabid
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    The Lucky 13-

    name them after ur favorite siger or band, thats wat i name mine after
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    he wont eat

    ok, i email the guy and told us ti use live blackworms, so im looking for cultures on aquabid and the guy might sell us a spawn sister
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    hiking in a natural trail

    ohhh, ur sooo lucky, i want to catch some bettas
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    hiking in a natural trail

    ohhh, ur sooo lucky, i want to catch some bettas
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    he wont eat

    i forgot to add that c=he will eat the peas, bt only peas do u mean worms from te ground?
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    beat up betta

    and only 1, im pretty sure they need to be in a group
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    he wont eat

    went to twin today after talking my dad into it, we got bloodworms, and he wont eat it still, at this rate he will probably die :-(
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    he wont eat

    was a sucess wit hthe peas but i think it was only because they sunk imedialtly adn hethought they were live, he was probably fed all live food until wen we got him, i think
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    he wont eat

    luckily, me and my dad had some peas tonight, so we'll give hime some leftovers, and i have off the next few days so we might be able to go then, and thanks for the advice on microworms
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    he wont eat

    he wont eat the flakes eather :X maybe its time to go to aquabid and get a microworm culture or something :/
  28. T

    Fishroom pics

    nice fishroom,and nice 2 bettas at end, that last 1 is really traspare i like how u can see a vein in him :lol:
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    he wont eat

    i guees they might but, thats an hour away, and we wont go if we dont really have to do other stuff, we only go once or twice a month, maybe i can persuade my dad to go, i wish the fush came sooner, my mom just went before he came edit-my dad just went up to the lfs and got some sort of flake...
  30. T

    he wont eat

    ok, all i have are some pellets, the only lfs here cant get frozen any thing here, it takes 3 days delivery just to get all her other stuff, stupid backcountry, and the only other stores are an hour away, and all that is is a petsmoart, wich probably wont have them, so to get frozen i would have...
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    he wont eat

    ok, fourplay, he is only 3 months old so i tried it, he didnt eat them but they subk down quicker, and he went after them, maybe he will only eat live food that he can hunt :shifty:
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    he wont eat

    its been over a week now and im gettin worried, he wont eat a thing, il get some pics after school and seee if any1 can see something wrong, he doesnt look sick, he is happily swimming around.
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    hey every1 my teacher wants me to get some information on finrot for tomorrow, such as how it starts, how does it spread, wat does it do to the fish. thank you all for the help i know u will be giving me
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    he wont eat

    ok, that makes sense then, he is very active, bubblenesting and stiff, its probably just still getting used to being here
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    he wont eat

    i just got him i few days ago, i figured he wasnt eating the first few days because he was just getting used to geing here, but now im getting worried
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    he wont eat

    he ownt e3at anything but a little bit off of some freeze dired bloodworms, he wont eat the kikari bio gold pellets, and the only time he eats the bloodworms is when we would blow on the water to make them seem alive? any suggestions. also, im not in a good location to get live food quick.
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    do yall think its would work if u use plexiglass for tank walls instead of regular glass?
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    HELP! Which one?

    dont double post, sry :*)
  39. T

    HELP! Which one?

    dont forget tho, beardies get pretty big also, this isa good site for them, good colorssundial
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    Giant Panda

    i love the san deigo zoo too, its always been my dream to work there as a zookeeper