Search results

  1. T

    Horse Pictures

    Excellent pictures, Anna, truely amazing horses you have. POTM for the musketeers!
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    some pics

    some more from now shoeing
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    some pics

    what i wake up to what i go to bed to(other side of the house) on a hike in the fall, everything is gold hope u like them, i think i take horrible pics, but dunno what you all would think edit, sorry i cant spell i have tons more, so give me the word and i will put more up
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    i probably shouldnt have seen that *configures how many fingers will be gone by the end of the week*
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    funny pic

    his favorate chair in my dads office
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    gravid spot

    my swordtail has what looks like a gravid spot (marigold swordtail) but it apears more dark orage, is this just because of her scales?
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    quick questin

    my swords all have ich, im treating, but, if it completely clears out could it spread to the fry before they are born?
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    carnivorous or omnivorus

    but in the wild, do they do that?
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    carnivorous or omnivorus

    me and hte person who sits next to me in class got into an argument about bettas being carnivouros or omnivourus(sp?) i took carnviourous(sp? i cant spell, lol) she said they live in rice paddies so they cn eat the rice, so i told her that they dont just live in rice paddies and that they eat...
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    those are COOL birds!
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    Pet Names

    java-very black in color like coffee kasa-hopi indian for "draped in furs"
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    closeup of flames and other pics

    omg my bro would love those flame pics!(hes training to be arson investigator) those are some of the best pics ive ever seen
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    just wondering

    i have a 5g thank i got for $13 at a thrift store what ccan i put in it? can i get lizards ar only hemies (not a bad thing, they are cool)
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    Aspen's Newspaper Fortress

    cool bird!!! i have a parrot too, unfortunatly hes gotton very nasty, and we are giving him up :-(
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    Pictures of a bunch of stuff

    nice games!!!! GO ZELDA AND GOLDENEYE!!!!!!
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    Rogues Gallery

  17. T

    New Tank mate

    cool fish :cool:
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    i need to know this too, there is this 1 pet store........lets just say its sick ad cruel i would go in and say something but they aare rednecks (no offense) and might shoot me
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    i signed it, was i supposed to put more of a reason than "its inhumane"? i might even print the link and give it out around school
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    need a quick answer

    around how much longer do they last?
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    need a quick answer

    im goin to be gettin a tank this weekend for my b-day, and, well, we (me and dad) will actually be getting it tomorrow morning, so, but, therer is a glass and plastic version of the tank we might get (eclypse 12g), but we have no clue which kind is better to buy we need fast answers, we will...
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    New Betta

    thats a cool betta! and the name, thats a town near her, lol, never been tho
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    My bettas are spawining right now

    maybe they arent fertilized
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    sunrise gupies

    are sunrise guppies dyed, or just very well bred?
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    Female bettas!

    im pretty sure all females have short fins
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    Ohhh My new Boy!!

    oooh, very nice fish! looks like a crowntail to me
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    just wonderin

    wat about a double tail and HM?
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    just wonderin

    wat would happe if you bred a CT and a HM/near HM?
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    Hi From Newbie Member

    hey, welcome to the forums cool, another tony here
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    Fav. Fish Food Poll

    i dont know, never eatin 1 :D :P
  31. T Sellers

    along wiht joker, aznobi or something
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    Norma Jeane!

    wow thats a cool bird, great colors
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    sibling bettas

    ive noticed alot of breeders sell pairs of bettas, but they sell a sibling (spawn sister) with them. is it ok to breed them together?
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    ghost hrimp

    is it ok if i put a few ghost shrimp in with my betta in an almost 2g tank? if not is there another shrimp that i could go with?
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    My Gecko

    oh wow, i like his eyes, they are kinda creepy, very cool gecko
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    puppy (with pics now)

    the other dog is treating her great now, he already tries to play with her, but because of his size its kinda funny to see. we had to board her for a few days while my dad was out of town, and we think he actually misses her :blink: :huh: thanks you all for the comments, il get more pics up...
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    my old betta -with the new pic

    same here, i cant see it
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    My creepies

    creepy pics looks like something to the left in the last 1, in the trees
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    My Immigrant Betta

    wow, he is awesome :drool:
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    no, they need a heavily planted 10gal, check the betta section for more help