Search results

  1. blue_betta

    Cheap Great Tank For A Betta! Now With 2 Pics!

    mabey means one of these?.. i used it for a single male, then split it in two for two males, then used it for a spawning tank :lol:
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  3. blue_betta

    Spawn Gone Very Strange....

    having mixed results with my other fry, ive been testing out betta starter and i was amazed at how well the fry took to it, but it needs to be finely crushed for the first two weeks and i stopped crushing it up a little too soon and lost alot of fry. my BOvt X melano pk only had about 20 babies...
  4. blue_betta

    Spawn Gone Very Strange....

    oh well... she ate all the eggs :unsure:
  5. blue_betta

    What To Breed This Guy Too

    well you could always breed them until you find the fect match, and then breed him with his match if you find one
  6. blue_betta

    Spawn Gone Very Strange....

    so here she is withe her tiny nest. it was a broad flat nest at first but she has compacted them into a tight ball now. ive seen her gather up eggs in her mouth and spit them into a bubble. there are defo less eggs than this morning so i guess she will pick off the infertile ones, which i guess...
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  9. blue_betta

    Betta Simplex

    well they have been put into their tank now. the bag with the male and babied i put into a container so i could syphon off the babies and i put them in a tank with a load of baby splendens, some of the splendon fry are growing fast so i hope they dont eat the baby simplex, time will tell. ok so...
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  17. blue_betta

    Spawn Gone Very Strange....

    ok, so i had two new spawns set up, one pair (both pks) have not done anythinmg at all, not even a nest has appeared and the pair ignore each other almost completely, in fact i suspect the male may possibly be a very boyish female, or just a big woose!! anyhow!!... teh other pair (a delta girl...
  18. blue_betta

    Betta Simplex

    got them! :hyper: one of the males had a mouth full of babies and the stress of the jurney home caused him to spit some of them out, but they seem well doveloped and so long as he dont eat them while in the floating bag acclimatising, then i rekon they will be fine :good: you have a pm devon_charm
  19. blue_betta

    Betta Simplex

    if they are still there when i get back to them, il get you a pair :good:
  20. blue_betta

    Betta Simplex

    last time they had them in they were in for weeks, so fingers crossed. they were not labbeled or anything, i just knew right away what they were and had to ask how much they were
  21. blue_betta

    New Spawn Log

    UPDATE 17. 3 . 2008 fry are mostely doing well now, three weeks old. there is a wide range of sizes, some are still very small, only about the size of newborn molly fry, but some are about 3/4 of a cm long and starting to show some colour.. nice and dark :good:
  22. blue_betta

    Betta Simplex

    awwr i should have got them there and then. they guy tried so hard to sell me them aswell. i wont be able to get back in for another week
  23. blue_betta

    New Spawns

    ive set up a devided breeding tank with a pair either side. i have my male yellow pk and marble pk female in one side and my blue/red CT male and blue marble delta female in the other side, il get pics up of the tank and pairs soon, but heres "file" photos of the pairs.. the little marble girl...
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  28. blue_betta

    Betta Simplex

    one of my lfs has a dozen or so simplex in and i was sooo close to buying them.. and i still kinda want to, i just cant decide. there was a large male with a throat full of eggs/fry and another pair were wraping and spawning right in front of me.. £14 per pair, im soo tempted..should i?
  29. blue_betta

    Dt Betta

    what a fantastic find!! well done! lol, dont feel guilty, im sure everyone else here would have done the same :lol:
  30. blue_betta

    How Many Female Bettas In A 19 Gallon

    hmmm.... the pics are not so clear, but it looks like a VT female. just a feisty and aggressive one.
  31. blue_betta

    Is My Fish Normal?

    he can possibly see his reflection on the glass and is squaring for a fight with himself :lol:
  32. blue_betta

    How Many Female Bettas In A 19 Gallon

    not all males have long finnage, the vast majority of males you see in pet stores are "veil-tailed" which is a long finned variety. the "plakat"(PK) has short fins similar to the wild form of the species. alot of pk males are sold as females as most pet stores dont know that they even exists and...
  33. blue_betta

    Halfsun Betta

    oh oh when???
  34. blue_betta

    Id My Betta Girl?

    ovipositor is not conclusive at all... but releasing eggs is certainly conclusive :rolleyes:
  35. blue_betta

    Halfsun Betta

    HM CT
  36. blue_betta

    Id My Betta Girl?

    its a plakat, thats for sure. but im not so certain its female, looks a bit boyish to me. do you have more pics?
  37. blue_betta

    Veiltail X Plakat?

    it all depends on what the parent fish were bred from. i paired a male pk to a female vt last year and the young where a mixed bunch. all the males were VT and the females were mostley plakat, but with slightly longer fins. aparently this cross should produce "round tails", slighlty longer...
  38. blue_betta

    *paws At Screen*

    lucky you :lol: i have a lovely lil yellow/gold/butterscotch/pinapple (whatever he is) male in a spawn tank now, im gona pair him up with my marble pk girl if i cant get a yellow female for him
  39. blue_betta

    *paws At Screen*

    i just want the yellow one and the white one :shout:
  40. blue_betta

    Ct Acting Weird

    what sort of filter do you have? ive seen what you have descibed happen to males in pets store that use under gravel filters, the betta just investigates something in the gravel and the tail and anal find get gentle sucked against the gravel