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  1. crmpicco

    First Few Hours With Neon Tetras And Harlequins In New Tank

    I have just done a levels test and it came out as the following: pH - 7.6 Ammonia - 0/0.25ppm Nitrite - 0ppm Nitrate - 10ppm The ammonia level doesn't seem to be flat 0 anymore, so surely this is a good thing. I have dropped the temperature to 25C. Are these levels safe for my fish? If not...
  2. crmpicco

    First Few Hours With Neon Tetras And Harlequins In New Tank

    Yes, I have test kits. So I'll test the water out tomorrow. Should I have the filter flow set to low? I'm using the same filter with the same media as in my cold water setup. Really? So should I drop the temp immediately? Not sure what you mean about cardinals.
  3. crmpicco

    First Few Hours With Neon Tetras And Harlequins In New Tank

    Yes, the tank is cycled. I converted from a cold water tank to a tropical tank. I've done a 100% water change and have been cycling the tank for over a week now, in fact close to 10 days. I done a level check and everything seemed ok. Should I re-test now fish are in? Actually, no. I got very...
  4. crmpicco

    First Few Hours With Neon Tetras And Harlequins In New Tank

    I have just added four Neon Tetras and three Harlequins to my tropical tank. These are the first fish that have been in my new setup. What do I need to look out for and carry out within the first few hours (and days) of having these fish in my tank? On the recommendation of P@H I have set the...
  5. crmpicco

    Small Snails Have Just Appeared Inside My Cycling Tropical Tank

    I am currently cycling my tropical tank preparing it for my new tropical fish. I done a check of my Nitrate level (which was out) last night and it was sitting well. I looked in my tank this afternoon and noticed a small snail crawling up the glass on the inside. There was another slightly...
  6. crmpicco

    Converting A Tank From Coldwater To Tropical

    Ah, ok. I'll re-test the nitrate and see what the reading is. I did shake it vigorously but if I need to try again I will. Do you think there could be an issue with the cycling? I've been feeding the tank/filter a pinch of flakes every day.
  7. crmpicco

    Converting A Tank From Coldwater To Tropical

    I have just done a full water check test with my API tester kit and these are my readings: pH - 7.6 (High) pH - 7.4 Ammonia - 0ppm Nitrite - 0ppm Nitrate - 0ppm I am looking to put my tropical fish in over the next few days. Do these readings suggest that my tank is in a habitable position for...
  8. crmpicco

    Converting A Tank From Coldwater To Tropical

    Also, what temperature should I set the heater to once the new water is in?
  9. crmpicco

    Converting A Tank From Coldwater To Tropical

    When doing my 100% water change should I be de-chlorinating the water that is added in?
  10. crmpicco

    Converting A Tank From Coldwater To Tropical

    I do need to get a new thermometer, the last one broke a few weeks ago and I haven't replaced it as yet. I always use Interpet TapSafe to de-chlorinate the water. Cool, i'll ensure to do a 100% water change just before I put them in. I think it's likely to be next weekend at the earliest...
  11. crmpicco

    Converting A Tank From Coldwater To Tropical

    I have, this morning, moved my two goldfish from my tank to a pond and I am now looking to convert my tank to tropical for tropical fish. I have a heater that I used last winter to regulate the temperate and I also have a Fluval 3 Plus filter that has served my goldfish well in the time they...
  12. crmpicco

    Moving My Goldfish To A Pond

    Yes, 'm going tropical with my empty tank, but I thought i'd reserve that discussion for another thread. I would certainly say that the pond is established - it's been in place for over 15 years and it has had fish in it since 2005. I believe two of those fish are still there. I went to P@H...
  13. crmpicco

    Moving My Goldfish To A Pond

    I am looking for some advice on moving my coldwater fish to a pond. I currently have two fish in my Hagen Tropiquarium 68 which has a 72ltr capacity. I have one 6 year old comet, which is around 17cm in length and a 9 month old shubunkin which is 9cm in length. A family member has a pond that...
  14. crmpicco

    Shubunkin Nipping Goldfish Anus

    Hi, I have noticed over the past fortnight that my 6 month old shubunkin has been nipping at the anus of my 6 year old comet. I can only assume that this is causing my comet some distress. What is the reason for this and how can I try and stop him doing it? Thanks, Picco crmpicco
  15. crmpicco

    Introducing A Heater To A Coldwater Tank - What Temperature?

