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  1. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Festivums Have Spawned, Need Advice

    Well, I probably should have taken your advice and separated Bonnie and the fry from the main.tank. Last night we had around 50 fry, this morning there were fewer than 10, and despite the parents' best efforts, the tetra got those too. I'm sad that I couldn't raise these guys, but I guess it is...
  2. FreshwaterAfishianado

    My New Pair Of Apistogramma Cacatuoides Orange Flash Juveniles

    Beautiful fish, can't wait to see how the male will look once he's settled in
  3. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Spawning Cone?

    There is a thread called "breeding my discus" in the freshwater journals section which the poster uses breeding cones and his discus seem to love spawning on it. I think that the lip is just to keep wrigglers from falling onto the floor of the tank. I don't have any personal experience breeding...
  4. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Clown Plec Pics

    Thanks:-) this was one of the few times he was actually out in the open. When I first got him I was sure he was going to starve, but he's nearly doubled in size since then so he's obviously eating something.
  5. FreshwaterAfishianado

    55 Gal. Sa Black(Ish) Water Tank (Pics)

    Thanks, they're both a lot more colorful now than when we first for them
  6. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Clown Plec Pics

    Just thought I would share a few pics of my clown pleco in one of the rare instances he is visible. He's only about 2 1/2" long right now.
  7. FreshwaterAfishianado

    55 Gal. Sa Black(Ish) Water Tank (Pics)

    Ty, eagles is correct, it is black water. I say black-ish because typically a true black water tank wouldn't include plants. I had to rehome 2 of the festivum because once the fry began free swimming the parents became even more aggressive. here are a few pics
  8. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Festivums Have Spawned, Need Advice

    Well this morning I decided to rehome the 2 festivum being picked on. Though it makes me sad to give up fish it was even more sad watching them be bullied so badly. The fry are free-swimming now and once that happened the aggression from the parent fish increased dramatically. They would corner...
  9. FreshwaterAfishianado

    August 2013 - Fotm Competition Entries

    My male festivum Clyde, defending his brood of young Confirmation
  10. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Festivums Have Spawned, Need Advice

    He isn't being aggressive with Bonnie at all, they actually seem to be sharing parental duties very well, I was hoping to allow them to raise the fry as a pair if possible. As far as renoving fish if needed would it be more beneficial to remove the fish being bullied or remove the bully? Clyde...
  11. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Festivums Have Spawned, Need Advice

    So in my 55 gal. Tank I have 4 festivum cichlids, some of you may remember a few posts in the.past in which I was asking about aggression issues I was having. Well I thought I had them pretty well sorted, Clyde had calmed down after cementing his position as alpha and all seemed well. That...
  12. FreshwaterAfishianado

    55 Gal. Sa Black(Ish) Water Tank (Pics)

    So, I went on vacation for a week in MT to visit some family, my little sister was house-sitting and watching over the tanks for us, and I came home to a surprise. Our mated pair of festivums spawned! I will try to get a pic but right now there are a ton of little rigglers being ferociously...
  13. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Fake Plants!

    If you want a more realistic looking fake plant try to find the silk ones rather than plastic, they will.move more naturally with the water and generally look better I think. There are some very easy to grow natural plants though; any anubias sp. Java moss, java fern, most crypts, amazon swords...
  14. FreshwaterAfishianado

    My Very First Aquarium!

    Welcome to the hobby :) you have a lovely tank. I'm pretty sure MTS is a permanent condition, right now we have a 55 gal. Black water tank, a 5 gal. Heavily planted for my wife's betta, a 20 gal. Cycling for dwarf puffers and a 30 were just itching to fill lol. Its definitely an addicting hobby...
  15. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Yes, Another Stocking Question!

    Well with your current stock you have a lot of bottom dwellers, maybe a school of tight schooling tetra like cardinals would add a lot of movement higher in the tank. Or you could get a school of Harlequin rasboras for the same effect. An angel as a centerpiece fish would look nice, but be...
  16. FreshwaterAfishianado

    55 Gal. Sa Black(Ish) Water Tank (Pics)

    Well there has been some aggressive displays from the festivum but I think they've pretty much sorted out a pecking order. The first night there was some nipping and locking jaws but bow its just the occasional chase. One of the smaller tetra jumped, my wife found it on the carpet when she went...
  17. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Suggestions To Replace Apisto Cacs

    I don't know a ton about rams but it sounds like your setup would be perfect for them. As far as sexing them goes it can be difficult as adolescents but when they show breeding colors it is much simpler. How I understand it mature females usually have a pink hue on their belly and a rounded edge...
  18. FreshwaterAfishianado

    What Do You Feed Your Angelfish?

