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  2. blue_betta

    Hey!, The Uk Is Rubbish

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  5. blue_betta

    Hey!, The Uk Is Rubbish

    there are a few people importing from thailand, i belive KGbettas does so, and ive heard somone mention that they will get fish from aquabid for you if you speak to them and tell them what you need. but it would cost you. if you are prepared to look, you can find some stunning fish in...
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  10. blue_betta

    New Spawn Log

    UPDATE 3 / 3 / 2008 fry are now one week old and doing well. they almost doubled in size already. im feeding them exclusively on atisons betta starter and it seems to work well. they fry are currently growing fast and well, and they fry are active and regularly on the move. as the tanks are...
  11. blue_betta

    New Female...purple Cambodian?

    i would say a pk female on account of the short vaugely rectangular anal fin and the vaugely square tail
  12. blue_betta


    depends what you start off with. i think best to start off with a HM male and a pk female and CT female and spawn the male to both females, that way i would rekon you could achive the desired fin type in 3-4 generations
  13. blue_betta

    Who Is The Male?

    they all look quite girly but my main suspects would be crystal or zephyr. the anal fins look very pointed on both of them
  14. blue_betta


    red tail + betta = bad mix black widows are generaly peaceful, but they may still nip. most likely culprit for the dammage is the red tail
  15. blue_betta


    i will be working on the same sort of thing, only in marble and black :good:
  16. blue_betta

    New Boys!

    i love nitro!! hes stunning!
  17. blue_betta

    Crowntail X Veiltail

    you will get combtails. it depends on the genetics of your fish, you realy could get anything, but CT X VT will produce mostely combtails
  18. blue_betta

    No More Breeding

    aww what happened? did you keep loosing the fry?
  19. blue_betta

    Pk Baby Boy Titan

  20. blue_betta

    Need Some Advice On My Spawn Please

    id leave them just now.. he may well have the eggs hidden. leave him for a couple of days just to be sure!! if absolutely no sign of fry in a couple of days, then think about trying again. id use the same female, at least you know they are compatible, and it should produce interesting fish. if...
  21. blue_betta

    I Went To My Lfs Today, And The Females Weren't Females!

    in fairness.. rose tails arent something you see in lfs very often.. but i get your point
  22. blue_betta

    I Went To My Lfs Today, And The Females Weren't Females!

    ive been on at my local pets at home for a while about this now, but to no avail. their "breeder" knows better than me and i dont know what im talking about. they dont get their fish direc from a breeder, they are imports that go thru several dealers before they come this far north
  23. blue_betta

    Need To Pay Better Attention

    update!! BABIES!!!!! hatched in the early hors of the morning i guess, thers lots of em too :good:
  24. blue_betta

    Another Fantastic Lfs Find

    he was in a tank of "females" and a large combtail male. as it turns out, all but one of these fish were pk males. the combtail and my gold boy were the least damaged. i went to my local pets at home and they too had almost all pk males, but they wont listen to me lol this guy will be staying...
  25. blue_betta

    Holy Moly!

  26. blue_betta

    To All You Uk Betta Lovers

    soooo many prety girls...sooooo little money :shout: :no: :-(
  27. blue_betta

    According The Lfs Man Today...

    they always say they breed them... they usualy dont.. i advised a member of staff at pets at home a few weeks ago about the pk males they were getting in and she was facinated and took in the information and seemed to care. i spoke to her today and she said she passed on the info to higher...
  28. blue_betta

    Holy Moly!

    my black orchid VT covered his eggs over with bubbles so fingers crossed thats what hes done
  29. blue_betta

    What The...

    females will occasionaly build nests too. however, id like to point out that an "eggspot" is by no means a garuente that that the fish is female, some males (particularly young males) show a "false ovipositer". a clear picture of your females will give a better idea
  30. blue_betta

    New Betta Tank! Sweet Pics With A New Camera!

    umm... those are paradise fish, they are notoriously bad comunity fish and love to nip long tails. id remove them or the betta asap! diferent species of anobantids shouldnt be mixed, and i think you have one of the worst posible combinations. its all nice just now, but this is a disaster waiting...
  31. blue_betta

    Holy Moly!

    awsome!! put me down for a couple of girls :good: congrats! :wub:
  32. blue_betta

    Another Fantastic Lfs Find

    :lol: :lol: :lol: update!!! yet again, i have found myself with a pk male!!! i let the fish into the tank and it was just not moving like a female so i dug out my lil handheld mirror and showed it its refelction... MEGAFLARE!!! then he proceded to go round flaring all the females :lol...
  33. blue_betta

    Another Fantastic Lfs Find

    i may pair her up with my hm male once hes finnished with his current spawn, see what that throws. hes been feed on hikari betta bio gold, and bloodworms. oh.. btw.. hes a jumper, he lept clean out the tank last night when i was feeding his neighbour!!
  34. blue_betta

    Another Fantastic Lfs Find

    i think she may be a delta, but shes defo not a DT (i assume you mean double tail by that?) the only damage to her was that notch in her tail, but all the other girls were ripped to shreds, so looks like she can hold her own too :good: :lol: now i just need to find the perfect male for her:lol:
  35. blue_betta

    Another Fantastic Lfs Find

    went in to my most local place to see what they have in from their deliviary yesterday. the females were in a tank with an aggressive combtail male, and all have som e dammage to them.. this lil girl was the least damaged and by far the most stunning... gold!!!! not sure on her tail type yet...
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  39. blue_betta

    Bettas Aren't Breeding

    if they are not doing each other any damage.. leave them to it, could take a week for them to spawn. my melano pk female didnt spawn for about a week
  40. blue_betta

    My New Girls

    my little PK male has a clearly visable "egg spot". i tried getting a pic of it as proof that an eggspot is not a garuentee of sex, but the lil bugger wouldnt sit still long enough :lol: my lfs had a cambo red pk male in a few months back he was one of 3 males that came in as females, i would...