Search results

  1. bluemoon11

    How Big A Tank Would I Need?

    Didn't see the female part, half asleep!! Yes, I would say get another tank for the fry alone aswell or a larger tank. I have my platy fry in a tank downstairs, and my 7 platys in my 120ltr community upstairs. Good luck convincing mum haha, I bought the tank online and she couldn't say no once...
  2. bluemoon11

    How Big A Tank Would I Need?

    40L would be OK but I would recommend getting 2 platy so it doesn't get lonely :D Laura x
  3. bluemoon11

    Corys For 110Litre Tank - Dorset Pea Gravel

    I would get more that 2 or 3 personally, I have 6 so far in my 120 but will be upping them to 10 in the next week :D Sounds like you have a nice assortment, thought cichlids would eat smaller fish?? Laura x
  4. bluemoon11

    Red Cherry Shrimp For Sale - Reduced To 70P Each

    PM'd you :D Thank you Laura x
  5. bluemoon11

    Breeding Pygmy Cories...

    They're adorable, congratulations on your fry!! Laura x
  6. bluemoon11

    How Many Corys?

    Thanks guys :) Will do, they are so fun to watch interacting and burying themselves. Ordered more plants and a few caves so will be re-scaping in the next week or 2 aswell, will post pictures afterwards :D Laura x
  7. bluemoon11

    How Many Corys?

    I was just wondering how many corys I could have in a 120ltr tank?? Its 3 foot long and 14 inches deep so that would be the footprint. How many could I have living happily?? I bought 4 albino cory at one of my lfs about 9 days ago and bought 2 pepper corys at another lfs which is closer to home...
  8. bluemoon11

    Red Cherry Shrimp For Sale - Reduced To 70P Each

    How much for 15 posted?? I would love some :D Laura x
  9. bluemoon11

    Rate The Last Movie You Saw

    Pirates of the Caribbean on stranger tides - 10/10 Final Destination 5 - 8/10 The Help - 9/10 The Smurfs Movie - 9/10 HILARIOUS
  10. bluemoon11

    Do You Eat Fish?

    Only fish I eat is fish fingers :lol: so cod, not a fan of anything else. Tried prawns and would eat them but not by choice.
  11. bluemoon11

    My Corys Pectorial Fins Are Disappearing!

    I used a mix of melafix and pimafix to treat fin rot and it stopped it after about 8 days. Don't use much though as it is a very strong medication!! Laura x
  12. bluemoon11

    Furry Platy?

    Just done a 50% water change in the main tank and won't feed tonight. Thanks guys, will keep an eye on her but shes not looking good :-( Laura x
  13. bluemoon11

    Furry Platy?

    :no: No dark spots, how do I treat dropsy?? I have taken her out of the tank and into a quarantine xxx
  14. bluemoon11

    Furry Platy?

    I have just noticed that one of my female platys is looking either furry or that her scales are sticking out?!! :unsure: She is also looking very fat, thought she was pregnant but not too sure now!! All my water tests came back normal, any ideas what this could be?? Thanks x
  15. bluemoon11

    Superglue Safe?

    I will for sure :D Laura x
  16. bluemoon11

    Superglue Safe?

    Thank you :D I will go ahead and order, can't wait to get everything set up and planted with my fish :) Laura x
  17. bluemoon11

    Can A Male Betta House With Guppies?

    I also love the look of male guppies but wouldn't risk it. I have a gorgeous male betta (trey) and wouldn't want anything to happen to him. Bettas won't eat regular flake food, I had to get special food for him called atisons beta pro :rolleyes: Laura x
  18. bluemoon11

    Caves / Hiding Places For Your Fish

    They're awesome!! How did you cut out the hole?? I understand people use a small saw for cutting them open and making openings but how would you just make a hole?? Really like that one :fish:
  19. bluemoon11

    Superglue Safe?

    I have read of people using superglue to attatch moss to wood or ornaments. Is this safe?? I want to order some cichlid caves for my fishies and have them blend into the plants so was thinking of glueing moss onto them??? Any input would be very much appreciated before I order :) Laura x
  20. bluemoon11

    Honduran Red Point Juveniles

    These are beautiful fish but think they would be too big for my community tank :no: Laura x
  21. bluemoon11

    Gouramies And Bettas?

    Thank you, I appreciate your advice :D I just rang the lfs and they have 2 dwarf gourami left, so I reserved them. The guy THINKS they are female but they are still small so he can't be 100% sure. They are getting another delivery in a week which is when I am hoping to pick them up so will ask...
  22. bluemoon11

    Gouramies And Bettas?

    Ok thank you, will start cycling a smaller tank too then. Is gender a big issue with DG?? I have read that the male tends to 'attack' the female if you have them in a m/f group. Don't think I have enough space for a trio?? Without the betta and minnows. I will have 6 platy and possibly 4 cory...
  23. bluemoon11

    Gouramies And Bettas?