    I am looking to warm up my coldwater tank slightly (due to the cold temperatures in Scotland at this time of the year) and have purchased a Interpet 150W Delta Therm heater. Currently, the tank temperature sits at 17 degrees celsius. The heater's lowest setting is 20 degrees celsius, however I...
  16. crmpicco

    Maintainence Of My P@h Plants

    Thanks, they don't look like they come out of the base they're in very easily. The roots come out the bottom. The blocks they are in also seem to stabilize them. I have used the fertilizer once, however after some further reading I have learned that plants in cold water tanks don't tend to last...
  17. crmpicco

    Maintainence Of My P@h Plants

    Update: I went out at lunch today and bought some LoveFish Plant Fertilizer, shown below. It comes in a liquid format so i'll give that a try and see how the plants get on. If it works out well i'll buy another three and put them all up the back of the tank as has been suggested. I don't...
  18. crmpicco

    Maintainence Of My P@h Plants

    These are some pictures I have just taken, sorry I don't know the name of them: So you think even the cheaper, non-potted plants should last longer than 4 months? My tank is a 70ltr Hagen Tropiquarium 68. Thanks for your help. Root tabs have been suggested to me. I presume they are...
  19. crmpicco

    Maintainence Of My P@h Plants

    Hi, I purchased three plants from Pets at Home on Christmas Eve for my 70ltr tank. They are the 3 for £5.50 deal for those familiar with this offer. My question is: do I need to feed them anything? I had my previous plants from Aug-Dec, however they were way past their best and really should...
  20. crmpicco

    Clamped Fins On Comet Goldfish

    OK, I have done some tests on both the tank water and tap water, these are the results: Ammonia: 0.25ppm Tank / 0ppm Tap Nitrite: 0ppm Tank / 0ppm Tap Nitrate: 10ppm Tank / 0ppm Tap pH: 7.6 Tank / 7.6 Tap Do they look ok? I understand that the tank ammonia level is still slightly too high and...
  21. crmpicco

    Clamped Fins On Comet Goldfish

    Thanks for your replies, they are much appreciated :good: I have not, as yet, re-tested the water since I posted up these readings and carried out the 50% water change. I did, however, one day after changing the water remove what was left of the old living plants that were added in August and...
  22. crmpicco

    Clamped Fins On Comet Goldfish

    Hi snazy, I will work to get the Ammonia level back down to zero. When should I next test? The tank is 70ltrs (Hagen Tropiquarium 68) which has a filter on 24/7/365. Currently, after the recent water change the temperature is 19 degrees celsius, however this will fall to between 13-15 approx...
  23. crmpicco

    Clamped Fins On Comet Goldfish

    Hi, I have now managed to get my water tested with my API freshwater test kit and these are the results: pH - 7.6 (light blue and end of the scale) pH (High Range) - 7.4 (tan colour and top of the scale) Ammonia - 0.25ppm (light green and second in the scale) Nitrite - 0ppm (light blue and top...
  24. crmpicco

    Dotted Line Down Side Of Comet

    Ah, cheers. I had never heard of the "lateral line" before. This looks exactly like what it is.
  25. crmpicco

    Dotted Line Down Side Of Comet

    Hi, I am seeking assistance on another post on this forum, however this morning I have noticed my comet has a line of dots down one of his sides. These are all in a line and start at his gills and go right down to his tail fin. He also appears to be suffering from a very slight buoyancy...
  26. crmpicco

    Clamped Fins On Comet Goldfish

    Well, 20-22 degrees Celsius was recommended to me as it helps their digestive system...low temperatures hinders it apparently. Makes sense, really. What is the recommended temperature for fancy goldfish such as comets and shubunkins? I don't want to go too high, certainly i've got no plans to...
  27. crmpicco

