Search results

  1. blue_betta

    Totally Ot Of Bettas...but I Read A Ghost Story

    i was briefly staying in an old miners cottage between december and january, and we had a ghost in the house. LOL i seem to attract ghosts, i lived with a friend in a static caravan for almost a year and twice saw (very clearly) teh ghost that also lived there (the site was on an old PoW camp)...
  2. blue_betta

    I Can't Spawn Til May!

    noone that could look after them while your away? at 10 weeks they are not so fragile.. but i guess thats when you need to keep your eyes peeled for males doveloping
  3. blue_betta

    *paws At Screen* :shout: me wants, no money... waaaaaa
  4. blue_betta

    Has Anyone Seen The Vt

    yeh i saw it, looked interesting, but i didnt like the guys sales pitch. something along the line of "ive been breeding them for 30 years and ive never seen one with such pure white on it" hmm.... obviously hasnt seen many bettas then
  5. blue_betta

    Is Storm A Girlie Thug Or A Boy?

    looks girlie to me.. just a feisty girl
  6. blue_betta

    *+*how To Tell*+*

    male and female pks are not too hard to distingish. a male pk and a female VT however can be very easily confused, particularl if the female VT is very young. the fins are realy the best way to tell the pk sexes apart. the males anal fin is much longer at the baxk and wil have a very fine, sharp...
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  10. blue_betta

    Augh! I Think I Bought A Male Pk...

    im going to against the grain here and say female... it dont strike me as male, just a feisty female. the spread in the tail dond strike me as a males tail.
  11. blue_betta

    My Pk Queen

    the white spot is by no means a garuentee u have a female, alot of young males (particularly pks ive noticed) have them, especialy where they are kept with a group of females. usualy they will loose it as they get older. your fish is defo male
  12. blue_betta


    my yellow pk attacks the light on his heater when it switches on :lol:
  13. blue_betta

    The Best Of Aquabid

    man i wish i could get some of these just stunning *paws at screen*
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  18. blue_betta

    Some More Pics Of My Gold Boy

    had a look on aquabid and there are alot of hmpk with only 4 ray branching, so you never know :good: he was the best find ive had in a long while!
  19. blue_betta

    Some More Pics Of My Gold Boy

    a few more pics of my gold/butterscotch male i pcked up last week, hes a tricky boy to photograph, he so hyper active. i had to use the shutterspeen function on my camera which ment it looks like there is no light but the tabk is brightly lit. now.. he is obviously a pk, but could he be a HMPK...
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  30. blue_betta


    my flare for bettas (scuse the pun) only realy started when i discovered there was other varieties other than VT, all i had known was VT males and i knew nothing about the different tail types. then i got my first pk pair from pets at home and i was hooked! I just love plakats and halfmoons, lol...
  31. blue_betta

    Boy Or Girl

    alot of young males, particularly pks for some reason, show a white spot on the belly, like a "false ovipositor", just an extention of the anus realy. ive noticed alot of young pks that are found in tanks of females that mabey have a few males in there show a false ovipositer, it could be a...
  32. blue_betta

    The Best Of Aquabid

    i dont like reds... but he is stunning!!!!! me wants!!!
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  34. blue_betta

    Hey!, The Uk Is Rubbish

    lol, i just love showing my babies off more
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  39. blue_betta

    Hey!, The Uk Is Rubbish

    all these fish were found in the uk
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