    I am planning on getting 2 dwarf gourami once my tank is fully cycled, but wanted to check they were compatible with bettas?? I have a gorgeous betta splenden and don't want them to fight. Info on the internet advises against AND that its fine so thought I'd ask here? I can put him in a separate...
  24. bluemoon11

    Lucid Dreaming

    When I was younger I dreamt that I fell off a cliff in another world and fell out of my top bunk bed WITH SIDES?! Is that the same thing?? I think its quite an acomplishment :rofl: Laura x
  25. bluemoon11

    Background & Substrate Colors

    I bought black sand for mine, and am just waiting for the background to arrive before I can get my new tank all set up. I ordered a Juwel 3D background in black for mine, love the look against the bright colours of the fish :wub: Laura x
  26. bluemoon11

    What's Your Four Favourite Films Of All Time ?

    Bit of a mix, and theres a few :P 1. Beaches 2. Finding Nemo 3. Harry potter 4. The Unborn 5. World Trade Center 6. Bambi 7. Well basically anything disney 8. Twlight series (didn't like it before though) 9. Saw 10. Final Destination 11. Titanic (has to go in there) 12. Poison Ivy 2 13. The...
  27. bluemoon11

    T.v Programmes Favourite?

    Charmed (sci/fi) Buffy (sci/fi) Nip/Tuck (comedy I think) Big Bang Theory (comedy) Friends (comedy) House (drame/comedy) Torchwood (sci/fi POSSIBLY) Silent Witness (crime) Waking the Dead (crime) CSI (crime) Numb3rs (crime) I like alot of different shows :D
  28. bluemoon11

    Bloodworm And Cherry Shrimp

    Not sure about shrimp, but I used to put a whole cube in but it sat around for hours after the initial 'attack' so now I add between quarter and half a cube and it goes down well. No expert though Laura x
  29. bluemoon11

    Do These Go Together Well?

    Will forget the angels then :rolleyes: Sounds like they would be the biggest problem. My new tank is 120L :D
  30. bluemoon11

    Do These Go Together Well?

    Got tank ordered, background and sand. They should be here in a few days when I will be starting a fishless cycle. BUT I just wanted to check whether these fish would go together first, before I know whether I have to order special from the lfs. Gourami, corydora, angels, platy and neons...
  31. bluemoon11

    White Cloud Minnows

    How do you sex them?? I have 4 white cloud mountain minnows and didn't know there was a way to sex them?? I started out with more than 4 but after 2 got stuck in fake plants and died, I will NEVER use fake plants again!! Mine eat bloodworm fine and love it!! Never had a problem.
  32. bluemoon11

    Few Bits And Pieces.

    Thanks :D PM'd you and sent payment Laura x
  33. bluemoon11

    Your Dream Tank...

    820L with discus, angels, platys (love em) and a bunch of tetras differing species. Black sand, 3D back, heavily planted. Moonlighting through parts. Definately not enough space right now though, and tank is kept in my bedroom upstairs!! Floor won't hold much I don't think. Got a 120L coming...
  34. bluemoon11

    Few Bits And Pieces.

    Can I have the air pump please?? Do I need to PM?? You accept paypal? :D Laura x
  35. bluemoon11

    What Species Go Well?

    Thank you :) The tank height is 45cm, so 17-18 inches!! There were some gorgeous baby angels at the lfs, wasn't sure I could put them in with my platies?? Awesome if I can, they are beautiful fish!! Laura x
  36. bluemoon11

    Platy Fry

    Good luck :) I have mine separated in another tank, theres around 60-70 now, possibly more. Not even tried counting them :o When I have my new tank established, new babies will probably be left inside that tank. Its going to be very heavily planted!! Congrats on the newbies :)
  37. bluemoon11

    What Species Go Well?

    I am planning a new tank, got background and sand ordered. Just saving a bit more for the tank itself. Getting a 120L. Hoping to get a few more fish to go with my 6 platy, 1 betta and 4 minnows. Any ideas of fish that will go well with these?? I will be using my 60L as my platy fry tank once...
  38. bluemoon11

    New To Forum :)

    Thank you for the welcome :) Will take some pics of my tanks and upload them to the thread :) Really enjoying this forum so far!! Laura x
  39. bluemoon11

    Howdie :)

    Hey, nice to meet you!! I'm new too, the bigger tank thing gets bad!! I started with a 19L, then upgraded to a 30L and now have a 60L. All in 2 months xD Now got my eye on a 120L (biggest that will fit on my stand) xxx
  40. bluemoon11

    Hi New Here

    Hey, welcome. I'm new too. Loving the forum!!