Search results

  1. bluemoon11

    High Grade Red Cherry Shrimp, Sakura & Fire Red

    Do you have any left? I'm after about 20 xxx
  2. bluemoon11


    Mine is stable between 23-25c. 50% changed every 2 days, filtered fluval U2. One got stuck in ornament and lost him :( but other 3 are going nuts. So have 3 happy lil ones now. Not sure on gender? How do you tell? Here they are Xxx
  3. bluemoon11


    eBay cancelled as he sold in store!! Not happy! ONE store on island had 2 left so I went out and brought them little guys home. Drip test and all are happily swimming together. Darting everywhere I've heard they can be more difficult of the cories, with parameters etc. very important to have...
  4. bluemoon11

    Ich On New Fish

    Will do change now. Upgrading next month, saving for a bigger tank. Then once it cycled will be moving them x
  5. bluemoon11

    Pregnant Platy? Pics

    From the looks of her, maybe a week?? One of my 'males' are now looking to be female! After specifically asking for males. Grrr Going to need to redo mine too. Maybe add some stones all piled up together with tiny gaps so they can hide xxx
  6. bluemoon11

    Ich On New Fish

    Feel so bad right now, never had a problem with ich to know what it looked like. I completed a fishless cycle on a 40L tank last week and bought 3 male platy and 2 panda cory for the tank. One of the platy has what looks like white pin pricks all over his tail, checked online and says its ich...
  7. bluemoon11

    What Plec Does Pets At Home Have?

    Ours have Hong Kong plecs, britlenose and common x
  8. bluemoon11

    Pregnant Platy? Pics

    Ahh can see now. She does look pregnant! She has a slightly square looking belly which is even all across so would be most likely. Platy poop ALOT lol, mine are constantly pooping! Much better than them being constipated or bloated!! Yes pet store near me is like that, big chain store. They ask...
  9. bluemoon11

    Pregnant Platy? Pics

    Can't tell very well from the angle? Is it possible to get one of her from the side swimming straight? I know how hard it is though lol, she's lovely!! Xxx
  10. bluemoon11

    Why Cant I Sell My Bettas?

    I would happily take them off your hands if I lived anywhere near but I live on the Isle of Man lol, so nowhere near!! I love Bettas. Only have 2 so far though xxx
  11. bluemoon11


    Thank you, I will do just that!! Link is very helpful thank you :) looking forward to seeing these at their full happiness. Had albinos years ago and adored them! Will be upgrading in a few months to a bigger tank but need to make room first!!! Xxx
  12. bluemoon11

    Species Mixing?

    Ordered an extra 5 xxx
  13. bluemoon11


    None left in LFS or any other on island store. Ordered another 5 from eBay!! Hopefully they'll be a lot happier with their new friends hopefully arriving Tuesday x
  14. bluemoon11

    Species Mixing?

    Thanks guys, none of the fish shops I know of on the island have any pandas left and won't have any for a while, so I'm going to order online from direct tropicals :) xxx
  15. bluemoon11

    Species Mixing?

    Ok so I am going to check the fish store in next town over tomorrow to see if they have any pandas to join my 2 I got today (all they had) but if they don't have any will they be happy with other cory species? They usually have very small albino and peppered at that store? Or do I wait? Xx
  16. bluemoon11


    Thank you :) I will try and find some more then, we are heading to another town tomorrow that has a fish store, will see if they have any. Yes single gender, all male!! Xxx
  17. bluemoon11


    Went to my LFS today. Got new tank a bit ago and finally cycled woohoo :D well I decided I wanted to try live bearers again as I love their colours and there were 2 little panda cories in a tank with kribensis. Fell in love wit them so of course they came home with me. Question. Is 2 enough...
  18. bluemoon11

    Post Pics Of Your Beautiful Bettas Here!

    This is Nagini Ember And soon a third to join...just need to sort tank and cycle
  19. bluemoon11

    Pets At Home - Parkgate, Rotherham

    P@H Isle of Man varies every time!! Always a few tanks in quarantine but better than selling sick fish! When I bought my betta Nagini all the bettas were on the same filter system (6of them) he was the only healthy looking boy, the others looked dying or not far off. Lying on their sides on the...
  20. bluemoon11

    Single Female Betta?

