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  1. blue_betta

    What Is Wrong With Betta Hexes?

    nope, not quite meaningless... otheres on here will understand what i mean.. oh and "so called ammonia" exists.. just coz you cant see it, dont mean it dont exist.. if it builds up in high levels, you can smell it, it smeels vaugely eggy. but if it got to that point in your hex.. id imagine...
  2. blue_betta

    !guppy And Fighter!

    same rules apply realy
  3. blue_betta

    How Does This Sound?

    HMCT ;)
  4. blue_betta

    How Does This Sound?

    lol sounds a mouthfull, but il be working on two strains with the hope of eventualy combining them to produce a marble, Black Orchid, Half Sun, PlaKat. what do folk rekon?
  5. blue_betta

    Help Me Get Prepared

    what will you do with green water? its no use for feeding betta fry. nope.. no harm..
  6. blue_betta

    What Is Wrong With Betta Hexes?

    *sniff sniff* i think i smell a whole load of ammonia too....
  7. blue_betta

    New Fish

    hmm the pics are too blurry to tell much. the tail would defo say pk to me.. but wether its a male of female i dont know. show a mirror and see how it reacts, and how big its "flare face" is if flares
  8. blue_betta

    Help Me Get Prepared

    not having a go.. but i asked you before you spawned if you had everything in place and ready for your fry.. and you said yes.. from this thread it seem you dont. you have a micro worm culture on the way? it takes a bout a week for it to grow suficiantly to harvest it. but never mind eh...
  9. blue_betta

    What Is Wrong With Betta Hexes?

    *sniff sniff* do i smell "betta_l0ver".....
  10. blue_betta

    New Plakat Boy!

    looks just like my first pk male!!
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  12. blue_betta

    Reducing The Filter Flow

    theres one in the FAQ pinned topic, not read it so much myself, so dont know if it will help.
  13. blue_betta

    New Fish

    the second pic, the one of the "girl" hidding in the plants.... i think thats a pk boy....
  14. blue_betta

    New Plakat Boy!

    aw hes lovely! i like these wild type pks that are apearing in pet shops alot..except they usualy end up being sold as females. he looks like my latest betta boy i got e few days ago
  15. blue_betta

    How Many Bettas?

    you can keep one male and several females together, but its riskey, and in all likelyhood you will end up loosing the male. if they did attempt to breed, it would be unlikely to be succesful, the male would kill the females and the fry would likely be all eaten. if you had a huge tank, long and...
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  19. blue_betta

    Let See Those Veiltails!

    umm i think your blue is a double tail.. its sitll a VT but its a mis shapen double tail :good:
  20. blue_betta

    The Spawns You've Been Waiting For

    cool, might give that a try
  21. blue_betta

    Let See Those Veiltails!

    not had so many VTs but heres the ones ive had :rolleyes: :shifty:
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  27. blue_betta

    The Spawns You've Been Waiting For

    ok, so when the fry are free swiming, do you just lift the devider and bunch all the fry together?
  28. blue_betta

    Pretty Betta I Found On Deviantart

    i had the opertunity to get a stunning black-purple marbled VT, he was a big stocky and virile fish, and it was between him and a caramel boy with a green wash thru his somewhat taty fins(i somehow convinced myself the taty fins ment he was a CT). he died within a few days of a columaris...
  29. blue_betta

    The Spawns You've Been Waiting For

    those look the same deviders i use.. and the males sure can see each other, unless youve painted them or something
  30. blue_betta

    The Spawns You've Been Waiting For

    two spawns in the same tank? is that wise? the males will be too busst flaring one another to mate properly or look after the eggs and young surely?
  31. blue_betta

    Omg Check Out How Happy Odin Must Be

    they sure do love the IAL... i put some in my tanks for the first time yesterday, and my black VT, who has never built a bubblenest bigger than a 10p has built a huge nest unterneath his
  32. blue_betta

    Yellow Hmpk

    man id love a HMPK.. lol, well, working on my own line now so soon...*waits patiently*
  33. blue_betta

    Pretty Betta I Found On Deviantart

    now that is a stunning VT :drool:
  34. blue_betta

    Male Building A Bubble Nest In A Bowl On His Own?

    were you aware he has finrot?
  35. blue_betta

    Figuring Out Your Female Bettas Tail Type

    this is a very useful thread. i think a slighlty clearer pic of a VT girl is in order tho :good: heres a couple of my VT girls from days gone by :lol: ignore the black cricle
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  39. blue_betta

    Is This Vertical Bars On My Female?

    yes they are vertical bars
  40. blue_betta

    Time To Campaign For Vt Recognition?

    as it stands at the moment, VT betta are not recoginses as a quality or standerdised tail type by fish clubs, and as a result there is no serious demand for VT betta. Due to this low demand and non-serious aproach to them from comercial breeders, thousands live out patetic short lives, maltrated...