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  1. S

    Guppy Problem In A Long Standing Tank.

    Hi, thanks for the message. I know the tank is overstocked, however the filter and pump unit for the tank is external Tetra and has a large capacity and many filter sponges which filters the water nicely, the quality seems to be normal on ammonia with nitrate just a little over the 0 mark, its...
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    Guppy Problem In A Long Standing Tank.

    Hi all, So, I had a 60ltr tank for a while with a load of fish in it. A load of guppy's that were grown from babies from the first generation, A sucker fish, 4 clown loaches and a bunch of others I'd forgotten the names off and they were living fine without problems. The guppys has a third...
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    Help - Sick Guppy. Can You Help?

    I've got a guppy fish that is a little like that. Dull in color, very thin body and looks sick with clody stringy poo hanging out the back. I thought it was old age, would this disease pass to my other guppy's?
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    Massive Loss Of Neon Tetras

    I had something simuler happen to my Neon fish that have been living in my tank for 3 years, they began to separate and die, I think the Local pet shop might have some problem that is spreading through your fish. If you get new neons from another place, chances are whats in the water might...
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    Unexplained Death

    looks like the guppy was borderline ill and it only took the move to stress it out and push it over the cliff. Watch all the other fish, if things look odd, chances are some microbe was introduced from the shops water and breeding in your tank.
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    Fish Gulping, Nitrate High, Help

    I think the slate could have been the problem, try taking it out and do more water changes and see if things improve, otherwise something could have been introduced when you added new fish. Shane
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    My Own Bog Wood

    I took stones from a train station, scrubbed them clean, microwaved for one min and then dumped them in the tank, no probs, works like a charm. As for wood, thats more tricky as it soaks up stuff.
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    It's Taking Over My Whole Tank! And It Stinks!

    If you have not done so already, looks like you need to compleatly nuke your tank and everything in it. eg, if all else fails try this. remove your live fish from the tank into a bowl of tank water with the water heater. Empty the wanter from the old tank completely. Stones, and hard objects...
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    Dwarf Puffers

    your fish might have droopy, but I can't tell by the pic, if the other fish are fine, this one might have caught an internal infection. but need a better image, any chance of one. Also, do the scales look parted?
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    Fish Tank Problem

    looks like the center support has gone, you need to link both sides of the tank tightly together so the weight of the water does not pull the glass away from the edges, so you have a 4 ft tank, lots of water and weight.
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    Losing Corydoras

    try and get your fish from another store and see if they live, if they do, then it was the store you got them from that has the problem. Shops move fish in and out so fast they rarely see any problems.
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    New Filter - Fish Not Happy

    You might have had some chemicals from the new pump enter the water if the filters, pipes sponges were not properly cleaned. It might have been wise to run hot water through the unit for ten mins to remove any grease or contaminants from the components before hooking it up to your tank. If...
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    I Have A Pond Snail Infestation And Assasin Snails Are Actually Useles

    Get a bunch of clown loaches, they love to swim around and munch up all the snales...
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    Is My Guppy Pregnant ?

    Your best bet would be to leave the guppys alone and let them get along with what they do best. You have lots of plants and your tank seems good for the babies to hide and stuff. You can also add some floating plants in the tank and if you can't do that, a plastic pan scrubber, spread out, would...
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    Gouramis And Angel Fish

    I had two angles in a 55 litre tank for three years and they seemed happy and without any problems. But angel fish should be the last addition to a tank because they're territorial.
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    Stupid Snails

    takes a very long time for clown loaches to grow to a problem size, I had a clown loache for 3 years and it still remained a good small size for a 55ltr tank, until it died from infection.
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    Does My Fish Have Dropsy?

    The fish has an internal infection, get it out of your tank ASAP. it will burst, die and kill everything in your tank. I had a neon do the same thing, thought it was pregnant until I noticed everything dead and when I squeezed that fish, I never smelt GUT ROT so bad in my life.
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    Guppy Appears Vertical

    hows things progressing? if not well you might have a nasty infection in your water, my brothers advice is to NUKE your whole tank. Eg, clean everything out boil in a pan, and microwave. Not anything metal though.
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    2 Female Guppies Hiding

    You might want to check all your neon fish and see if any of them might be swollen up, especially around the stomach area. You could be looking at a internal infection, dropsy that is slowly positing the water. I had something like that happen to me. Then the neon died, burst stomach (I thought...
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    Baby Guppies All Died:\

    You should have left your guppy's in the original tank, perhaps add floating plants or a plastic pan scrubber to float on the top, the babies would do fine and hide from the parents and grow. I have four female guppies and I just leave them in my tank and let them get on with it. Now I am...
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    Help Guppies

    I had a lot of problems by going to pets at home to get fish, After I got a few new fish from that place, Poured the water into the after leaving the bag for half an hour and then release the fish, problems began to happen for months. After my huge clean and lost a lot of fish, I am very careful...
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    Fish Dying Dont Know Why

    When you stuck your arm into the tank you might have added chemicals that were on your arm, or pulled your arm out and rested your hand on something, scratched your face and put your hand back in without realizing it. Anything could have been introduced eg shower gel, daily grime or something...
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    Fish Acting Strange! Help!

    Looks like you might have a similar problem I had that killed 90% of all my fish and wiped out three years of fish growing. Me think’s that you might have some bacteria problems in your tank, or filters that are harming your fish. Looks like you will have to Nuke your whole tank, (But only it...
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    Clown Loach Fish

    Just a quick question, I am thinking about getting a load of Clown Loach's because I used to have some before. Like the fish until something major happed to my tank and killed everything in it. My question is will fertilizer hurt these fish, or will they be happy in treated water. I normally add...