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    Is A Fighting Fish Ok In My Tank?

    I am going to assume it is a long finned one. a long finned betta (fighting fish) will start on anything that looks remotely similar to another betta (aka has long fins) so i would expect it to start on your guppies and angels at the very least
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    A guide to breeding guppies. Have a cycled tank. Add a few male guppies (3-4) and at least 3 females for each male Leave in tank for a month whilst feeding high quality foods You will then start getting fry at any time Looking after fry. I always leave my fry in the tank so that natural...
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    Rescaped My Tank

    It is 45l plants should arrive friday (i Hope) will be getting fish friday also
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    Rescaped My Tank

    I am thinking of a schoal of pgmy cories to breed (hopefully) and maybe some dwarf spotted rasboras Im also going to get a black background for it
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    Rescaped My Tank

    Original Now What do you think am waiting on plants to arrive before i get new fish
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    How Many?

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    Acquiring Wood From Wild

    they would have to be boiled to remove any contaminants/hitchhikers. however as it is a national park you would probably have to get permission from the park ranger/people who run it as they may not want it to be taken from certain areas.
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    Pygmy Corydoras

    If i get a group of pygmy cories and do all water changes to encourage them to spawn, will they breed.
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    Getting Fish Out Of Tank

    i agree that the two nets method is easiest, however i never had a problem when i had to move guppies as they are so dumb they literally swim into the net.
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    My Tank

    Nice looking tank, whats with the marble in the middle at the front
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    Rescape My 120

    Get some small rocks to scatter around the front
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    Wee Update :d

    looks good imo
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    Few Pics Of My Replanted 20g

    Good looking tank. where did you get the muscle from
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    Some New Full Tank Pics

    Great looking discus
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    Giz A Kiss

    Thats really kinda cute.
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    Pygmy Corydoras

    I have seen dwarf spotted rasboras at one of my local lfs. I will probably buy 5-6 to start with and then boost it to 10-12
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    Pygmy Corydoras

    Dwarf spotted rasboras grow to 3/4 of an inch (2cm) dont they
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    Help ! Emergency Goby Rehoming

    I hope they are doing well, do they take normal foods. that last pic had me confused for a second because i thought i saw 4 gobies in there lol :)
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    Pygmy Corydoras

    im going to look at 6-7 pygmys and 10-12 dwarf rasboras
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    Pygmy Corydoras

    tank has been running for 2 years so it is well established, it has a sand substrate and i do weekly water changes, im looking at getting a schoal of these and a shoal of dwarf rasboras, i was thinking about getting maybe 10 rasboras and 6-7 cories?
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    Pygmy Corydoras

    Not sure of the difference, 45 litres though
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    Pygmy Corydoras

    Ive got a 10g tank and i am looking at getting a school of these, how many would be suitable?
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    Sand In Tanks

    Ive taken all the gravel out and have started adding sand, the waters gone cloudy due to the dirt and im waiting for that to settle to lay out decor and plants
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    Tank Pictures

    very nicely done
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    How Many Tanks Do You Have?

    1 10g community tank 1 10g being refurbished
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    Possible Tank Mates...

    I would steer clear of the honey gouramis, or gouramis in general actually, ive had 4 gouramis in the past, 3 refused to eat all food including live, and 1 was tempermental and bullied other fish untill i took him back
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    Sand In Tanks

    i will be keeping a photographic journel of this swap.
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    Golden Apple Snails Everywhere..

    Agreed, let them sort them selves out, if you do that only the fittest will be left in your tank. as for your fish, i would imagine all of them are a little bit guilty. if you do feel you want to remove them then leaving a piece of cucumber in the tank attracts snails which you can then lift out
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    How Many?

    I dont know what sort of fish im going to get at the moment, im working on changing to gravel to sand first. Question to any cory lovers out there, how many pigmy cories would be happy in a 10g, with a shoal of something above them. Currently looking at - some? pygmy cories - shoal of small...
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    How Many?

    i got harlequins in my other tank, was looking for something a bit different my water doesnt do well with tetras for some reason
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    How Many?

    Good point, no im going to have 4-5 pygmy cories and a shoal of something small
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    How Many?

    Ok i have a 10g tank which is soon to have a sand substrate and i am planning on getting trumpet snails for it when its done. my question, how many snails would be appropriate for a tank this size
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    Sand In Tanks

    Thanks guys.
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    My Own Private Fish World

    Wow thats a lot of tanks
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    Sand In Tanks

    ive got a tank with colourfull gravel which i hate, so i am replacing it with sand a couple of questions should i just take the gravel out and put the washed sand in can i get sand from b&q if it is thoroughly washed its a 10g tank which has been established for over 2 years.
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    Fred's 5.5 Gallon Cube Journal

    just read the whole thread and it sounded like an amazing journey, i liked the original setup with the shrimp ever thought of doing a shrimp only tank? also i dont know if you put this but where did you get the original plants from?
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    My Sailfin Mollies

    nice mollys and names
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    Photo Donations

    you can use any from my flickr page however if you do use them can you please send me the relevant links -olie
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    My Photography

    will be adding some more soon.