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  3. blue_betta

    Its Raining!

    well..... not anymore anyway
  4. blue_betta

    Meet My Bettas!

    *claps* here here!!
  5. blue_betta

    Meet My Bettas!

    ####!!!!will you STOP hijacking threads and spouting off with your "holier than thou" attitude. put the soap box away and accept other peoples opinions. DOMESTIC BETTA ARE FINE(!!!!) in smaller tanks and anything upwards of one gallon IS(!!!) perfectly acceptable...
  6. blue_betta

    Pristella Tetra Breeding

    i had two pairs in my comunity for a couple of years and they spawned regularly, like every couple of weeks, but no fry. aparently the water needs to be realy realy realy soft for the eggs to be viable
  7. blue_betta

    Pk X Drct Spawn

    hahahaha :lol: you did? how thoughtful :lol: i love PK and CTPK are facinating, so to try and add that into my lines would be awsome.
  8. blue_betta

    Pk X Drct Spawn

    awsomeness!! haha hes being a good daddy then :good: i will hopefuly be spawning again soonish, and im on the lookout for a nice CT girl to pair with one of my 3 PK boys :shout: if your fry do well, put me down for a couple of ikkle girlies :drool:
  9. blue_betta

    Pk Male For Sale

  10. blue_betta

    Siamese Fighting Fish (betta?) Help!

    more info needed. tank size? temprature? water stats? is he eating alright? is he pooing ok? does he flare at his reflecton? does he have stress lines? guppies dont make good tank mates for bettas of either sex. they can be nippy towards each other, and male bettas can be esspecialy aggressive...
  11. blue_betta

    Help! What Is Wrong

    hey i know!!! why dont we all get a 10,000 litre tank and grow a rice paddy in it, then we have the absolutely perfect environment for our bettas and you cant abuse people. just because you have a strong opinion on something and you have reasearched how betta live in the 'WILD' does not mean...
  12. blue_betta

    Help! What Is Wrong

    :blink: wooooow chiiiiilllllll!!!! the owner has come on to ask advice coz they are worried about thier fish, please dont attack the. its YOUR opinion that the tank is too small. but its generaly accepted that 1 - 2.5 gal tanks ARE acceptable for a single male betta provided they are kept...
  13. blue_betta

    What Is He?

    depends how well fed they have been, but at one inch then 4-6 months. most pet store fish are ex-breeders and are usualy 1year+
  14. blue_betta

    Trouble Breeding

    dead easy! get a 7 litre jar, put a bit of pond weed in it, set it on a windowsil so it gets sunlight and seed it with either a live daphnia bag from your LFS or some wild taken daphnia from a pond (make sure its clean though) and fen it half a cube of microplankton once a day. after a couple of...
  15. blue_betta

    Trouble Breeding

    um.. i hope you dont mean you have more than one female in with him. when breeding, you must have ONLY one female for the male. more females will cause trouble. unfortunately, ive heard from so many LFS staff that "the best way to breed fighters is to have 2-3 females for the male. i know coz...
  16. blue_betta

    Noooo! I Think He Died :(

    hmm i would think the fish would be deep in a hypothermea enduced hiberbation before its organs shut down. i agree, its not a nice way to do it, but the fish would bearly feel a thing.
  17. blue_betta

    What Is He?

    hes a double tail. and at 2" long, he is more than a few months old im afraid. thats him prety much fully grown unless he is a giant, which i dout.
  18. blue_betta

    Doubletails In Lfs

    its not normly common, but they do turn up now and then. ive had 3 DTs and all were from lfs. my local P@H seems to get them in fairly regular at the moment. ive not seen any females in P@H, but if i do il snap one up. but both my males were from P@H
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  21. blue_betta

    Noooo! I Think He Died :(

    well... is he still alive? moving? breathing? if not... he is dead.. if you need to uthenaze and dont have clove oil, a slice to the back of the head with a razor blade or put in boiling water.. both kill instantly... neitehr are for the squeemish
  22. blue_betta

