Search results

  1. blue_betta

    The Best Of Aquabid

    he is STUNNING!!!!! id kill for him... and look he has that "pheasant" patern on his dorsal that was recently mentioned on the forum
  2. blue_betta


    nothing wrong with it, they eventualy become habituated to each other and largely ignore one another. as long as they can get away from it and have othr distractions in ther space, such as plants and caves and stuff
  3. blue_betta

    Betta & Goldfish

    i guess you can keep goldfish with betta, but you cant keep betta with goldfish... lol, work it out :lol: an efficiant filter would be a must
  4. blue_betta

    Meds In A Spawn Tank

    can you use meds in a spawn tank? i set up a new tank the other day and have my CT male and my delta girl in there, i noticed earlier that the CT has a tinny amount of fungus on his side, so i gave him treatment for it, he seems otherwise fine and the female is dead keen on him and has barred up...
  5. blue_betta

    I Am New

    you have a wild type plakat. id reckomed a plakat or a halfmoon plakat. the main differences in the wild plakats are the "flare face"(already been covered) the tail will have a broader and rounder spread than a female, the anal fin (the one along the belly to the tail) is longer and has a...
  6. blue_betta

    Right That's It

    oh that sounds nice! il have a baby or two if it works out :good:
  7. blue_betta

    Has Anyone Ever Purchased Bettas From Farmfish66?

    were those not the same ones (or same sample pics at leat) that were on uk ebay but got removed sortly after
  8. blue_betta

    Will This Work For My Breeding Tank?

    a realy simple way to make a sponge filter is get a tube shaped filter sponge, about 10cm tall, plug the bottom end with somthing solid and slightly heavy to keep in in one place (the mesuring cap from aquarium meds, {like finrot, or anti white spot, or tap safe for example} filled with sand is...
  9. blue_betta

    New Boy's Home...

    id remove the plants from their pots and rockwool. rockwool will encourage algae growth in your tank
  10. blue_betta

    Will This Work For My Breeding Tank?

    the filter intake will likely be too strong. you could perhaps try silaconing off a small area around the filter intake with very fine mesh, seal it up so no fry get near it, im considering trying this with one of my tanks that has an inbuilt trickle filter and using it as a breeding tank
  11. blue_betta

    Pics Of My Little Darlings

    not sure fish can become egg bound, its problem normaly associated with birds and occasionly reptiles.
  12. blue_betta

    Grow Out Tanks, Jars, And Secrets To More Males?

    i add my fry to the grow out tanks when they are about 4-5 weeks old, their laberynth organ should be fully doveloped and functional by this time and it should be safe to move them. i have the tank up and running for a day or two before moving the fry and use most of the water from their spawn...
  13. blue_betta

    What Do You Feed Your Bettas

    hikkari bio-gold, a mixed box from various hikkari foods and king brittish corry pellets, frozen foods as often as possible usualy daily
  14. blue_betta

    The Culling!

    its like that with all species of cat, when a male moves into a territory, displacing the previous male, first thing he does is find all the suckling cubs and kill them, he cant waste time protecting cubs that are not his. the female will come into heat within a few days of her cubs being...
  15. blue_betta

    Advice Pleeeease...

    the last female i had dump eggs i left on her side of the devider until she stopped dropping them, and she seemed still quite plump, and then when put back with the male the next day, they spawned almost instantly. well i split them up, recondition and see what happens. cheers daz :good:
  16. blue_betta

    Oowoooh...betta Pugnax And Betta Imbellis On Ebay!

    its a pk, there are alot of them around and the wild form of betta splendebs is very very similar to wild imbelis. imbellis is far less aggressive and a longer more slender body
  17. blue_betta

    The Culling!

    this would send their evolution into reverse. if that was the males objective, he would not have the maternal insticts that nature gave him.
  18. blue_betta

    Advice Pleeeease...

    ok, so my black vt and melano pk have been together for a few days now and things have gone odd to realy odd. the female , although still plump and barred up, is all but ignoring the nest. she only seem to approach the nest when the male is not there and beats a hastey retreat when he does come...
  19. blue_betta

    The Culling!

    i only cull a fish if its grosely disfigured. from my last surviving spawn i have one female with a bent spine and deformed tail, but she gets along fine. she eats and is healthy and seldom shows stress bars. i did have to cull one male who had a severe back deformity that was geting worse as he...
  20. blue_betta

    Oowoooh...betta Pugnax And Betta Imbellis On Ebay!

    it could i guess be a cross with a splendens or a demestic strain of imbellis this is a typical wild imbellis form
  21. P1030274.jpg


  22. blue_betta

    Oowoooh...betta Pugnax And Betta Imbellis On Ebay!

    nah.. not a splendons, could be a cross tho. it does say on the auction its an example of how they will look, so not the actual fish themselves
  23. blue_betta

    Oowoooh...betta Pugnax And Betta Imbellis On Ebay!

    thats a weird looking imbellis
  24. blue_betta

    Just A Few Updates On Some Fry

    yellow cambodian...very very nice :good: god i wish my pair would just hurry up and spawn so i can get selling on ebay :lol:
  25. blue_betta

    Whats Happening To Female Fighters

    hmm... none of my local places have any females lately, apart from pets at home, and theirs seem ok. my most local place hasne been ordering any past few weeks, coz the last few batches died within a couple of days
  26. blue_betta

    Livebearer Identification

    looks like a molly to me.. but perhaps something else
  27. blue_betta

    My Boys

    my god breed the yellow breed the yellow!!!!! :drool: :drool:
  28. blue_betta

    The Best Of Aquabid

    oh!! that makes me think of caramel ise cream :lol:
  29. blue_betta

    Nighty Night Bluey

    sory for your loss :unsure: :sad: :/
  30. blue_betta

    Dead Betta, Missing Neon

    its possible. he may have partialy ate it and choked and the other neons ate the rest
  31. blue_betta

    Betta Tankmates

  32. blue_betta


    aww... oh well. where do i get em from?
  33. blue_betta

    Betta Tankmates

    ive heard danios can be alright, but then it depends on the temprament of your betta. i kept a group of xray tetras with betta with no problems, but i wouldnt risk it, they are still tetras. ive heard alot of people say that harlequin rasboras are good with betta.
  34. blue_betta

    Betta Tankmates

    corrys are usualy fine. mollies can be dodgy (i had a male kill some of my mollies when i had them) and realy need to be kept in slightly brackish water. neons and most other tetras.. big no no.
  35. blue_betta

    New Spawn Log

    not much to report today. female seems to be the one slacking off to day, but the male is becoming more active and doing alot more chasing. could i possible spur her on a bit and have another female on the other side of the devider.. make her a bit jelous. id remover as soon as spawning apears...
  36. blue_betta


    ive got a couple lying around from ebay fish, can they be reheated and used again?
  37. blue_betta

    Favorite Tail-types?

    plakats are my fave :good:
  38. blue_betta

    Betta In A 20g Community

    ive found that xray tetras are usualy ok, but i wouldnt risk it to be honest. perhaps get a group of female betta of different colours, mabey 5 or 6 of them, and you are slightly less restricted as to what will go with them, as they dont suffer from fin nippers as badly
  39. blue_betta

    New Spawn Log

    il swap em back then... see how it goes :unsure:
  40. blue_betta

    New Spawn Log

    um ok.. i was kinda worried about her spilling her eggs out and him not fertalising them coz he can grip her properly, she is a little larger than him and he just cant seem to get a grip of her