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  1. blue_betta

    My Lil Flare Monster

    my most recently aquired fish, a pk male i bought from pets at home from a tank of females. he flares at me CONSTANTLY when im near the tank. heh you can see him give a little wave too:P
  2. blue_betta

    Sorority Hiding Spot

    i get loads of small bebbles of various sizes and shapes from my local river, wash them and arange them in a sort of "stone henge" arrangement. il also get a biger, longer stone and lean then them against it to create little archways. i found a peice of narrow terracota pipe (again cleaned)...
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  4. blue_betta

    The Best Of Aquabid

    like this one?
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  6. blue_betta

    Can Corrys Hybridize?

    i have a 20 gal sorority tank for my female betta and have a group of 6 corrys. originaly it was a pair each of bronze, pepper, storba and panda. i unfortunately lost one of the pandas and recently one of the peppers. both my bronzes are female, and the albino one is hevily gravid with eggs at...
  7. blue_betta

    I Lost Zorro

    aww and he was such a stunner as well!
  8. blue_betta

    Microworms Culture

    hmm thats interesting... instant mash is cheaper than oatmeal.. well asda smart price is anyway. iv heard it will grow well on a slice of bread too replyed to your pm, lol, sorry was a bit distracted elewhere
  9. blue_betta

    Microworms Culture

    you dont need to cook the oatmeal. i used pinhead oatmeal for mine and it was fine. just make sure is not to dry or it will go mouldy. you dont need yeast, ive grown cultures with and without yeats and i didnt see a differeance. once your culture has reached saturation point and mostely...
  10. blue_betta

    Just A Quick Note About An Ebay Listing

    thats terrible!!! my god and i was looking at him as well!! just as well im skint....
  11. blue_betta

    Its Me Again - Question

    never heard of wilkinsons, i dont think we have them in scotland =/ never seen them
  12. blue_betta

    Devided Breeding Tank

    yeh but in this instance, they are not competing for the same male. each female can only realy see "her" male and as she is between him and her "rival" they feel they are the dominant fish and keeping the rival at bay. its a theory but i think it will work
  13. blue_betta

    Devided Breeding Tank

    so why do some breeders keep a breeding pair in view of another female? ive heard this gets the female in with the male a bit more worked up and territorial and spurs her on to breed
  14. blue_betta

    My Betta Website

    a gallery on tail types and colours would be nice and in the betta basics you mention doing your research before having a betta as a comunity fish, mabey a list of tankmates that would be suitable?
  15. blue_betta

    My Betta Website

    the common myths bit is a bit "GRRR...IM ANGRY!!!" mabey just put the facts rather than personal opinion, people will take it in more easily then.. rather than "well thats just her opinion" for example id remove the "So tell me why in the world they would be happy living in a 1 litre glass...
  16. blue_betta

    Devided Breeding Tank

    hm mabey il add more plants to be more careful.. il see what happens
  17. blue_betta

    Devided Breeding Tank

    having seen jaded's double breeding tank set up it got me thinking. i liked the idea but i prefer to use a devided tank for breeding, so came up with this. the middle two compartments are for the girls and the ends are for the males. the plants and the deviders would keep the males from seeing...
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  19. blue_betta

    Its Me Again - Question

    that 2 gallon one... does anyone know if you can get them or something similar in the uk?
  20. blue_betta

    Before I Take The Plunge...

    awsome that would be appreciated :good:
  21. blue_betta

    Before I Take The Plunge...

    aw no..... you shouldnt have let me see that... now im gona have to go look..... :shout: awww man.... black orchid CT... just what i need and im completely skint :shout: :no: :-(
  22. blue_betta

    Before I Take The Plunge...

    the elite mini is quite a powerful filter for its size, i love them, but your betta wont. small sponge filter would be ideal, a "smalworld" filter could be useful. if you insist on a power filter, then get the elite mini, but tie a peice of filter foam accross the outlet nozle and angle it to...
  23. blue_betta

    Betta Genetics

    my head hurts..... :crazy: lol and i thought my thread about the BOHSPK im going to try on was confusing :lol:
  24. blue_betta

    Its Me Again - Question

    much better :good:
  25. blue_betta

    Got Our Girlies At Last

    i rekon the second one is a HM or SD
  26. blue_betta

    Got Our Girlies At Last

    :hey: ;)
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  29. blue_betta

    How Does This Sound?

    it could take a while :lol:
  30. blue_betta

    Got Our Girlies At Last

    ce..the cambodian is a double of mine :good:
  31. blue_betta

    How Does This Sound?

    black orchid is like a glossy black usualy with a coloured lacing thru it. my pairs are as follows: BOVT X melano PK... hope to produce BOPK from that. the VT is bred from PK so should produce plenty pks. blue/green marble HM X red/blue marble PK... hope to produce some marble HMPK...
  32. blue_betta

    Lets Get To Know The Tff Betta Lovers

    lol this thread is fun! loads of people on here i thought were older are younger than me :lol: anyhow.. im mark and im a bettaholic. im 22 and im from just outside edinburgh in scotland. im an unemployed bum at the moment. im interested in all sorts of creatures, and have kept various things. i...
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  36. blue_betta

    My Wife Likes Anglefish

    angels will eat everything in that tank. the betta would be the first to go, ripped to shereds. then as they get bigger they will eat everything else, and i mean literaly eat, swallow whole
  37. blue_betta

    Pk Male

    a pic would be nice.. i looove my pks
  38. blue_betta

    Help Me Get Prepared

    green water is green coz there is nothing in it eating the algae :good:
  39. blue_betta

    Help Me Get Prepared

    green water is just free floating algae, it dont move like infrusia, or live foods. its good for some kinds of fry, but not betta. the stuff that feeds on the green water (the infrusia and daphnia) is good, but green water on its own is no use for betta
  40. blue_betta

    What Is Wrong With Betta Hexes?

    you are still removing some of the amonia, and keeping on top of it, diluting it everyday, and then removing it whe you do a complete clean out