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  1. T

    Should I Begin The Cycle Over...?

    In late July I began to set up a 10 gallon tank. I was familiar with the concept of fishless cycling a tank as I had successfully cycled this same 10 gallon tank a few years ago. I recently got into a situation where I am able to keep fish again so I wanted to start the process. I followed the...
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    Honey Gourami's Never-ending Poo!

    My Honey Gourami poos like crazy. I've trained it well!
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    Honey Gourami And Silver Tipped Tetras?

    Hello. I've a 10 Gallon tank with a lone Honey Gourami in it. It's been there for a few months because originally I planned on stocking it with other fish, but that can't happen for a while now. So instead I have been considering moving the fish in my smaller tank over with it. I have a few...
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    Spotted Rasboras Vs. Harlequin Rasboras

    For weeks now I've been trying, and still am trying, to get one of the few fish stores around here to get me in some Spotted Rasboras for me to put in my tank with my lone Honey Gourami, but have been finding it difficult. It sounds like I'll get them eventually but it'll take quite a while. So...
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    I Need Some Advice...

    I'm still new to this but have successfully kept 6 Silver Tipped Tetras for several months now. They are doing fine and are quite lively, except one of them has tears on each fin and is constantly hiding inside the small hole I originally made for the Dwarf Frogs. He usually only comes out when...
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    Filter Question

    I'm going to be putting some of the filter media in tomorrow when I set up the tank. I was still planning on going through the fishless cycling process just to make sure my fish will be fine, but do I just follow the same instructions; putting ammonia into the tank to bring it up to 5 or 6 ppm...
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    Filter Question

    Hi, I already have one tank which I've been keeping for a few months now but I still consider myself to be rather new. Today I obtained a new tank which I plan to fishless cycle. When I looked at the filter that came with it I was surprised to find that it is essentially the same kind as the...
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    I've Got A New Tank...

    I've recently obtained a 10 gallon tank and have spent the past week or so reading up on fishless cycling and whatnot. I think I've decided which fish to have in there thanks to that splendid article about fish for 10 gallon tanks. I've already a bit(no way extensive) experience as I've also got...
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    A New Tank!

    Yeah, I've been getting some information on that. Would have been a good idea for me to try something like that, but at least now I know.
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    A New Tank!

    Hello Everyone, Well, we've had a 5 gallon tank now for over two months and it has been going nicely with no real problems. All are fish are fine and appear to be healthy. We've 6 Silver Tipped Tetras, 1 Blue Cory and 2 African Dwarf Frogs. They're all fine... although the algae eater we...
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    What Kind Of Fish

    My husband and I just got a new 5 gallon tank and we are looking for any suggestions as to what kind of fish or types of fish we should put in there. We are interested in maybe getting a couple dwarf frogs as well and was wondering which combinations would work. Thanks