Search results

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    quick bump :blush:
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    7gal Shrimp Only - "forgotten Glade"

    if possible could i see a photo of the mosquite rasbora as i am looking at miniature rasboras for my tank
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    Cheap Powerheads From Ebay

    i was looking at these recently and was wondering if they would be noisy
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    im uploading some of my better sunset photos in a few minutes, just tell me if you see it p.s congrats on reaching 10k posts btw
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    Dont mind, which one as i like to know what people like. managed to find my photobuket account so i am loading some photos on there to go onto here
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    Rescaped My Tank

    a small update i have added in an asorted plant set and some mossballs. i have also attached some java moss to my bog wood fish will be arriving next week the tank as it is
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    My setup is Nikon d70 (thinking of upgrading) 18-55m lense 70-300m lense basic tripod remote control a little canon ixus which i need to upgrade
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    Thanks wilder, ive had a look at yours. youve got some great photos there.
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    Death By Python

    i did what justkia did with a net because it still lets the dirt go but my fish cant meet there doom through it
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    My Pond Is In Progress! Yay

    looking good, the fish seem very happy
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    Do Shrimp Need Live Plants?

    They dont 'need' plants, however if you have live plants in the tank it would do a lot of good for them. the plants help give them a sense of security and they can also pick bits of food off of them
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    Picture Of My Fish

    wow lovely fish you have
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    My Awful Invert Aquarium

    great looking tank, sorry to hear about your filter
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    Rio 180 From September- April+kids Tank

    great looking tank you have there.
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    Giant Common Pleco!

    We no longer own this Pleco! On Saturday 9-6-08 our Pleco sold for $20. He now enjoys a display pond in front of a boat store in San Diego. We purchased him at 2 inches and he is now 8 years old. The tank was only a 55 gallon but the combination of feeding him steamed broccoli and over...
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    One Of My Russian Dwarf Hamster's

    he is so sweet. i would love a hamster. im glad hes doing well.
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    Museum Display Tank

    Congrats and well done. how long do you have to do it?
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    20+ Cherry Shrimp £15 Posted

    do the cherry shrimp eat plants. also how do you take payment?
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    Pictures Of Cories

    It is a shrimp of some sort. i cant remember the type.
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    Mopani And Drift Wood

    some nice quality wood there (to big for my tank) you are right about how they release tannins which can lower ph and soften water.
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    Is My Tank Ruined?

    leave the lights off for 2 days and do an Large waterchange. you may want to scrape the algae off with a blade before doing a waterchange
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    So Who'se Getting Up At 5am For The Gp Over The Weekend?

    Well done brawn gp!
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    10 Gal Tank - What Would You Do?

    Sounds like a good plan. you could change the tetras to rasboras if you wanted. im getting some corydora pygmaeus next week. i am stocking very similary to yours
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    Would This Work

    its only a 10g tank so wouldnt a powerhead be a bit over the top for it?s
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    i keep a few outdoor bonsai. never heard of aquatic ones
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    Would This Work

    i want to add more water flow/movement to one of my tanks, if i got a new filter and put it in without the media would it affect the water chemistry. this is purely for water movement and not for filtering
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    What Are Some Good Hardy Fish?

    i would personally say,' DONT DO IT!!!!!'. persist with a fishless cycle because it is fairer on the fish
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    dtrnge to hear someone who wants algae to grow ;) turn the lighting time up for a bit longer per day and you should have some in no time
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    livebearers are allways suprising people with fry. i love hearing of this. if you need any info on raising them, there are several people who know how
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    My Planted Tank

    i think another planted driftwood would look good on the right
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    Guppy Fry

    congrats, i counted 20+ in that pic
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    My Betta's :d

    Lovely bettas, have you ever tried breeding your pair
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    What Would You Do With A Well Planted 240l

    i voted for cichlids because they are a fish i have never kept but have always admired
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    Can't Remember For The Life Of Me The Id!

    gorgous fish, agree with the id
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    Actually Putting New Fish In A Tank

    i didnt have never used a bucket but i used a jugwhich i half fill with bag water. when its full they should be acclimatized
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    20 Gallon Long Tank... 4 Corys... What's Next?

    well done for buy him some frineds, as you said they are schoaling fish could we please have some tank stats so we can know what would be suitable Could you please tell us -tank size -water parameters -how long it has been set up
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    Discus Babys

    congrats on the batch of babys