Search results

  1. M


    Go with bristlenose plecos they look cool don't grow big and can keep a tank free from algae :D
  2. M

    New Betta & Trip to the LFS

    Tose are awsome fish :drool: can you post a picture of your tank :D
  3. M

    Is my tank over crowded

    put it simply. yes :-(
  4. M

    90lt EB tank set up

    Love it. Can i see pictures of the tank above :kewlpics:
  5. M

    Fry pics and other things

    WOW!! That is a beautiful jewel. Good luck with the babies :D :kewlpics:
  6. M

    fish id

    I was talking to my dad and he was trying to describe a fish to me over the phone that he put in his 75 gallon tank. It has a red stripe down its body and is not a glowlight. does anyone have any suggestions as to what it is. Thanks :D
  7. M


    i answered a question on what you need for turtles and tankmates in the anphibian,reptile fopic in this forum. should still be on the front page. good luck! :D
  8. M

    Peacock spiny eel

    does anyone have pictures that they would like to share? :D
  9. M

    Indoor Pond

    i want an idoor pond with stingrays. well, good luck :D
  10. M

    3,500 gallon tank - what to put in?!

    I would go for arowannas and stingrays with some or maybe a couple hundred of african cichlid. What i meant bt arowanna i ment a school :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  11. M

    what shall i do

    You could put a school of bala sharks :D
  12. M

    40 gal convict tank

    can you post a picture of the whole tank. :kewlpics:
  13. M

    tank mates

    I had two red eared sliders too. Until they got to big and i mine huge. The turtles will eat the guppies and shrimp if the can get them. Do not put crabs in or shrimp in because crabs might take a snap at the turtles and the turtles might take a snap at the shrimp. Mollies will be ok but try to...
  14. M

    Striped Panchax

    look in the tff fish index. there their :ninja:
  15. M

    Big Fish For a 55 Gallon

    55 gallons is tha smallest size tank for a Jack Dempsey. :D
  16. M

    Red Devil

    What is the minimum size tank for a red Devil chiclid?? With and without tankmates. :D
  17. M

    Pics of new 40G!!

    :D what else are you going to put in there????? :drool:
  18. M

    25 gallon

  19. M

    25 gallon

    Are there any or what combinations of Glowlight tetras, rams, African butterflyfish, egyptian mouth brooders, and Barbus jae barbs that could fit in a 29 gallon tank???? regular shaped tank. 8)
  20. M


    :D What type of animal will eat alge in a goldfish tank. Snails???? B)
  21. M

    I have a small turtle

    I have had turtles for over five years. Make sure thst the water level is at least the loength of his shell(hopfully 2 or 3). Make sure he has a rorock or something to climb up and sun himself on. Have light shining on that spot. You do not need gravel( but i think it makes the tank look...
  22. M

    Top dwellers

    What about a yellow panchax Killifish. They stay at the top. Look in the tff fish inbex :shifty:
  23. M

    55 Gallon Aquarium

    Nice tank I like the pipe idea. That looks like a beautiful ram :kewlpics:
  24. M

    What small schooling fish should I get?

    I personally love to watch a school of glowlight tetras :ninja:
  25. M

    Tank For Dempesy

    [COLOR=blue]How big of a tank does a jck Dempsey need with and without tankmates. What tankmates would be good. :D
  26. M


    Have you ever thought about rams.
  27. M

    need ideas for new tank

    If you want low maintanance chiclids try Jewel chiclids, covicts or you could get one oscar or Jack D. Try to get a good filter and make sure your gravel vacuum is ready. Bristle nose do well with many chiclids. :D
  28. M

    10 gallon

    Try to find the a couple more cories for the first corie and then your tank would be full :)
  29. M

    Sand plants

    What type of plants do well in sand :blink:
  30. M

    How to lower PH

    Try putting some peat in