    Mine aren't angels but I feed my festivums hikari cichlid gold every day and frozen blood worms 3 times a week. That's an impressive diet Zante, how did you come about that recipe? Do you think it would benefit most cichlids?
  19. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Sailfin Plec

    Awesome pic, very healthy looking fish
  20. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Festivum Aggression Question

    OK, I'm going to order some of that manzanita wood as soon as I get paid, I have a few ceramic pots I can add until then and I'll rearrange the driftwood every few days. The smaller 2 festivum seem to like hiding in the bunch of hornwort I have floating in the tank right now. As far as dither...
  21. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Centre Piece Fish

    What are the dimensions of the tank? Angels may eat extremely small tetra like neons but there are plenty of tetra species large enough to hang OK with them. 150L may be a bit small for angels though, you could do dwarf gouramis or a small cichlid species as a centerpiece. And for a...
  22. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Festivum Aggression Question

    I'm not sure what is considered normal levels of aggression when cichlids are asserting dominance but last night I saw them lock jaws twice. How long should this kind of behavior last before I should be worried?
  23. FreshwaterAfishianado

    55 Gal. Sa Black(Ish) Water Tank (Pics)

    So I found a couple bites taken out of my smaller festivum's tail :-( I thought they were a mated pair, but I've noticed her fins have grown extensions sort of like a male, I'm not sure if she is a he that...
  24. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Festivum Aggression Question

    So here are a few pics that you can see her fins in, they're not the best quality but I think you can see the fin extensions I was talking about.
  25. 20130730_003235-1.jpg


  26. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Festivum Aggression Question

    So I think I may have found the cause of Clyde's aggression. I think Bonnie may be a boy The store sold them to me as a mated pair, but I've noticed something, the dorsal and anal fins on our "female" now extend to the end of her caudal fin. I thought only males had the fin extensions? I also...
  27. FreshwaterAfishianado

    55 Gal. Sa Black(Ish) Water Tank (Pics)

    Here are a few pics of today's purchases 3 more Sterbai cories, my festivums decided to photo bomb 3 more diamond...
  28. FreshwaterAfishianado

    55 Gal. Sa Black(Ish) Water Tank (Pics)

    So I'm starting this journal a little late, the tank has been running a little while now but it has been slow going so I figured I would share what I've done so far.   The original plan was to do a biotope centered around the Lake Valencia Basin in Venezuela, which is the only lake in which wild...
  29. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Festivum Aggression Question

    I was looking at that site that ninjouzata recommended and I really like what they have, I think I will even buy a few pieces for my other tanks too. That tank looks fantastic Wills, I think I may stack the piece in front of the pot onto the two center pieces in my tank until I can get some of...
  30. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Festivum Aggression Question

    Thanks.for the advice, not sure why the pic didn't show, let's see if it works this time...
  31. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Festivum Aggression Question

    Here is how it looks with the added amazon swords. Can anyone suggest a good online source for some more branch-like driftwood? I would love to add some branches to fill in the top area of the tank but most of the driftwood I can find in my lfs is chunks of wood not branches.
  32. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Festivum Aggression Question

    Thanks, I bought a few more amazon swords today to add, I was also thinking maybe some jungle val? As for floating plants what would you suggest? I like the look of frogbit but I don't think it can be shipped here :( I do plan on adding more of both the cories and tetra, I'm just introducing...
  33. FreshwaterAfishianado

    5 Gal. Update Wih Pics

    Thanks everyone :) and JellOh pics would be great. I always love to see what people come up with here for DIY solutions.
  34. FreshwaterAfishianado

    5 Gal. Update Wih Pics

    :) Thanks, the large red plant is a tiger lotus bulb, the smaller ones are crimson temple plants, they're more green/yellow than red atm though. As for the lid I've tried to convince my wife to put it on, but she insists on keeping the bamboo growing out of the top. Maybe I will try to fabricate...
  35. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Tank For Angelfish?

    If this tank is outside is it heated? Aside from not having proper filtration temperature fluctuations can kill tropical fish.
  36. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Festivum Aggression Question

    So I have a pair of festivums in my 55 gal. Along with 5 diamond tetra and 5 corydoras sterbai. At first the festivums were very shy and took a while to gain confidence, after that they were great, always swimming together and coming to the glass to greet people that walked by. I've noticed...
  37. FreshwaterAfishianado

    5 Gal. Update Wih Pics

    Just thought I would share a few newer pics if my wife's betta Apollo in his Fluval spec V. All the plants are live, there are some ghost shrimp in there with him too.
  38. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Which Canister

    I've never used any of those filters, but I have a fluval 406 running my 55 gallon and it does great, very easy to work with too
  39. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Foreground Plants?

    If you have high enough light dwarf baby tears carpet really densely, I've never grown them but I hear they can be a bit finicky
  40. FreshwaterAfishianado

    Waiting For Cycle After 3 Weeks

    Your lfs has you doing what is called a fish-in cycle, most people on this forum will advise against this as they can be inhumane and can potentially kill fish. Luckily platys are pretty tough fish and there are ways to limit the stress on them during the process. Link...