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    Ben's Kitchen Tank Project Log

    Some fish such as loaches eat snails. if you dont want to pick them out, weight a piece of cucumber in the tank and leave it in the tank overnight, then pull it out in the morning because it will be full of snails.
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    Pictures Of My Finished Tank

    Although plants root 'better' in soil they will still grow fine in gravel.
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    My New Kitten!

    Congrats on the new cat.
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    90l Dwarf Puffer Jungle

    Nice tank, how many dps?
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    Gourami Feeding Advice

    Anything fresh is worth giving a go, if they like it thats great, but if they dont dont leave it in the water just make sure everything is thouroughly washed to remove any chemichals/pesticides on the produce.
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    Fish Virgin's New Tank!

    is the guppy at the bottom ok, its strange to see them so low.
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    My New 14"marbled Clarias Catfish

    Wow thats a big fish, very nice tank also. any chance of a full tank shot.
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    Marine Trigon 190

    Great looking tank Love the sense of depth you get with the rocks.
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    20+ Cherry Shrimp £15 Posted

    Can you send them to be deilivered on a friday, if so can you also pm me your paypal account stuff.
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    What To Do Next

    some General stats would be good ph ammonia nitrite nitrate how many water changes you do a week the choice of fish is entirely your own because you need to have fish you like.
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    Uk Nature Shots

    sorry should have put 55-200 1.4-5.6d Thanks very much The nuthatches are tagged because they are in a nature reserve forest where a serious conservation/breeding program has been set.
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    Uk Nature Shots

    My current setup Nikon d70 body Sigma 70-300m lense (most used) nikon 18-55 lense nikon 70-200 lense tripod remote control
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    Uk Nature Shots

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    Newbie With Snails

    Trumpet snails are quite easy to get hold off, quite a few people on here sell them and there are plenty on ebay.
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    Sterbai Corys Nocturnal?

    i have found my corys prefer it when there is no light, Unless there is food going of course.
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    Uk Nature Shots

    Photos up
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    Newbie With Snails

    Snails dont generally eat 'fish poo' however the eat leftover food pieces as well as dead plants, any things that fall into your pond, and anything else they can get there mouth on. some goldfish do like to snack on them though.
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    Welcome To Our New Mod, Backtotropical

    Well done BTT, hope you work out the buttons.
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    What Plants Are These - Can I Pot Them In Nice Pots?

    I would personally leave them, ive found over a few years of gardening in many gardens that the old saying 'if it aint broke don't fix it' comes in a lot. the leaves should start to show on them as the flowers come out. if no leaves come out then it has a deffieciency from the soil. clear the...
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    Uk Nature Shots

    Thanks. updating with in forums shots within the next 10 mins.
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    Uk Nature Shots

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    Juwel Rio 180 Litre

    Very witty, any chance to see it?
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    11 Year Old Aquascaper?

    Looks great, ive got sand and will be putting a silver background in soon.
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    Lfs Outrage! A Big Rant And I Need Help!

    i agree 100% with you
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    Fish For A New Planted Tank

    great looking tank
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    Can I Add To These?

    ive not had any experience with these but i know quite a few need a species specific tank
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    Whats The Best Sand

    i used argos playsand in my tank and everything seems ok this is what the sand looks like in a tank i microwaved it then washed it i microwaved to kill any bacteria and then washed to remove any stuff i dont want in my tank
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    'bent' Guppies

    There are lots of info about euthanising fish. it basically come down to you puting the fish into freezing water
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    Setting Up The 29g. Totally Psyched I Have Saltwater In My Living Room

    Glad to hear you have seen one. there probably still a bit shell shocked with how neat your tank is, give them time and they will come to you.
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    Ive got a laburnum bonsai that is two years old that ive gron from seed. i might be able to get some pics.
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    Garden Visitors

    we had some suprise visitors in the garden today. anyone else had any suprise visits before?
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    10l Planted Journal

    I like the layout very much. theres is a lot of substrate in there, its probably only going to take 5l now
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    My New Arrivals And Plants!

    the plant at front left looks like camboda, i dont know the rest.
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    Snails.. The Pain In The Backside Type

    without letting everything stand dry for atleast a week there is no sure way to get rid of them. however if you do that the filter bacteria will die. i think a lot of shrimp will eat snails but you would need to check this.
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    Rescaped My Tank

    i got the plant pack off of ebay. i am not using ferts or c02 yet however i might get some in the future
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    Starting My First Planted Tank - 55g

    great looking setup, it definately looks better. what are the settings on your camera, you could do with lowering your iso a little bit to make the photos a bit clearer
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    Tina's Nano Journal

    Great pics and tank
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    i have got 3 very decent quality lenses but i am looking for a higher quality body with some more settings and megapixels thanks very much, send me a pm about anything you want to ask. the tunnel is at rockingham racetrack, it goes underneath the track.
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    My Lfs Shocking Prices

    one of my lfs had bronze corys for £5 EACH
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    thinking about getting a d80