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  1. Gibbo

    The name of this fish escapes me...

    The very same! Yes.... About 3 species or so are in the trade. All are referred to by these names and look fairly similar. :)
  2. Gibbo

    The name of this fish escapes me...

    Pseudogastromyzon/Gastromyzon sp. Cracking little guys, really fun to watch!! :)
  3. Gibbo

    Tank mates for Dwarf Puffers?

    Mystery Snails? Are they the same as Apple snails nefertia? When I had my Puffers last year (C. Asselus from South America) they preferred their own company really. They inhabited all areas of the tank and, although they were a bit 'nippy' toward other fish, they were quite timid as well. Try...
  4. Gibbo

    What oddballs do you all have?

    At the mo I only have 2 Peacock Spinies and a Parrot Paca (Ossubtus Xinguense) but once the fishhouse is built this year it will be (Dwarf) Snakeheads (for breeding) and maybe Stingrays in a trop. pond (if room permits). Although not oddballs my two Hemisynodontis Membranaceous come highly...
  5. Gibbo


    Most species get to about a metre in length... as pointed out by Superman, surface area is the key. The tank could be quite shallow really, so long as the fish could turn properly and have plenty of space to swim. They're expert jumpers, taking large insects and ambushing fish/small vertebrates...
  6. Gibbo

    A list of the most hardy fish?

    Hardy fish list; Zebra, Pearl, Giant Danios Golden, Cherry and Rosy Barbs Black Widow, Red Eye, Buenos Aires Tetras Bronze, Peppered, Albino Corydoras Bristlenose cats White Cloud Mountain Minnows Platys, Swordtails, Guppies and Mollies tend to do better in tanks that have 'settled in' a...
  7. Gibbo

    Florida American Flag Fish

    Only saw this thread yesterday, so sorry about late response. I was talking to a guy by the name of Chris Ralph last night, writes for a mag in the UK called Practical Fishkeeping. He bought some fish off me recently and called me up to basically say they're OK. During the conversation American...
  8. Gibbo

    Was told plecos grow... Is it true

    :-( :-( :-( ;) :D :lol: Cry, you're so mean/angry/hurtful etc. (he says with big broad smile on face). When advising people on fish at work many are surprised at how big a Hypostomus or Liposarcus (generally both sold as 'common plec') can get. You should see their faces when you inform...
  9. Gibbo

    New Pleco

    Chaetostomasp. a type of Bulldog Plec. Lovely fish, need a lot of dissolved oxygen in the water though, which means good airation. They come from fast flowing mountain streams in South America. Diet of the usual greenfoods and a little bloodworm etc as well should keep it happy. :) Try this...
  10. Gibbo

    Q's on eels?

    I've covered this subject before - I'll see if I can find the link; Info on Spiny Eels Peacock Eels are good for community aquaria with medium sized Tetras or Barbs etc. :)
  11. Gibbo

    Questions about Dwarf Puffers

    No, not all of them. Some are totally freshwater whereas others need a certain amount of (aquarium) salt in their water. Research your potential purchase before buying. :)
  12. Gibbo

    Rubber Eel/worm

    Ancient Amphibians - some info..... Typhlonectes natans They say water quality must be excellent, is it getting a good, varied diet? :blink:
  13. Gibbo

    upsidedown catfish

    The Mochokidae, or upsidedown catfish (also known as squeakers) have members of which many do swim a lot of the time upside down. The fish we most likely attribute as being the Upsidedown catfish is Synodontis Nigriventris which only gets to max. 4" in captivity. Unlike many Synos they are...
  14. Gibbo

    Purchased a male bristlenose

    Ancistrus Triradiatus I think stix. They're definately the same species though, no crossbreeds to worry about (wether they can or not is unknown). :)
  15. Gibbo

    2 bristlenoses!

    This is advice I gave to stix a few weeks ago william..... Fish breeding advice :) The male drives the female away after breeding and he will look after the brood in a very efficient manner. The other fish may not get much of a chance to touch them. Feed them as in link above after yolk...
  16. Gibbo

    is it normal for pleco change colors

    The white hairs you mention are fungus/bacteria. I take it this was on a clump of uneaten food? They are only doing as nature intended, breaking it down and feeding off of it. You are obviously overfeeding so cut down, this is most likely a reason for your plecs Ill health. Feed only a few...
  17. Gibbo

    Over-run with snails

    Try small earthworms and frozen bloodworm for the frog. If that dosn't work he'll most likely end up eating your Neons. Not great tankmates, Frogs and Neons! Get rid of your frog (back to lfs, they shouldn't have sold it to you if they knew you had Neons and the like) and get a trio of Clowns...
  18. Gibbo

    Purchased a male bristlenose

    Are they the same species of Bristlenose, William!? There are quite a few known Ancistrus species out there m8, check out planet catfish cat-e-log, Loricariidae, Ancistrus sp. Pick a species and then click display all thumbnails of Ancistrus. see how you get on.... :)
  19. Gibbo

    plecos and medicine

    Not familiar with product..... Have you got dosage right? We get different brand chems over here. :blink:
  20. Gibbo

    Plecos and salt..

