Search results

  1. blue_betta

    Breeding Clown Loaches?

    yeah im skeptical too, hence i came to ask on here. im not sure how large/old the specimins he bred from were, but he is 100% sure they were clowns. he has no pic/video evidance of the breedings, and he was also completely unaware that if he has bred them, its a first lol. personaly, i think he...
  2. blue_betta

    Breeding Clown Loaches?

    now, as far as im aware it cant be done in captivity, even these hormone injections are aparently a myth and all clown loaches are wild caught still. a guy at work today was telling me manages to breed clown loaches succesfuly, apparently, through sheer trial and error, he found that they...
  3. blue_betta

    Bubbles, Yay Or Ney?

    ive been told that its not possible to have bubbles in a marine tank, like from an air stone or the likes. is this true and why?
  4. blue_betta

    Male And Female Together?

    no male and female should never be kept together unless breeding, and even then they are only together very breifly, the female is removed as soon as spawning is complete. you can keep several females together in groups of 5+ and if you have patiance, perseverance and know where to look and who...
  5. blue_betta

    Please Tell Me Im Not Going Mad...

    i saw bullheads at the aquarium in london zoo last week, and i at first thought thats what i had in my aquarium, but looking at theirs, they looked very different, but having just googled 'millers thumb', im fairly certain thats what i have. its settled in well and eating prety much anything its...
  6. blue_betta

    Please Tell Me Im Not Going Mad...

    i know they can be found in scotland, ive found them in rockpools before. but everything ive read on them so far says they are marrine, but come into brackish water in summer. its early spring just now, and this is 20 miles inland!!
  7. blue_betta

    Please Tell Me Im Not Going Mad...

    ok, so im setting up a coldwater riverstyle aquarium, with the intention of having native species in it. so today i went to the local river to try and collect some sticklebacks which are my intended main fish. alas, i didnt see any at all, but i did see the odd stone loach so decided to try and...
  8. blue_betta

    Gonna Have My First Betta :d

    plackats are not rare, and infact are often mistakenly sold as females, as many fish places dont know they are males, and think because it has short fins it must be a female, and trying to advise them different is usualy pointless
  9. blue_betta

    Betta Splendens Hybrid

    i remember seeing a clip of some young black copper splendens X imbellis and they were stunning! same shape as the imbellis but with the colours of the spendens
  10. blue_betta

    I Feel Disgraced Looking At This Betta

    just comes up with the list of items, which one is she?
  11. blue_betta

    New Spawn

    ok here goes.
  12. blue_betta

    New Spawn

    hmm, cant seem to upload pics, says nest to the attach file box 'used 18.45MB of your 14.65MB global upload quota' and i have no idea what that means. the pics werent great anyhow, wouldnt sit still long enough to get pictures taken, plus when i go upto the tank they drain of colour. im looking...
  13. blue_betta

    New Spawn

    entirely possible, however ive used betta starter in the past with good results and rapid growth. strange....
  14. blue_betta

    New Spawn

    yeah i know, realy small, they grew so fast initialy, then just seemed to stop. they were fed betta starter and then onto betta pro. normaly they are only on betta starter for about 6 weeks, but they werent big enough to take pro until they were about 5 months old :S ive used starter/pro before...
  15. blue_betta

    New Spawn

    jus a wee update for anyone who is interested, the fry are now about eight months old and i have 8 survivors, they grew painfuly slowly, and even now are only about 2cm (excluding fins). all the young have turned out as wild type pk, so i may try pairing two of them together to see what i get...
  16. blue_betta

    Siamese Fighting Fish

    what sort of set up will he be going into may i ask? as regarding nippyness/aggression, its often other fish that are the problem..
  17. blue_betta

    A Group Of Female Betta's?

    an easy way ive found to introduce a new female to an established group is to put her in a large breeding trap with a little sand/gravel on the bottom and a few sprigs of plants for cover. leave her in there for a week or so and she will become familiar to the original girls and she can watch...
  18. blue_betta

    Free To Good Home. 1x Blue Betta Male

    im just along the road in falkirk. is he a veiltail or something else?
  19. blue_betta

    First Betta

    no, not aquarium plants anyway. yo can feed them cooked pea every now and then, helps clean their insides out. mine also eat catfish pelets.
  20. blue_betta

    Betta Groups?

    you can not put a male splendens in, thats a big no no. a male pimplex or a male imbellis would be ok if the tank is big enough.
  21. blue_betta

    "mystery Female Disease"

    some may rememeber my thread last year asking about a "mystery female disease" that was killing off my girls. well i had another outbreak untill a couple of months ago..... and ive figured it out. my plec........ :blink: in my old set up i had a plec from a small fish, as he got bigger i had...
  22. blue_betta

    Betta Groups?

    yes you can mix tail types :good: and you CAN mix species, so long as they are fairly peaceful speacies.
  23. blue_betta


    all seem to be fine this morining, plenty activity and eating well :good:
  24. blue_betta


    oh that puts my mind at rest a bit, they seem fine and active, so time will tell i guess
  25. blue_betta


    had a powercut shortly after going to work today, electricity was off from 9am till 7pm, my spawn tank temprature dropped to 20C. the fry seem fine but im worried the shock / stress may affect them? wil they be ok?
  26. blue_betta

    Betta Groups?

    the differant colours and letters i mention from my previous fish are different tail types, not different species :lol: the different species of betta "can" be mixed. i had a pair of betta simplex in my sorority for some time.
  27. blue_betta

    Betta Groups?

    yes you can keep imbillis in mixed groups, but they can be hard to find. try keeping a "sorority" of females. shop around and you can find females just as colourful as most males. at one point i had a group consisting of a black pk, a blue cambodian vt, red cambodian vt, purple camnodian delta...
  28. blue_betta

    I'm Back!

    who are you again? heheh *JK* im back from a long break myslef:P just got breeding again! good to see another old face here:)
  29. blue_betta

    New Spawn

    she is fairly drab, grey and dark red with a bit of purple. yeah the intention is to improve fin quality :)
  30. blue_betta

    New Spawn

    once ive set up the new breeding tank and the male has been re-conditioned (hes my only male). im not big on DTs but ive had a couple of realy prety ones. the girl i have is prety drab but had good fins.
  31. blue_betta

    Nemo's Myspace Lol

    hahahah how random and kinda cute :lol:
  32. blue_betta

    New Spawn

    me ... high maintenance? :rolleyes: ive always used PKs but this one is a right stunner, such a great find for a pet store :P hahaha i ahve another spare tank, ive been lanning that already :lol: i have a DT girl d like to use also
  33. blue_betta

    New Spawn

    hahah well ive told im demanding :P ive been so excited! im setting up the grow out tank already, they are in a 20litre tank atm, but will be moved to a 60 litre when they get bigger
  34. blue_betta

    New Spawn

    id like to get some of both types, the girl is STUNNING when she colours up properly, she has realy distinct MG and her body is almost black! the male has some light marbling and i love marbles, so id like to get some more of that. lol id lke to get a male in the mums colours and start a...
  35. blue_betta

    ! Arghh!

    the "i-pond" has been discussed before on here some time ago... i belive it is banned in some countries, understandably...
  36. blue_betta

    New Spawn

    moooorree!!! theres about 40 of the lil cuties
  37. 096.JPG


  38. 095.JPG


  39. 094.JPG


  40. blue_betta


    thats a good size of tank for him, but none of the tank makes you mention are suitable for male betta companions. ive had males betta kill mollys before, and guppies are similar in appearance to another male betta so he may attack them, or they may nip at his fins. algae eaters get increasingly...