Search results

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    Is This An Aquarium Plant

    better not order it, its far to big for my tank anyway but i wanted to see if i had learnt enough to id that
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    Toms Puffer Tank Journal

    Really nice looking tank
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    Pictures Of Cories

    aww, mine come out if you walk in the room and look at you
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    Is This An Aquarium Plant

    found this on ebay and it doesnt look like and aquarium plant because of the double colored leaves any info?
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    Question On Java Moss

    you can deffinately up the temperature by 2-3 degrees, im sure someone will be able to say wether to do it all at once or in stages
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    My First Ever Tank

    Hi and welcome to the fishforums, is the fantail a guppy? i hate to be the one who says this but i dont think your danios are well suited to your tank. sorry to hear about your pleco, however, dont get another as they grow far to big for your tank And for you i have 1 45 litre tank with 2...
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    looking good. as youve got a bigger tank you might want to add a few more of each fish to make them a bit more comfortable
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    Breeding Corries

    liquifry food is normally ok, however a lot of people use live food such as baby brine shrimp as it encourages growth much faster does the tank devider need to be solid plastic or a mesh?
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    Fish To Breed

    Corries dont 'need' to inches of water when they breed do they? a lot of people breed them in a normal set up tank without to many issues
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    Lost Interest

    Welcome back, are you restarting?
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    Breeding Corries

    agreed 60ltr is fine make sur ethe tank is eestablished with sand and decent planting as a lot of cories prefer shade than direct light
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    Can Someone Id These Corys For Me?

    Ive never heard of a cory with green spots, however the picture looks like a bronze cory possbily
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    Birds Spotted Near Your House

    Blackbirds Coal tits Blue tits Great tits Long tail tits Blackcaps Robins Song thrushes Dunnocks Wrens Hedge sparrows House sparrows Magpies Crows Jays Starlings Goldfinches Greenfinches Chaffinches Sparrowhawks Collerneck doves Wood pigeons Nuthatches all of my birds pictures can be seen here...
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    Electric Yellow Cichlid Doing An Odd Dance

    hard to tell by the description, any chance of a vid
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    Mel's Aquaart 60

    Looking good
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    This Is Bad...

    and maybe there is a tank of replacement neons in the back just in case ;) lol
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    The Forgotten Valley - Timeline

    great looking tank
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    it doesnt really matter whats in the tank as filter bacteria. take a small plastic box with you and get him to put some tank water in it then the media he gives you. when you get back put the media straight into the filter a 3 min trip wont kill the bacteria.
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    20+ Cherry Shrimp £15 Posted

    I will take some cherry shrimp in about a month. will you be able to have them delivered on a saturday when i want them as that is the only day i am in all day
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    Whats The Big Deal?

    No way are you overstocked. fish only breed if they are happy
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    Sailfin Molly. How Pregnant?

    she looks kinda far along. i think 4-5 days?
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    Ive Always Wondered...

    i say Be-tah as quite a few people do here
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    My Dp Tank

    awesome looking tank
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    My Mollies Behaviour.

    very cute fry
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    40 Gallon Tank

    sounds like a good mix. i would add the guppys first in 2-3 batches, followed by the corys and then i would add the tetras a couple of months later
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    What Do You Like Better?

    Egg layers. because they involve more than putting a male and female in the same tank and waiting a month
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    go for it. the worst that will happen is they ignore it
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    Shrimp Compatability

    looks really good, i cant wait to get mine set up. thanks for the fast reply to my message pip
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    Updated 13/08/09 Hex Tank

    I love the tank. i love the cherry shrimp
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    Balloon Mollies!

    Mollies can be pregnent several times without a male. they could have been transported in the same bags as normal mollies and that would mean any of the mollies might have go ther pregnant
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    Tank Number Two Already!

    Great tank and fish
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    Ben's 400l Wet Thing

    Looks great
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    Marble Change!

    that is one great looking betta
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    Tina's Nano Journal

    The tank is looking great.
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    Fish Selection Advice

    depends what you want one the bottom a bristlenose plec would do well in a tank that size a shoal of corydoras would also look fantastic. what size is your substrate as corydoras need sand or fine gravel
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    Help! Need A Little Bit Of Opinion...

    you would need to have some low light plants i think as your lighting isnt very bright
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    Hmm Cheeky But Got What I Needed :)

    its good to hear how nice people can be.
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    125 Gallon Tank

    Looking good. hope that nitrite starts dropping soon
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    Starting My First Planted Tank - 55g

    i think your tank looks great when those plants fill out a bit it will look even better
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    Very Small Snails In My Tank

    leave them in, most snails wont eat live plant matter. if you do get a population explosion, tie a piece of cucumber to a stone and sink it overnight. the next morning it will have loads fo snails on for you to pull out