    Clamped Fins On Comet Goldfish

    Thanks, snazy. I've just bought one of these and it should be here at the start of next week: API kit I have also raised the temperature gradually to around 20-22 degrees Celsius, is this a more suitable temperature? It was previously around 13-15. Cheers.
  28. crmpicco

    Voucher/discount Code For

    Does anyone have a Voucher/Discount Code for I am just about to make a purchase on there and it would be good if I could save a few £££, especially at this time of year :good: Cheers, Picco crmpicco
  29. crmpicco

    Clamped Fins On Comet Goldfish

    I am looking to buy an API kit online just now (if possible) Do you think this API tester kit would suffice for what I want to test? It doesn't say anything about coldwater - only freshwater? Does this matter?
  30. crmpicco

    Clamped Fins On Comet Goldfish

    I am looking for some advice regarding clamped fins on my comet goldfish. He has been hiding with clamped fins for the past fortnight and he shows now signs of picking up. I performed a 30% water change last night as I feared there could be water quality issues. When I changed the water I added...
  31. crmpicco

    Out Of Date Fish Food - Is It Dangerous?

    Cheers, just to let you know this is where it all went (well, everything that was out of date): :good:
  32. crmpicco

    Goldfish/shubunkin Disliking Tank Light

    I have an update to this situation if anyone is willing to help me out :blush: He (my comet) does seem to be behaving quite strangely over the past few weeks, maybe even month now. For instance, I just done a 30% water change; added AquaSafe and a small touch of ammonia remover too. Once I...
  33. crmpicco

    Goldfish/shubunkin Disliking Tank Light

    Just a few updates to this: The tank is 70ltrs - Hagen Tropiquarium 68 The 5 year old goldie is a comet. Very rarely do I see them come out when the light is on, certainly recently anyway. Although, when I turned the light off earlier they came out then ran back in Do you think it could be...
  34. crmpicco

    Goldfish/shubunkin Disliking Tank Light

    Hi, My goldfish (5 yrs old) and shubunkin (3 months old) appear to be taking a dislike to the fluorescent tank lights. When I put them on within 1-5 seconds they are hiding underneath the filter together, similarly when I turn the light off they're out and swimming about like normal within...
  35. crmpicco

    Lifeless Goldfish

    This was going to be banned here in the UK a few years back. In all honesty I think it should be banned! If you don't give away a tank with the goldfish then where do you put it? UK fairground goldfish ban
  36. crmpicco

    Using Ammonia Remover Along With Tetra Aqua Safe

    OK, thanks. I don't have a tester kit (yet), however I will get my hands on one. Changing 30% of the water is a 20-30 minute job and I have no problem doing that regularly. I added an inner-capful of Ammonia Remover when I changed the water this morning, but I guess that's probably not required...
  37. crmpicco

    Using Ammonia Remover Along With Tetra Aqua Safe

    Hi, When I change the water in my coldwater tank I always use Tetra Aqua Safe and it has always done me well. I have been handed a bottle of Interpet Ammonia Remover, now I am wondering if this is ok to use along with the Aqua Safe or if it does a similar or same job? Would anyone recommend...
  38. crmpicco

    Out Of Date Fish Food - Is It Dangerous?

    I have been handed some goldfish food which has originally came from a Pet Shop free of charge. The expiry dates on the food range from September 2011 on the Tetra Goldfish flakes to April 2005 :crazy: on the Supa Ant Eggs (they're even in the old-style Supa tub!). In total I have 6 tubs of...
  39. crmpicco

    Fish Swimming At Top Of Tank After Cleaning Out Media Sponges

    Excellent, thanks. :good: This is absolutely the mistake I have made. I suppose in hindsight I just dumped some rubbish into my fishes tank :blush: Not good. The fish seem to be ok now after last weekend's debacle, but I guess it wouldn't have been a good time for them. I will ensure that I...
  40. crmpicco

    White Spots On 5 Year Old Goldfish Body

    Many thanks. I have been treating my fish with love fish Anti White Spot and parasite treatment (below) for over a fortnight now and I think my fish has more white scales than before. I'd like to explain that he doesn't have many white "spots" as such, it's more entire scales that have turned...