    No no no!! 15L and a 20L!! Both separate!! Would never keep them together!! Was at pets at home today and they have 25% off tanks, think I could fit one more 20L!! Thanks :) xxx This is them right now Xx
  21. bluemoon11

    Single Female Betta?

    Is it cruel to keep a single female? Have got the bug bad! Would love to add a female to my 2 males! Don't have room for a big tank or I'd get a sorority!! If its not recommended I'll get another male, that's fine by me :) xxx
  22. bluemoon11

    Moss Balls

    I love my moss balls!! Liz xty I would soak your moss balls then don't see a problem if they aren't completely dried out and are still green. My first ones (2years ago) were sent from Malaysia and took 18 days to arrive. They were in a bag with drops of water but are still going!! :) xxx
  23. bluemoon11

    What Tanks Do You Recommend?

    I have one of the finding nemo tanks from pets at home 15L and a pets at home starter 19L for mine. Both build nests like crazy!! Just had a nice big water change and they're very happy boys :) going to get some gravel tomorrow, the coral sand looks too grey to me!! My dad is making me a new lid...
  24. bluemoon11

    Pink, Purple, Ivory And Blue Apple Snails For Sale

    I would be interested if you'd post too. X
  25. bluemoon11

    New Fishie - Need Names Please! :)

    He's beautiful!! Hmm name... Teale, loca? Not sure lol he's very pretty though x
  26. bluemoon11

    Please Meet Ember :)

    Thank you :) got some cabomba and elodea for back at pets at home. Will order some Anubis online :) Had to bring home another betta today, he is lilac and blue. Gorgeous!! All his friends were close to death!! Xxx
  27. bluemoon11

    Bad Shop Tanks! Grrr Pets At Home

    Went into pets at home today to look at live plants, and went to have a look at the fish too. There were 6 Siamese fighters in the tiny 5x5 tanks connected with the same filter. 4 out of the 6 looked nearly dead, lying on the gravel on their sides with gills barely moving! One was swimming into...
  28. bluemoon11

    Please Meet Ember :)

    Please meet my halfmoon boy, Ember He is a much darker red than picture shows. Heater died a few days ago, awaiting new one!! Lamp overhead keeping temp steady at the moment!! Hopefully will come in the post today!! Got this little man last week after cycling for nearly 7 weeks!! Was cycled...
  29. ember.jpg


  30. bluemoon11

    Betta And Shrimp

    Fully agreed!! Very entertaining :D ordered some pillia and marrimo moss balls so far :)
  31. bluemoon11

    Microsorum "needle"

    If you've got any left can I have one bunch please :)
  32. bluemoon11

    Betta And Shrimp

    Photos first thing!! I got 3 ammanos today :D all happily playing on my fake plant. Will be ordering some real for that tank. My betta Ember doesn't seem bothered by them at all, watched them for a while and just swam off. Not bothered in the slightest :) Thank you for suggestions, watch for...
  33. bluemoon11

    Betta And Shrimp

    Thank you, I really appreciate the help :) will let you know how I get on. LFS isn't open until Sunday but might be able to get to pets at home tomorrow. :) will post pictures tomorrow xxx
  34. bluemoon11

    Betta And Shrimp

    Thank you :) will see if my LFS carry ammano shrimp then :) if not will see if anyone here has any xxx He is very laid back :) plenty active but very calm xxx
  35. bluemoon11

    Betta And Shrimp

    Will cherry shrimps be ok with my male betta? He is very peaceful and happy fish. He's in a 20L xxx
  36. bluemoon11

    High Grade Red Cherry Shrimp, Sakura & Fire Red

    Do you have any left? xx
  37. bluemoon11

    Compatability Question

    Thank you :) Will look into suggestions!! The platys will be moved when they are bigger to my grandads tank :) xxx
  38. bluemoon11

    Compatability Question

    I have bought a new tank while my parents are away, only a 40L. Don't have any more room with my other tank and animals lol. My question is, can corys live happily with cherry shrimp? I was just thinking, they're both on the bottom. Will corys eat the shrimp? I have spent most of the day making...
  39. bluemoon11

    Any Interest In 2 Female Dg?

    No need to sell, got another tank x
  40. bluemoon11

    Wood? Where From?

    I get mine from the beach and sit it in a bucket of hot water with an airstone after a good scrubbing, changing the water everyday for a week. Never had any problems before :D Find some really nice pieces too!! Big, small, simple and funny shapes!! Laura x