    Yes... Any Callichthys (corys, hoplos), Synos, Loricariids and certain tetras and some puffers even are intolerant of salt. Use a hospital tank if need be. B)
  21. Gibbo

    dwarf puffer

    Camallanus may be present, an internal parasitic worm. However, this usually looks like bloodworm sticking out it's backside. If it is a gut problem I cannot really think of anything that can be done. I'm sorry to say that :sad:
  22. Gibbo

    White Spot Pleco

    They'll call them all names under the sun, makes 'em sound exotic.... which they are :D ;) :P :) Usually the wholesalers come up with the names though B)
  23. Gibbo

    Velvet (Oodiniasis)

    I would assume they could survive for a short period but they may be present anyway from the sounds of things. There is a big debate in fishkeeping about infections and parasites etc. Some believe that these things need introducing to an environment to cause trouble. The counter argument (the...
  24. Gibbo

    Velvet (Oodiniasis)

    Increase airation whilst temperature is increased. Cover tank and turn off tank lights - the parasites free swimming stage photosynthesises much like a plant does, getting it's energy from light. The Protozin, in conjunction with darkness, increased temperature and a lot of extra airation...
  25. Gibbo

    White Spot Pleco

    It's a species of Ancistrus, otherwise known as a Bristlenose. What species I cannot really tell - Could be Ancistrus Hoplogenys or Ancistrus Claro. Many Bristlenoses have white spots on them. They're great fish, don't get too big, 4-5 inches for most types (some are larger though - A...
  26. Gibbo

    Cory Questions

    cfc - You can get albino bronze and peppered, so you're dead right m8 :D
  27. Gibbo

    Testing Kits

    You need test kits for Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate and pH. These are the necessities. You can buy a kit with all these in, works out better value for money. Some people also go for kH (Carbonate Hardness) and gH (General Hardness) as well but these are more important for African Lake and Planted...
  28. Gibbo

    this ain't no shcrimp

    Isolate him if you can Mos, he may be a territorially dominant male, the claw he has grown he waves around to excite the ladies. His 'nipping' at other fish may be him reinforcing his territory in some way. How big has he grown to? Don't Glass Shrimp only get to 1.5" or so? :)
  29. Gibbo

    Blue Lobster

    Bianca, love the setup! You could put that in for Tank of the Month! It's nice to know that a little creativity can go into making a home for an 'oddball' as well as a community setup. Love the bit of bogwood in the back :)
  30. Gibbo

    Help needed on 2 new fish types to me

    The retailers usually get their info from the wholesaler to be fair, these Cyprinids aren't that well known either side of the pond. Buy some and give them a try, they look like pretty impressive shoaling fish to me... through your experiences we could all learn a little more about them. Good...
  31. Gibbo

    Drift Wood

    Pine has oils in it that can be toxic, so it is a no go!! In the UK I know that Beech and Oak are fine for aquaria use, so long as wood is dried out properly and not rotting. Green branches are best left hanging in a shed for about 6 months to dry out the wood and sap, then get scrubbing and...
  32. Gibbo

    Fluval 404 vs. Rena XP3

    Rena XP3! Basic, uncomplicated design, easy to clean. Fluval 404 is too space age and prone to flow problems, fiddlier to clean as well. I have both filters... the XP3 is the king. Not one thing has ever gone wrong with it, the fluval I'm constantly having to mess around with. :)
  33. Gibbo

    Still trying to figure what fish...

    Tiger Barbs are fine in a big shoal in a roomy tank with plenty of swimming space and bushy plants around the edges. They're only really a problem when there are 1 or 2 in a small tank. In large shoals their focus is centred on each other, the males will be competing with each other and showing...
  34. Gibbo

    Pleco Problem...

    Must be one of the pelvic fins... Does the fish seem OK? If so, don't worry! It may have hurt at the time but some fish can be exceedingly tough and can battle through many ailments. This is more of a cosmetic problem I suppose... :)
  35. Gibbo

    Advise on setting up new Cichlid tank.

    You're doing the right thing, tailoring your fish to suit your water perameters as opposed to the other way round. I'm no African lake specialist but Malawis would do great in that water. Another option would be medium sized Central Americans (Firemouths etc) that also prefer hard, alkaline...
  36. Gibbo

    Help needed on 2 new fish types to me

    The only thing I can find on the Spotted Hill Trout is in here, and the scientific name doesn't exactly match (family, but not species); On Mascara Barb I just keep getting Pamela Anderson for some reason!! :lol:
  37. Gibbo

    Blue Lobster

    A species tank would probably be better I think, they get quite large (6" or so) and so could either pose a threat to fish and other inverts (shrimp) or become the object of agression from other fish. For more info check out this site: Shrimps, Crabs and Crayfish :) Have moved topic to...
  38. Gibbo

    pleco catfish

    Is it feeding OK and is it active? Some photos would be useful if possible... :)
  39. Gibbo

    What Is Your Favourite Livebearer!!

    Anableps Anableps (Four Eyes) is a fish I'd love to keep, they need a large, long, shallow brackish tank and give birth to 1" long fry!!! They get to about 1ft long making them amongst the largest of livebearers (Trust me to come up with something like this :P :D :lol: )!!
  40. Gibbo


    My work colleague swears by Vodka (dunno wether it's for fish reasons though :P :D :lol: )... I think your solution may have been too strong. I've never tried it though and maybe never will. Clove oil however I have heard is very good. You dissolve about 10 drops per 500 ml or so I think...