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  1. O

    Nature Photos I Took

    there pretty good. i see you have a lot of natural talent. ever thought of upgrading to a dslr. i think you could make some wonderful pictures with them. link to some of mine
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    Uk Nature Shots

    Some of my uk nature shots can be seen. DELETED hope you like them, feed back is appreciated.
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    Online Food Shopping

    i will look into that. i did a few weeks ago and it asked for a debit card number. the Terms and conditions on ebay say you must be atleast 18
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    Online Food Shopping

    I cant use ebay, too young. especially looking for live foods.
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    Online Food Shopping

    can anyone recomend any good sites to buy tropical fish food online.
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    i dont think that bamboo is suitable for tanks. if i remember correctly it rots quickly and pollutes the water
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    New Planted + Sand Tank > Gravel And Fake!

    loolks great. the fish will really love it, especially the cories/bottom dwellers i can see.
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    My Pregnant Neon.

    Agreed with a lot of above. fish can have fat bellies before feeding, escially if they found a piece of food somewhere they need shoals of 6+ and warm water.
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    New Camera

    add reply, my advice. practise and make the picturees a bit smaller before you upload them.
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    My Cat Drank Medicated Tank Water

    I would imagine he should be fine. If you think about all the things he licks outside he probably has licked much worse. keep a close eye on him and if hes ill then take him to the vet.
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    Had A Change Around In My Tanks

    Wow... i love the second tank with lots of fish.
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    My First Tank

    i recomend a few more of the same tetras, another shoal of small fish and a few (3-4) corydoras.
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    Furious With Pets @ Home

    i had this problem at mine. when i bought some danios there that were diseased. wiped out my whole tank. i now refuse to buy anything from there because i dont support the maltreatment of any animals. my advice. dont buy anything from in there, tell anyone you know who goes there about it and...
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    Moss Ball Manipulation

    Or you would have to roll them around every once in a while.
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    More Fish Or Full?

    You look about good with the stocking if you were to add anything to the tank i would add 3 corydoras of some breed.
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    World Of Warcraft Anyone!?

    Lol i still think runescape is better :unsure: :good: :unsure:
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    Apple Snails Qickest Way To Increase Size?

    i feed some of my smaller snails dead plant matter which seems to make them grow a lot bigger.
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    How Many Times In A Day Shall I Feed My 6 Months Old Black Moly Fishes

    As said on your other thread regular water changes to replace the filter.
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    Can We Have A Link Bar At The Bottom

    Quite a good idea here, would be quite usefull.
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    Please Tell Me What More Can I Do So That My Black Molly Fries Grow Be

    i would say buy a filter to help the water but that would cause a cycle and do more harm than good if it isnt contained You NEED to do 40%-50% water change twice a week.
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    Freshwater Shrimp (long-armed)

    what is the tank stats and size?
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    Sad Day

    Zebra otto? never heard of one of them. However im sorry to hear about this.
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    I've Got Wrigglers!

    Good luck. Hope they do well if they survive they should be stunning with two parents like that
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    World Of Warcraft Anyone!?

    Tryed the demo and i just couldnt get used to it afraid to say im a bit of a runescape'r ( ducks from abuse about this game)
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    My Tank And Fish Pics

    i would leave the pebbles. to much of the same color can ruin a tank imo
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    Looks really good. i think the gravel works quite well with it aswell.
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    Altime Favourite Cartoon Charactor.

    Talk bout bringing a topic back from the dead, Its three years old. P.S. mine has to be tom and jerry.
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    My First Tank

    Great looking tank there. Make sure when you get your next fish that you get a few more of the same tetra to make them feel more comfortable.
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    Somethin Funny In An Old Fish Book

    Yes they have, they are very silly stock lists. If i were you i would ignore it.
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    Are These "true" Aquatic Plants?

    i have one almost identical to 2 in a pot on my window lol.
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    Are These "true" Aquatic Plants?

    There both a bit big for my tank the first two. theyre not in very good condition anyway.
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    Which Species

    The red one in the second pic doesnt look aquatic
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    Characodon Lateralis Sp

    Very cool, any pics?
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    My Tank

    Either that or shes just had dinner.
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    Scrapping Fish!

    Plenty of good ideas there, rearanging the tank normally works well. the one rasbora needs a shoal for it to feel comfortable.
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    Cherry Shrimp Tankmates.

    agreed that adults SHOULD be fine most juvies will be eaten but if you have luck a few will make it.
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    Shipment Rescheduled! *update*

    Great looking bettas i love the white female.
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    Not Promoting It, But

    i use tetra and hikari, my fish scoff both so it doesnt matter to much, just prices different.
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    My Cat's :p

    Really cute cats, i love the kitten shot.
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    Just A Suggestion

    I think a mix of formal with friendlyness would do good i do like chit chat better though. how about a poll on each section with the original and current names to get people to vote what they think.