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  1. joe17

    My Setups

    Love the tanks!! and welcome fellow Canadian!! :D where abouts are you from? if you don't mind me asking :)
  2. joe17

    First Ever Planted Tank - Advice On How To Improve It Please! :)

    oh no :( I really hope they survive, they're my favorite plants out of all of them :(
  3. joe17

    First Ever Planted Tank - Advice On How To Improve It Please! :)

    Is there anything else I should be getting for those red plants? Why would they die/go green??
  4. joe17

    Tiger Barbs Devouring Everything!

    Thanks everyone for the tips!! Would it be a problem for tiger barbs to feed on algae wafers though? I thought that they also need a more meaty diet. I will go get some better food for my shark as soon as I get the chance, I thought all sinking pellets were the same. Oups! I added a new cave for...
  5. joe17

    Tiger Barbs Devouring Everything!

    Oh okey, I didn' t realize it was the wrong food for him. So what should I be feeding him then?
  6. joe17

    Tiger Barbs Devouring Everything!

    hi, so I have a 50g tank with 14 tiger barbs, 9 serpae tetras and a tiny baby red tailed black shark that I added two days ago. So far everything everyone is coexisting very well except when it comes to feeding time. I never had any problems until I added the shark. The serpae tetras eat just as...
  7. joe17

    First Ever Planted Tank - Advice On How To Improve It Please! :)

    well I don't have CO2 injection, but dose with flourish excel, flourish comprehensive and flourish iron and have 2 32 watts T8 for lighting so I guess that makes it sort of high tech?
  8. joe17

    First Ever Planted Tank - Advice On How To Improve It Please! :)

    As the title says, this is my first attempt at a planted tank. It is a 50gallon with 14 tiger barbs (6 regular, 4 albino, 4 green), 9 serpae tetras, 1 redtail shark. I cannot remember the name of the plants unfortunately. It has been up and running for about 2 months now.   Thanks in advance for...
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  10. joe17

    Hello Everyone

    Welcome!! Just out of curiosity, what size tank do you have and how long have you had it?
  11. joe17

    Does This Setup Sound Okay?

    Sounds good to me, just remember that if you mix male and female guppies, platies, and swordtails you will find yourself with a ton of fry. Not sure how many would survive, and if it would be a real problem with this setup. Just wait until someone more experience can clarify this :)
  12. joe17

    Top Level Fish Advice

    I have a 55 gallon with 9 serpae tetras and 14 tiger of different color variations and have never experienced a problem so far. The tetras will chase and nip back at the tiger barbs and hold their ground very well. Don't get the long finned version though as the tiger barbs will be more...
  13. joe17

    Hi There! New To Tff

    welcome!! 11 tanks that sounds amazing! hopefully one day I will get there too :D oh, and pictures pictures pictures please!!!!!
  14. joe17

    What Other Pets Do You Have?

    I agree, they are the best dogs I ever had. Had another one before these two and they have the best personalities! Super loyal and willing to please but very high energy dogs, they certainly are a handful!  I agree, I think it gives her (him?) a unique look :)
  15. joe17

    What Other Pets Do You Have?

    Here are my two lovely ladies :D
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  18. joe17

    What Other Pets Do You Have?

    beautiful dog jarns!!!! I have a 55 gallon aquarium 2 x female german sheppherds that like to think they are lap dogs named Daisy and Mika 1 x horse named Joe who is the love of my life 3 x barn cats and in the spring I will be adding a mini australian sheppherd to the famil
  19. joe17

    Shoaling Fish

    perhaps the denison barb (red line torpedo barb) would fit what you're looking for but woild reauire more research because i don't know much about them
  20. joe17

    Hi There!

    Welcome ! :) Plenty of awesome people full of great, friendly advice here! You've definately come to the right place for some expert advice
  21. joe17

    Finally Going Big!

    video of the serpae tetras, right after adding the last three to the tank :)
  22. joe17

    Finally Going Big!

    I am definately considering getting one of those when I get enough money to upgrade my filter! Looks like a great filter, and I've heard a lot of good reviews on it :) might be getting my hands on a used one from a friend that is getting rid of hers - already cycled and ready to go ...
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  24. joe17

    Finally Going Big!

    6 of the Serpae tetras have entered their new tank! They are still getting used to their environment and tend to hide away but I'm excited :) interesting to watch them interact as they get used to their new surroundings! Here is a picture as they all explore their kingdom
  25. joe17

    What Should I Put With My Guppy Tank?

    Perhaps some platties? that's what I have with mine and I have necer had any problems with them :)
  26. joe17

    Help Me Name My First Betta? :3

    Finigan! :D
  27. joe17

    A Little Mistake Of Petstore

    I've returned fish at petsmart with no problems, they have a two week return policy if there is a problem with the fish, i dont know about petco though
  28. joe17

    Finally Going Big!

    Well, the fish aren't in the tank yet. I am at the end of the cycle and fish should be added within the next week to two weeks. I have found pretty conflicting information on that so decided to give it a try and see for myself. I will certainly keep you posted on their behaviour when I do get...
  29. joe17

    Finally Going Big!

    nope, it's just the baseboard that looks like a radiator in one of the pics. We have a forced air system with vents on the ceiling and the tank is setup as far away from it as possible in the small appartment. I agree though, the picture does make it look like a radiator!
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  31. joe17

    Finally Going Big!

    allrighty, so pretty big update! 1. wood and rock are in place in the aquarium 2. lights have been bought : fluorescent fixture with two 32 watts T8 bulbs 3. Plants are in!!! :D now comes the waiting game of seeing how they grow into the aquarium. I added seachem flourish and flourish excel...
  32. joe17

    Vampire Shrimp?

    Yeah, I think they are really cool too! I will be getting a bigger tank eventually but for now my tank is better than no tank I guess. It is only about 2 1/2 inches and I will keep a close eye on it to see how it grows and develops.
  33. joe17

    Vampire Shrimp?

    Hi, so about a month ago, a friend of mine got a vampire shrimp without doing any research. After realizing how shy her shrimp is, she decided that she no longer wanted it as part of her aquarium. After telling me that she was going to flush that boring thing down the toilet, I offered to take...
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  35. joe17

    Some Of Our Larger Family Members :)

    some beautiful horses you got there! Makes me really miss my big Joe!
  36. joe17

    Just For Fun - What's The Biggest Whopper A Lfs Has Told You?

    A single Serpae tetra would thrive in my 10 gallon tank full of male fancy guppies. Since there were other fish in the tank it didn't need a proper-sized school and would never bother the guppies ...
  37. joe17

    Platys-Which Are More Peaceful

    I have three females and absolutely love them. Plus I don't have to deal with any fry, which is a bonus for me! Theyr are also extremely peaceful to each other/other fish in the tank
  38. joe17

    55G Stocking Question

    Allrighty :D I'll just make sure they are black phantom and not black skirt when I buy them!
  39. joe17

    55G Stocking Question

    I heard that the black skirt tetras were known for fin nipping but thought the black phantom tetras were better. Hatchets are also not available here :( although I love my lfs, they really know what they're talking about compared to the stories I've heard from others and take good care of their...
  40. joe17

    55G Stocking Question

    I can't find the threadfins locally and can't find a site that will deliver to canada :( so if I replace the rainbowfish with black phantom tetras, would that work?