    Ct/hm Mix Gave Me This

    a while back, i put a thread up asking peoples opinions on geting some "VT recognition" in shows again. and after i put up the thread, i tried to draw a "model" VT, but i just couldnt get it right. but THAT fish you have produced is near as damn exactly how i imagined a "show qualoty" VT would...
  23. blue_betta

    :o This Looks Cruel

    if its done on a regular basis they become "habituatued" to it, ie.. they get used to it. some fish will obviously still get stressed by it and some will possibly even get excited by it. but for the most part they will likely just become habituated
  24. blue_betta

    :o This Looks Cruel

    well said!!
  25. blue_betta

    :o This Looks Cruel

    chick peas are quite big :lol: i tink a bettas brain is about the sice of a pinhead... but your right, they dont "think" the same as we do... nowhere near the same level. they can of course suffer "depression" of a sort, but its not a mental depression that humans and other "intelligent"...
  26. blue_betta

    Teeny Weeny Tanks On Ebay

    they are cute, and kinda funky... but just way too small, and also unheated -_- :sly:
  27. blue_betta

    Anyone Else Having Problems Veiwing Shells' Site? anyone else unable to view "shop stock" ? asks for a user name and password?
  28. blue_betta

    I Am Gonna Sound Really Thick I Know

    hmm... its a tricky one to place. my instinct says male because: * dorsal fin is large. id expect the dorsal to be largeish on a heavy finned variety of female too but... *anal fin is short but has a long tip to it. the shortness indicates its not a heavy finned variety female, and the long tip...
  29. blue_betta

    Female Vt Or Male Pk?

    yup.. defo a pk male
  30. blue_betta

    Lone Male In With Multiple Females?

    you will probobly find the environment they are in at p@h is so stressfull the fish dont bother each other. ive seen tanks of "females" at my local p@h that were all PK males and they seeme to tollerate each other(which is one of the reasons they wouldnt listen to me whan i told them about the...
  31. blue_betta

    How Often Shoul I Feed Freddie Blood Worms?

    nope :good: oh.. and a day with out food once or twice a week is also good for them. they would not neccisarily eat every day in the wild. it is always best to err on the side of under feeding though. also depends on how big your fish is
  32. blue_betta

    How Often Shoul I Feed Freddie Blood Worms?

    2-4 betta pellets twice a day, with 6-8 bloodworms replacing a pellet meal twice a week is sufficiant.
  33. blue_betta

    Female Betta Help Please

    eeep.. i hope your male isnt going in with the females ? as for introducing new females, what i do is i put the new female in a breeding trap in my sorority and she can then learn who is boss and establis a rank for herself in the heirarchy without coming to blows. i usualy keep them in the...
  34. blue_betta

    Omg! Drrrooooolll-muchnes!

    i think their attitude was defensive, and quite rightly so. however it was ment, im sure you can see why it was taken as "having a go". "why DRAG up a post from a year ago?" work choice and context make it sound very aggressive to me.
  35. blue_betta

    Omg! Drrrooooolll-muchnes!

    why not? there are alot of new faces since the thread was last posted on. they may appreciate seeing the fish. there is no harm in it, and there for no need for the attitude... :blink:
  36. blue_betta

    A "strudel" On Ebay

    ok, thats fair enough =) i suppose it makes sence then, to sell him for a decent price to ensure he goes to a good home then. sorry if i offended, like i say, the bettas up here are all much the same price and are around the £3.50 mark, so it was a bit pricey compared to the market im used to...
  37. blue_betta

    A "strudel" On Ebay

    well sorry if i offended. he just reminded me of strudel. and VTs must be cheaper up here then. even P@H are selling them here for £2.99 regardless of tail type or colour
  38. blue_betta

    A "strudel" On Ebay

    standard price for a VT is about £3.50 in my area, regardless of colour. lol, hell i got both my DTs for £2.99 each! in MY opinion, its a tad pricey for a VT, but its juts my opinion :fun:
  39. blue_betta

    A "strudel" On Ebay VERY prety fish... but a bit steep for a TV in my opinion.
  40. blue_betta

    My New Betta! this is where i got mine, i shopped around for he cheapest deal... but they were cheaper than this when i got them. the were only £12 each. i git the "plus" coz its thermostaticly controlled. look on ebay, you might get a second...